Paul and His Letter to the Ephesians | N.T. Wright Online

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Prof. N.T. Wright teaches on one of the most powerful letters in the New Testament focusing on joining heaven and earth.

Prof. N.T. Wright, renowned biblical scholar and historian, will walk you through Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians. This course begins with the big picture of God’s ultimate intention of bringing forth the joining of ‘heaven’ and ‘earth’, reuniting what had been fractured long ago. Paul explains that, through the Messiah, God has brought together one new humanity. This new family of God will lead to a different way of thinking, speaking, and living. In addition, attention is given to the reality of the unseen world as it plays out in the lives of this New Family which lives in unity and holiness. Dig deep into the New Testament through studying this wonderful and practical epistle.
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Its is claimed that the apostles linked 'God the Father' & 'The Lord Jesus Christ' as if they were presenting the two as ONE! Just the epistle to the Ephesians proves this a 'twisting' of scripture! Starting with Paul's intro 1:3 "Blessed be the GOD AND FATHER OF the Lord Jesus Christ". Then 1:17 "That the GOD OF our Lord Jesus Christ". Then 2:16 "(Christ) Reconciled us TO GOD". Then 3:9; "God who created all things THROUGH Christ". Then 3:14 "I bow my knees unto THE FATHER OF our Lord Jesus Christ". Then 4:6 "9There is ONE GOD AND FATHER of all, who is ABOVE ALL..". 5:2 "(Christ) hath loved us and hath given himself for us as an offering and a SACRIFICE TO GOD". 5:20; "Giving thanks always for ALL THINGS UNTO GOD THE FATHER in the name of Jesus Christ". The FATHER is Supreme!
