How Lightsaber Color Tells Us What They're Really Made of! (Because Science w/ Kyle Hill)

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Star Wars has one of the most legendary weapons in the lightsaber, but it’s not made of light or as George Lucas said “a laser sword.” But could their color tell us what it really is? Kyle uses Jedi science on this week's Because Science!

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_when you're so much of a nerd that you thought lightsaber blades being plasma was common knowledge_


Welcome to 1999.

1. Plasma was established as the primary medium of Lightsaber blades roughly around the time of the Phantom Menace.

2. "Laser Sword" is considered a slang word by the ignorant masses in the SW universe who never saw a Lightsaber before. Similar to calling the Force "Magic". Though Obiwan explains the science behind the Force in a New Hope, people still viewed it as "Magic".

3. In respect to the cutting issue keep in mind the Star Wars universe has pretty much perfected anti gravity repulsion and use it in droids, speeder bikes, and utility tools. This repulsion could act as mass to give the saber the ability push the plasma against objects.

So in essence an electromagnetic outer shell to give the blade its shape, plasma to give its color and heat, a repulsor core to provide the mass and resistance to stop another Lightsaber or cut through a thick material.


He's seriously not gonna stop till he figures out how to make a functioning model is he? lol


*Plasmatana* is the best word I've ever heard.


So pretty much we are looking at portable plasma torches?


Why is Mace Windu's lightsaber purple?

All of the other colours argon!

I'll be leaving now


What if the kyber crystals are the solidified gases, and the crystals are dissolved slowly for the gas?
Additionally, could an electromagnetic field really deflect the plasma bolts?


I recall a TV show call "Sci-fi Science" covering this topic a few years back, but I have to say that I enjoy this video and the details you give in this video much more than in that 30-minute episode of TV. Well done, sir!


plasmatana, this video was made so you could say that wasn't it


I suggest that the gas is removed from the lightsaber, making it invisible. #realsurpriselightsaber


The Hills Have I wish you were able to do like 2-3 videos a week!!!! But I know you have your science vs fiction debate videos and such to take care of as well as bunches of other cool stuff. You are easily my number 1 favorite YouTuber, please keep up the hilariously informative awesomeness!! :) Binge watching your content is a great way to end the day, for sure!


This is legitimately my favorite show on YouTube. I love your enthusiasm plus you teach me so much about actual science. I was always a bit of a science nerd in high school, but always thought the study of physics was beyond me. Thanks for showing all this cool stuff and how it relates to real science!


Plasma. Or plasma not. There is no laser.


Once Obi Wan asked Mace Window why he has the only purple Lightsaber.

He told him that all good ones Argon.


I love these videos. Why....?

Because science


I forget where it said this, but I heard that the type of crystal used isn't essential in plasmatanas, any crystal could be used for it to function. Sure, some would work better than others, but so long as it's using any crystal at all, it will at least function. You could use quartz, sugar, or even the salt from the tears of your enemies.


Didnt Know I Was A Nerd Until I Found Myself Watching All Of You Guys Videos


Actually, I would argue the possibility that the Star Wars galaxy exists in a different universe, hence lightsabers, hyperdrives, the Force (which is a real, tangible thing that can be tested) and sound in space. A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away could refer to another, older universe where the laws of physics are slightly different to our own. This is also my answer for every comic book mystery ever. :P


Also, you explained red, blue, green, and purple, but you also need to explain yellow, white, black, orange, gold, brown, silver.


One of the quintessential, most awesome episodes ever.
Lightsabers are absolutely plasma trapped in a tuned magnetic field.
The magnetic field is strong in itself. Gyroscopic even.
The heat of the trapped plasma is a nice by-product, but that tuned magnetic field...
Not quite a sushi knife, but it'll deflect a plasma blaster or burn though almost anything in the wavelength range.
