Tia Mowry Reveals How She Knew It Was Time to End Her Marriage

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Tia Mowry opened up about how she knew it was time to end her 14-year-long marriage to Cory Hardrict on Wednesday’s ‘Today.’
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She trying to not speak bad on him… she said a lot of nothing but it’s clear she wasn’t happy bc u don’t divorce someone bc u wana focus on u and career u can do that with a husband and kids still. It’s more to the story but she doesn’t owe us that


Do not be deceived people… Marriage is a LIFELONG commitment. Before you jump the broom to say I do, you better make sure that it’s with the person you plan to commit to for a lifetime! This society has normalized divorce and it’s sad. I don’t get how a failed marriage can be considered a success??? That’s madness!


I thought I was in the same place and almost ended my marriage. I then realized my husband had nothing to do with my happiness- that was all on me. I was happy before I met him, and I was happy when I met him, so he nor the marriage subtracted from my happiness. I was almost deceived to think he was the reason I started feeling unhappy. Through Jesus and therapy, I found my happiness again with him being by my side to enjoy it with me. Now, we’re happy together again! Sometimes, weathering the storm isn’t easy, but the sun does eventually shine again. I noticed Tia hasn’t professed to be Christian in years. That may have something to do with it too.


Marriage isn't always about happiness, especially if you're wanting your spouse to make you happy. People tend to confuse happiness with marriage then get disappointed when it doesn't happen.


my grandparents had moments where things went horrible yet they grew and matured through the storms of life as grandma said we didn’t always like each other but at the end of the day we loved each other


I love how she responds without being messy or accusatory. Very mature and classy.


I’m tired of women breaking up their marriage, to “love yourself” or “find themselves” that’s bs! Just say the truth, you don’t love your spouse anymore and that’s it! I don’t understand how they can just break off their family like that, such a selfish choice.


How is, being married for 14 years, waisting each others time and putting kids in the middle of it, a successful marriage? How did you, after 14 years, decide that it was time to put yourself first? That should've happened BEFORE marriage and children. I wish the best for the family but this just breaks my heart. Then on top of that, your getting so much attention from it... This world glorifies divorce and a whole lot more things that are just down right sad


The exact same thing happened to me a year ago. I lost my brother and then the following spring my cherished uncle who was like a father to me. I too realized that life is far too short to be unhappy and have no peace. Needless to say changes were immediately made.


It is ignorant to marry for happiness. Happiness is a result of what is happening. Been married 16 yrs, challenges have come but instead of focusing on trying to be happy in those challenges, we focused on our love, true commitment to God and our vows. And NO he or I never cheated but even if that was the case, I’m committed to my vow, hard work, love, growth and joy which my Bible tells me that this world didn’t give and cannot take away.


She gave a lot of non information but somehow ET got what caused the divorce


It’s the character and integrity for me. There are some things that should be kept private and she is doing an awesome job at protecting that. I wished they could have made it wk but God knows what go’s on behind closed doors. I am wishing her nothing but the best!


Tia seemed like she was holding back tears. Like she really wants to cry. She is trying really hard to remain strong. That's good but stop coming on these shows, social media and doing interviews. Then you won't feel the need to prove to everyone that your fine. Divorce is hard and unpleasant enough. Without having to explain and convince everyone that your good.


You have to love yourself. Because people pleasing will kill you. The more you do the less they do. That not living that surviving. Peace is priceless.


I will Never Normalize unhappiness. Seasons change. People change… What you Put up with in your 20’s and 30’s Seems Different in Your 40’s. She Looks Way Happier Now then when she was with Him. Marriage is Not for Everyone. And Hear this Women. The Only One who will Ever Love ❤️ You Unconditionally is Jesus! He Literally Died 4 You. Respectfully Single.Happy.and Proud🙏🏾


Any relationship that steals your joy, release it!


Marriage failure should not be something we praise. Sad. My husband and I are married for the long haul. I like Tia but she make it seem like she's so strong....it's OK to stay positive and cry.


Tia is handling this very well and i applaud her. She is not acting bitter or like a woman scorned. I believe she is giving women who are in toxic marriages feeling stuck hope again. To stay in a marriage for image or convenience is unhealthy. She realized life is short and if she isn’t getting what she wants now then she most likely never will. If she doesn’t look out for her happiness who will.


My parents are almost in their 70’s, they coexist in the same house and live a very separate life from each other. They do have the same friends from 60 years ago and will attend events with each other. It works for some people but if you are ready to really move on and start a new life, do it for your own sanity.


I'm seeing a lot of post concerning marriage and it being a life long commitment, but I have seen and known way too many women/men who have tried and tried in their marriages and wasted so much time trying to stick with a marriage that is no longer serving it's purpose. People are unhappy trying to MAKE it work.
