Understanding the Role of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation APEC in Philippine Trade

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Understanding the Role of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation APEC in Philippine Trade and Investment

This virtual event will present two related PIDS studies, namely, “Perception Survey in the Philippines on APEC” and “The Evolution of APEC and its Role in Philippine Trade and Investment”.

The first paper, which was written by PIDS Senior Research Fellow Dr. Francis Mark A. Quimba and PIDS Research Specialist Mr. Sylwyn C. Calizo Jr., measured the level of awareness of stakeholders about the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC). Specifically, it assessed their perception on APEC’s importance, influence, and relevance to the Philippines, and gathered their insights on how they envision APEC and the Philippines post-2020.

The results of the perception survey showed that APEC's achievement of its economic goals is rated more highly compared to its environmental and social goals. Stakeholders are also more optimistic about APEC providing better trade and investment in the region than it is to achieving environmental and social scenarios. Further, stakeholders generally perceived that services needed increased priority than products post-2020.

The second paper was coauthored by Dr. Francis Mark A. Quimba and PIDS Supervising Research Specialist Mark Anthony A. Barral. It presented how the APEC has evolved as an institution, the changes it has undergone, and the challenges it has faced for the past decades. The study also enumerated the roles of APEC in positioning the Philippines in the global economy.

00:02:40 Promotional videos
00:10:12 Webinar guidelines
00:15:30 Introduction by the Moderator, Dr. Sheila Siar, Director for Research Information, PIDS
00:17:10 Opening Remarks by Dr. Celia Reyes, PIDS President
00:26:55 Understanding the Role of APEC in Philippine Trade and Investment by Dr. Francis Mark Quimba, Senior Research Fellow, PIDS
01:14:13 Comments by DTI Multilateral Relations Chief Ms. Sherylyn Aquia
01:39:10 Comments by DFA-OUIER Acting Assistant Secretary Eric Gerardo Tamayo
02:00:34 Open Forum
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