Changli: What NO ONE Told You! | Changli Kit Overview

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Really not sure why people keep saying shes a sub dps when her only buff to team members is the outra skill and s4. Not to mention that her whole kit is meant to be on field, its essentially like saying danjin is a sub dps just cause she buffs havoc damage with the outro skill (she only works as a sub dps for havoc mc tbh). Changli is a main dps and it doenst make sense to call her otherwise imo


Changli def seems to be built for the main dps role that wants a LOT of on field time who just so happens to have a weird passive that doesn’t synergize with the rest of her kit but instead buffs other fusion characters. I feel like the devs wanted her to be a main dps but the community got confused and chalked her up to be “fusion yinlin” but imo that’d probably be a bad way to play her since all she really does to support other characters is a 20% damage buff to fusions while yinlin gives off field damage. I think changli will def be best as a main dps who can swap to another fusions dps once her rotation is over rather than just being encore fodder. But who knows, until we can play her it’s a mystery


"you ask, i deliever"
ok give me s6 jinhsi


Her passive? dmg buff for herself. Her ulti? dmg buff for herself. Her skill? Enter a state (12s, which is not a short duration) which she does more dmg by herself and require her to be onfield. Her constellation? More dmg for her basic and heavy attack. What kind of subdps is this when literally everything require her to be onfield and be aggressive to benefit from.

Even the leak tags tagged her as main dps.


I like Jinhsi’s moveset, she’s basically Luna Laurel from PGR. And I need Lucia’s best friend


If you do a true sight attack in the air, you will plunge to be ground and the next normal attack you do will be the 3rd sequence of the ground normal attack strings. HOWEVER, this is not true for the ground true sight attack, you are stuck on the ground after that and you have to do a ground charged attack which will launch you into the air and the next normal attack you do will be the 3rd sequence of the airborne normal attack string.

Please read her kit more carefully 🙏


Youre right, no one told me because she isnt out yet


Changli is a bona fide main DPS with high flexibility to incorporate a second fusion DPS into the team (As sub dps) Chixia and Encore both have potential to be run alongside her


finally someone has someone big brains that knows that changli is main dps.


changli is a main dps * not sub the leaks mentionned


I need to know who started the idea of her being a sub dps litterally everything about her wants her on the field, most sub dps like yinlin do damage off field and i am pretty sure she has nothing of the sort


Actually Curious now, since she’s more of a main dps would Chixia be a good sub for her?

Cause i think Chixia’s burst hits hard so Changli’s outro can be somewhat utilized with her and Chixia doesnt take much onfield time (i think).

As for Chixia’s energy u can just do some quick swap cancels between her and changli. Or smth like that


A character that needs a lot of field time is not a sub DPS. Just like yin Lin she needs a good amount of field time to everything in order. I'm not impressed by the weapon though tbh. I'm thinking the Genesis sword might be a great alternative


Sounds like a complicated character to use. I for sure can't remember all this stacks and stuffs while in battle, and have to dodge as well haha.


Any character who needs to be onfield to deal damage and doesn't have off-field dmg present is always a main dps and never a sub-dps. Change my mind 🤣🤣


Is your channel name supposed to be thunder?


Yea weapon should have been crt damage or crt rate and gave her that 34% atk on the weapon kit instead -.-


Sounds like her attack dmg bucket will be oversaturated. 4-4-1-1-1 might be better for her to push crit to 80%+


Changli, Encore, Verina/Baizhi ❌
Changli, Chixia, Taoqi ✅

Taoqi doubters just have skill issue


I want jinshi but shell take my sanhua away from my encore..

If I pull changli who does she work with..?

Encore, sanhua, verina
Calcharo, yangyan(cope), baizhi (4 star healer)

I only have few characters to work with... should I pull yinlin for my calcharo??.

My other chara are mortefi, old electro def scaling dude, 4 star red hair havoc, yangyang, baizhi, 4 star red har fusion gunner.. 😂😂😅
