Low and Slow Prime Rib - Easy No Fail Prime Rib Method - Food Wishes

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This is the simplest, most fail-safe version for cooking a Prime Rib, boneless or bone-in, ever invented. If you can’t make a perfectly pink prime rib using this method, just stop trying to cook prime rib. Enjoy!

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been subscribed since I was 12 years old, I'm 21 now, yet you're still here making awesome recipes. Merry Christmas, chef john!


My 19 year old college daughter made us prime rib for Christmas 2023 TO PERFECTION following your methods and tips to aT! I was sooo thrilled. Thank you!


Sometimes I wonder whether I watch chef John for his useful recipes and techniques, his stunning shots of amazing food or his unmatched witty comments, then I realize that I do.


Chef John is a national treasure. We must protect him at all costs ❤ I went to culinary school but I’m learning so much here. Happy 2023 to all may our best years be ahead of us 🎉


That's the way I've been doing it for decades, from a few days uncovered in the fridge, salted. Then on a rack, (water in bottom of pan) oven @ 300 F until 115-129 F internal. C'est magnific! This man gets it.


I've been using your 500 degree, 5 minutes x wt. Always works and to me the simplest. But I'll try this 2 day dry-out. We always have prime rib for Christmas. UPDATE: My husband like it roasted this way. The hardest part was whenever I opened the fridge and see that hunk of meat waiting to roast. The temptation to throw it in the oven sooner than 48 hrs was tortuous to my patience.


thnank you i am 84 and this is the first time i bought a priem rib in my life i have never cooked one before and wanted a simple recipe


Chef John: ending family food-feuds, one video at a time.
Much love (and many thank you-s!).


I reserved my prime rib piece 2 days ago at the butchery after seeing your primerib sauce video, thanks so much for the follow up with how to cook the whole prime rib!! <3
My guests at christmas will enjoy this so much.


John… I’ve been using your “Food wishes Method” for 4 years. Don’t mess with a good thing!!!!


I hope I don't screw up this $100 roast. I've watched this video 40 times I think this week lol😂


“But I shouldn’t judge, in front of you…”😂🤣😂
Chef John, great recipe and Merry Christmas!!


I watched the gravy episode, and drooled. So thanks very much for posting the second part... and making me drool again😆😉
I'm sold. Making both for my xmass dinner, in a toaster oven😯 I've never cooked a standing rib roast, let alone in a toaster oven. I've done plenty of roasted & stuffed chickens, small turkeys also stuffed and many other cuts of beef roasts, broiled steaks, beautiful delicious breads and pies and have had mostly pretty good success. I'm confident I can make my roast pretty tasty. Chef John does a great job explaining all the "whys?". When I can learn a thing that way and add it to how and what I already know about cooking, you almost can't lose.
We have to have our dinner on Thurs. due to work schedules so I started preparing last night. To CMA, I just bought a really, really cheap, bone on rib roast. The grocery store I bought it from didn't have anything cryovaced. And the tiny roast I bought was the only one they had in their meat case. Not as much marbling as I'd like, but I have a meat thermometer and not enough $ for a more expensive grade of rib roast, not that they even had any anyway. Pretty sure what I bought I've seen referenced as "cannery grade". What ever the actual grade is and with Chef John's fine instructions and explanations and my trusty thermometer, I know it'll be good at the least. At best it'll be awesome. It is a nice looking hunk of meat other than not much fat.
I've tried so many of Chef John's recipes and techniques, I've had to make adjustments along the way due to the toaster oven cooking... but it always turns out, Every. Single. Time. So my deepest appreciation and most sincere thanks to Chef John. You've made my tastebuds & belly very happy over the years and I continue to learn. You're the best! Merry Christmas to You & Yours and a Very Happy New Year.🎄


The 500 degree rib roast recipe is how I first found Chef John many years ago. I still do it every holiday season. I might try this one in the pellet smoker but it's hard to beat the bark the 500 degree recipe produces.


I used this recipe for my Christmas prime rib roast. It was my first time cooking it and it turned out amazing. I cooked it a little longer because my husband won't eat it if it's too pink, but despite cooking it for 2.5 hours it came out juicy and cooked all the way through. I would suggest this recipe for your rib roast it was fantastic. Thank you for your hard work! Merry Christmas!


Chef John gets many mentions in Adam Ragusea's cooking videos. He's a legend.


We made this yesterday, and it turned out amazing. I made a compound butter with smashed garlic, salt, black paper and rosemary and smeared it all over the roast. I roasted it at a slightly lower temperature because I was worried the garlic would burn. Once the interior was at the temp I wanted I cranked the heat up and let the exterior brown a little. So delicious. Happy holidays! 🎄😋


We made this today for our Christmas dinner. We salted and air dried in the fridge for 48 hrs. Just one bone roast for the two of us. Added adobo to the butter rub. Perfection! A new favorite. Happy Holidays!


I’ve been waiting for this since the gravy episode:-)


Man I did method X a few times years ago from your channel and it works great. I was newer to cooking then but now i usually cook it normally at 275-300F until 118F and then turn it to 500F for about 10 mins. Always enjoy different methods and this one is pretty straightforward.

In this era of cooking EVERYONE should already have a wired/wireless probe thermometer. Theyre dirt cheap now so no excuses.
