Is It Possible To Become Lactose Intolerant In Old Age?

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Mine started 20 years ago at age 30. From there It took about 6 years to go from mild to severe. 😵‍💫


I had all dairy as a kid and i was fine. As i got to be about 8 to 10, no more milk and very very little cheese. Yogart and ice cream was fine. Im 33 now, 8 months ago i could eat pizza from just about anywhere and be fine. Lately even when i have what used to be my favorite pizza, im throwing up and shitting myself. Hell, i even tried taking all of the cheese off and i still have the same problem. Thank goodness for now i can still eat ice cream and thats the totality of my dairy damnit


At age 35 I could no longer drink milk.
At age 46 I had to give up pizza with real cheese, butter chicken.
Still poking the bear with ice cream


Im now 32 and i cant drink the rest of the milk in my cereal or im making a few trips to the bathroom.


I pass a lot of gas. That said, I enjoy the activity of farting. I like hearing the difference sounds. What causes the different sounds?
