Is it possible to become immortal?

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Being immortal sounds rewarding, right? What if we told you that it may be possible for humans to achieve immortality in the near future? Regardless of your age, the concept of death is a bummer, and the idea of immortality has always been among humankind’s top priorities; from alchemists trying to find the elixir of life to sultans or kings sending heralds to faraway lands in search of Adam’s wine. We can also see humanity’s longing for immortality in great written pieces. Epics such as Gilgamesh and Odyssey are full of references to this longing, and we also see the promise of an eternal afterlife in religious texts.

As time passed, the accumulation of scientific and medical knowledge led us to accept death as a part of life; however, humans are still seeking an answer to the question of how to live forever. Well, thanks to the recent developments in technology along with medicine, scientists say that it may be possible to achieve immortality and life forever.

It sounds like a science fiction movie scenario, but we might be able to slow down the aging process of cells or upload our consciousness to the cloud in the future. What is more intriguing is that all of this can happen way sooner than you might expect! If you are wondering about just how close we are to immortality and how to live forever, be sure to check our video.

Рекомендации по теме

I wanted to be immortal not because of memories of friends, families, lovers, ex lovers but I want to see the world progress...


Immortality would also reduce the stress and time pressure of studies, You can potentially take as long as you want to learn everything


I want to be immortal because of my fear of death. Until I see a sign of a afterlife I will willingly die.


I want to be immortal only for two reasons. The first reason is, I want to see how the world will look like in the future. The second reason is, I don’t want to die and leave the people who I love.


I want to be immortal because I want to keep all the memories in my life, whether friends, family, lovers, I want to keep them.


I believe we could achieve this if we created an self aware ai that could learn more fast than a human and learn all the information we have about life, it may figure out the way


I want to live for thousands of years. Gimme


I want to be immortal, because I don’t see why I should exist to perish I want to keep living, keep witnessing, keep experiencing


science needs to advance, social relations also need to evolve


I’m 1220 and I’m not old at all. Just because I took the amazing pill 😍😍


someone already becomed immortal, like attila the hun or napoleon, it doesnt matter if u are not unkillable, if they remember you for thousands year you already becomed immortal


I want my whole family to be immortal so I can live with my loved ones forever. I will be immortal until we prove the afterlife is real.


5:02 there is a game created, where the surface of the earth became unlivable, and the remaining humans ( who lived in an underwater facility ) tried to use the "upload conciousness" technique to save the last of humanity its interesting and sad its called "soma" you can watch videos about the lore if you dont want to play the game


The idea of living forever thanks to technology is absolutely thrilling. Just imagine being able to enjoy life without worrying about the passage of time. With genetic engineering, artificial intelligence, and other technologies, we could leave behind the concept of death. It's a concept that raises a lot of questions, but the possibility of achieving immortality through medical technology is simply amazing.


We want to be years old. The queen could live forever.


I could finally have the time to reach Gold in League


I'd want to be immortal as a punishment tbh like for my sins


Uploading my mind into a cloud is the worst case scenario, basically the mind that get uploaded is just a copy of me and the real me is slowly dying, as a person who believe afterlife this terrifies me, biological immortality with virtual reality is the best route for me, sadly the uploading mind is closest route that we can achieve


They'd probably find a way to transfer you conscience to a robot body like Doom patrol


I’m not sure if I wanna become immortal or not, I don’t want to die, I’m terrified of dying, but it feels like if you live forever, eventually you’d get bored of living, so I’m not sure
