Dead for 11 Hours: My Unexpected Journey to Heaven and Hell with Jim Woodford | Full Episode

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He lived his life for everything the world could offer, but when he died for 11 hours, he quickly realized his life was headed in the wrong direction... Hear Jim Woodford's gripping first-hand account of heaven and hell that will give you a greater understanding of life after death!

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The after life is real and I experienced it in 2000 when I was clinically dead without a pulse or heartbeat for 40 minutes. Your spirit lives on and it's as real as you are right now, God is real too. His light is absolutely beautiful, it's 10x's brighter than the sun but doesn't hurt your eyes to look upon him. I didn't see his face but I did experience his love peace and forgiveness as it surpassed the front of my body coming out the back. As soon as it hit me I instantly began to whelp uncrontrollably. These are not made up stories and I can vouch for it cause I experienced it myself


Please pray for me for depression. It's overwhelming, and I feel so alone. 🙏


My mom passed away in Sept of 21 of covid. A few months after I had been feeling a heaviness in my chest and I had the thought cross my mind of a heart attack. One night after getting my 3 kids to bed I was walking to my room and felt very weak and started seeing black...felt as if I would pass out so I went to my room only got to the inside room and kneeled down in case I did lose consciousness. I said lord am I dying? I felt a heavy sense of death..within mins I guess I was on the floor still but I was in his presence in heaven... I seen a light so bright but it was so inviting and was a soft yet overwhelming sound of the wind or the ocean like a whooshing but like a really soft tone to. I seen things in my life and the most vivid part was seeing God's eyes...I couldn't see a face because of brightness but he had flames in his eyes it didn't scare me I just felt that he was showing me his love...I felt more in love than I ever had. It didn't matter where I was anywhere else at that moment because it felt as though he was holding me and just telling me that GOD IS LOVE.. PURE WHOLE LOVE. It was an experience I will never forget and I remember asking him to let me go back to help someone find him.. I remember saying my babies I can't leave them alone they won't know I've gone.. and then in an instant I was in my body and I was weeping.. I just felt his love and I knew he is real. I never went and had my heart or anything checked but I just know whatever it was he took me there and he told me to tell other about his love!!! He doesn't care about your past...he just loves you if you will let him into your heart!!! I promise you there is No greater love or joy than his. ♥︎


I am from Kenya I am drawn closer to God by the testimony. I am pleading God's forgiveness and cleansing and restoration from what I would sincerely call backsliding. Restore me oh God. Amen.


My Dad was a pilot in the Canadian Armed Forces. Listening to this Gentleman and hearing "pilot speak" sure does remind me of Him. Old pilots have a way of using flying expressions to put emphasis on their statements...and I find it quite charming. Those type of gentlemen are a dying breed because they really do act and speak like Gentlemen. My Dad was one of that kind and I'm afraid that once their generation is gone, there will be none like it ever again.


As a Christian in the Middle East trying to live as a faithful Christian, I wept.
I am so blessed by this testimony.


My son is diagnosed with schizophrenia could you please put him on your prayer list his name is jimmy


I lost my father 2 weeks ago. I came here to tell myself he is in a happy place now😢 this kind of video helps me bear pain and helps me sleep


Yes Jim’s story touched my heart, especially when he went home to Heaven. As a child I wasn’t loved very much and all my life I’ve felt an outcast, even though I married and have a wonderful husband, two adult children, but I never felt truly loved, the feeling worsened as I grew old. I yearn for love and have always hoped I might just get into Heaven to be with my Lord and feel the great warmth of His love, my beloved Creator. So I wept as I listened to Jim. You see I am far from perfect and it frightens me that I will never get to Heaven and feel His Love. I pray and talk to the Lord but nowadays it is difficult to go out and help others as I am old and frail. I hope others have been inspired by Jim’s story, have gained strength in their beliefs in the Lord and Jim’s story has been of great comfort to them all. God Bless you All. I send you my love and my prayers.🙏❤️🙏


I worked as a volunteer in a hospital a long time ago. I heard stories from nurses about the near death experience by patients. At one point the head nurse told me about a story of a young man who was clinically dead. The doctors were getting ready to perform the autopsy when several orderlies noticed something odd. Several doctors examined him. He was actually in a deep coma. So deep that his bio signs were barely detectable. He came back to us three weeks later. He made a ninety percent recovery. He said he did not remember what happened.


I am so looking forward to going to heaven. God is the only one that I know that has true love for me.


I have been to heaven several times...but I went while praying and dancing in the SPIRIT. ❤❤❤


I died 14 days after I saw Jesus extending His hand to touch me. What I encountered during my unfamiliar journey is yet to be revealed. What I remember is Jesus and a big crowd of people and kind of light I saw before I came back to life and where I found myself and the people I saw around me and the hospital where I woke up to new life as a transformed and new man.


I had an NDE when I was around 8 years old and swimming with my brother who was 10 years older. I had fell under water and couldn't find the surface. I knew my lungs had filled with salt water. All I remember was time slowing down almost Immediately! I was sitting on the bottom of the ocean sandy floor a complete and total peace came over me giving me unexplainable chills under water, but not from the water temperature, this was a totally different chill that felt like it traveled through my beings inner core, and then surrounded me giving me goosebumps all up and down my arms. I didn't feel any need to fight to survive!! There was no desire or thoughts to survive, struggle to make my way to surface, or anything!! I just sat there instantly having the though that, "It's fine, just stay put, and everything will be okay..." I saw a large pan fish swimming straight towards my face! It almost seemed to stop and stare into my eyes face to face with me. s strange!, Then a few minutes later ( I presume?) I was vigorously yanked up by my arm! My brother pulled me up quickly and I gasped for air. shocking up water...and trying to catch my breathe!! eventually I coughed enough to clear out my lungs to breath on my own.


This is incredible. I believe I was led to this page today. Last night I was having difficulty praying as I was in deep despair. I really felt my prayers were not sufficient. At some point in time my body felt like I was being wrapped in a warm blanket of love. I thought this won’t last long but it did. This incredible loving embrace held me until I fell asleep but I didn’t want to sleep because it felt so good. Today this page came up in my recommended and I listened to Jim’s testimony. May God bless you and keep you always. To anyone reading my words who feels like we all do at times, that our words of prayer seem insufficient and we can only utter please help me Lord, God he is listening, and he loves us. Amen. 🙏❤️


This just made me excited for heaven, I’d want nothing more than to be with my nana again ❤️ I pray I’m doing everything right


Dear ones,

I’m going through a lot of chronic pain over three weeks.

The whole side bead kidney is inflamed and I cannot sleep at night for the excruciating pain. and now I have terrible constipation which makes things worse.

I’ve been to the hospital and clinic to have blood and urine and also scans and X-rays

Please please could you send up some intercession prayer that I could be delivered of these chronic pains —- I can barely walk

Lots of thanks fir your ministry ….
Stephen in Hungary


I experienced an out of body experience when in college. Though I never went to heaven I was lack of better words floating on the ceiling. I could see myself and my girlfriend in complete detail. I eventually crawled back into body and woke up covered in sweat and breathing heavily. My girlfriend was bewildered what was happening and how I was so shaken. I’ve never experienced anything remotely like this 40 years later. So I definitely believe in the afterlife and believe and love God.


My daughter was a Christian, but also really demonized and commited a suicide, but I got prophecy from a pastor and he told me that my dayghter was deceived by enemy and they consumed her mind, but God said that he love her dearly and saved her fro hell cause ememy was sure when they destroyed her she is theirs...God is beautiful and good God...he loves us unconditionally if we believe in his son Jesus, we are his...period...after her death I got baptized in Jesus name...Praise God....he is beautiful, amazing and good God...Hallelujah ❤🙏


Thank you so much for this testimony! Those were the exact words that I needed to hear tonight! Praise God! I am a sinner and repent of that which is unpleasing to God. I love Him with all of my heart. I am so blessed to be forgiven!!! What a beautiful day it will be when Jesus Christ comes to take us home!
