Buying spree: China invests in Europe | Made in Germany

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Chinese companies have gone on a buying spree in Europe, investing a good twenty billion euros here in 2015. Economist Shuwen Bian has been taking a closer look at this phenomenon. Grit Hofmann rides along with her to Duisburg, where the Chinese state-owned WISCO Corporation has acquired a subsidiary of ThyssenKrupp.
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Seems like economist know more than business owner.


There are incredibly sincere Chinese people that try to elevate mankind, not just Chinese-kind. Incredible people, such heart and wisdom, well worth supporting. However, business fraud is so rampant in China. It's all over their own news. They don't know how to control the enormous amount of fraud that comes with $ yet. They're self-aware enough to know that, and I applaud it. However, as the end of this video suggests, if Germany doesn't pick it's partners very very carefully it ultimately entering into an ironic German Faustian bargain. It would be terrible to lose Germany as one of the premier, low fraud solution providing powerhouses of the world. We need to model the best of Germany, and elevate the rest of the world to it's level. Not buy Germany and lower it to the rest of this increasingly crappy world's level. Such a bad idea.


There is a desire ..On " Made in Germany" they sipp like pyhton.


This is great news for Eurasian economic integration and development, concerning the procurement of infrastructure to establish supply chains and capitalise on existing production technologies. Russia is a powerhouse for materials and energy generation particularly in the field of nuclear power and the production of electricity


Good china I love china feture in china
