The Battle for Bothawui - LEGO Star Wars: The Clone Wars

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When Republic Clone Troopers become overwhelmed by advancing Battle Droid forces, a detachment of the 501st Legion is sent in to push through Separatist defenses and help turn the tides in the war for Bothawui.
Special thanks to Tagubahidden for voicing the Clone Troopers. Definitely go check out his channel for more Clone Wars stop motions.
After a year of production, I’m happy to present my longest and most ambitious animation to date. I’d just like to thank everyone who supported me during this time as this project would never have been possible without your encouragement.
Hoping to post many more animations for 2022!
Animated in Stop Motion Studio Pro
Frame rate: 15 FPS
Blaster / Lightsaber effects made using SaberMovieFX
Smoke / Muzzle Flashes were made using GunMovieFX
Explosions created using Pyro Movie FX
In total, this video consists of 10,620 frames.
Music Used:
Star Wars: Cal Kestis Theme | EPIC VERSION
The Clone Wars: ARC Trooper Theme | EPIC VERSION
STAR WARS | 01. Devastator of Worlds by Daniel Ciurlizza
Star Wars: Darth Maul & Savage Opress Theme | EPIC VERSION
Order 66: Inquisition (Star Wars Orchestral Soundtrack)
Star Wars: The Clones Theme | TWO STEPS FROM HELL STYLE
The Clones Epic Original Theme - Brothers In Arms
#bountyhunter_bricks #legoclonewars #legoclonewarsstopmotion #lego501st #lego501stopmotion #legostarwars #legostarwarsstopmotion #legostarwarsbattle #501stlegion #bountyhunterbricks
BountyHunter Bricks 2022 Lego Clone Wars Animation Brickfilm.
Special thanks to Tagubahidden for voicing the Clone Troopers. Definitely go check out his channel for more Clone Wars stop motions.
After a year of production, I’m happy to present my longest and most ambitious animation to date. I’d just like to thank everyone who supported me during this time as this project would never have been possible without your encouragement.
Hoping to post many more animations for 2022!
Animated in Stop Motion Studio Pro
Frame rate: 15 FPS
Blaster / Lightsaber effects made using SaberMovieFX
Smoke / Muzzle Flashes were made using GunMovieFX
Explosions created using Pyro Movie FX
In total, this video consists of 10,620 frames.
Music Used:
Star Wars: Cal Kestis Theme | EPIC VERSION
The Clone Wars: ARC Trooper Theme | EPIC VERSION
STAR WARS | 01. Devastator of Worlds by Daniel Ciurlizza
Star Wars: Darth Maul & Savage Opress Theme | EPIC VERSION
Order 66: Inquisition (Star Wars Orchestral Soundtrack)
Star Wars: The Clones Theme | TWO STEPS FROM HELL STYLE
The Clones Epic Original Theme - Brothers In Arms
#bountyhunter_bricks #legoclonewars #legoclonewarsstopmotion #lego501st #lego501stopmotion #legostarwars #legostarwarsstopmotion #legostarwarsbattle #501stlegion #bountyhunterbricks
BountyHunter Bricks 2022 Lego Clone Wars Animation Brickfilm.