The Lord of Light's Plan for Jon Snow

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Jon Snow's resurrection was one of the biggest moments throughout the course of Game of Thrones, and it will likely be just as earth-shattering in A Song of Ice and Fire. But looking back, what reason did the Lord of Light have to actually bring Jon back from the dead?

Content of this Video:

00:00 Intro
01:03 Jon's Role In The Battle Against The Dead
02:24 Jon Snow Was Chosen... For What Exactly?
03:49 R'hllor, The God Of Fire And Blood
05:31 If You Can't Take The Throne With Blood, Take It With Fire
06:57 The Darkest Timeline Version Of A Hella Dark Story
07:35 The Intention vs. The Possibilities
08:45 Outro
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I theorize that Azor Ahai isn't a savior, but a destroyer. Yes, the prophecy says that Azor Ahai will destroy the Others, but it doesn't say what he'll do after that. Considering how much R'hllor likes to set people on fire, it's very possible that he will direct Azor Ahai to kill everyone else.


I like the idea of Azor Ahai being evil, but I think that the followers of R'hollor bring people back to life using their shadow-binding magic, rather than R'hollor picking and choosing people to come back to life for his own purposes, and they're only able to do it now because of how magic is coming back into the world. Either that, or he has some serious beef with the Freys.


Completely agree with this theory.

The concept of blood sacrifice of the non-believers to feed to the power of the gods rings close to our world cultures and have been practiced through the ages.

R'hllor wanting the blood sacrifice of thousands of people of Kings Landing who follow the faith of the seven, a religion opposed to it is plausible.


Jon could have really stayed dead with no consequences on the larger story as far as the show goes


I think the battle for the dawn was definitely a team effort. I also tend to think Jon was the man who was supposed to consolidate and lead the realms of men against the WW. He had the name, the pedigree, and most importantly the character to bring men together to face the WW. He wasn’t the one to end the long night necessarily but he was the one to at least begin trying to unify the wildlings, north, and certain southern kingdoms against the very real threat of the Others. R’hllor needed a leader, Jon was probably the best there was. (At least in the north. Dany is still my girl.)


I've been of the opinion that R'hllor is a major *problem* and the dragon dreams are NOT a positive thing, but might be sent by someone with an agenda of their own. This theory would fit with that. I like it.


This makes a lot of sense tbh. I also don't think R'hllor is a "god" with prophetic powers as much as a demonic firelord who has an agenda and bloodlust, and in true GRRM fashion a few millennia of experience in chess.


In the show Jon Snow got resurrected for no reason, just to blue ball Daenerys and install the 3 eyed raven. The showrunners let Arya killed the night king which ruined why Jon and daenerys were destined to meet. I also don't believe he was brought back to kill Daenerys because anyone could've killed Daenerys, all it took a simple dagger.


I didn’t read the books but the show gave me the impression that there were two earring entities one of fire and ice and Jon and Danny represented them, the lord of light was just one of these gods and Jon was resurrected to keep the balance,


Personally I reject the show’s interpretation of the mythical hierarchy. Instead, I love the idea that there is no divine intervention, and the ruling supernatural power of this world is just blood magic. The only thing special about R’hllor is that it’s followers have a general idea of how blood magic works.

Jon is gonna be resurrected by Melisandre burning Shireen, and Mel will do so thinking that Stannis is dead. Shireen is the blood sacrifice.

Beric and Stoneheart are resurrected by the “Last Kiss”, which is just an ability practiced by priests that probably has some connection to blood magic in terms of its origin.


Good job with your theories. Thanks from Panama city Beach, FL


In all seriousness, George may be presenting an interpretation where there is no Lord of Light. Many things can be explained by some pseudo science and Mel’s powders. The toughest one to truly rationalize is not Mel’s shadow baby but rather the blow we actually see the Hound inflict on Beric, though I guess even this could be some form of faceless man trick.


I always thought jon (in the show) was being set up to either kill the night king or be in constant everlong battle with him
Like once he got bought back to life he seemingly became immortal (he was crushed in botb and should of died but didnt and he was under that ice for i would say a couple of hours) and it was just making too much sense and it looked like thats what his whole arc was building to but then dnd got sad people were too smart and could see where they were going that they pulled a sudden left turn and now jons not a character
You could cut his character out of the show after he died and pretty much not much would change :(


This theory is kinda predicated on the notion that there is definitively a R'hllor, and there is a reason that people can be brought back from the dead. I don't think either of these is correct. Especially because GRRM has directly stated he will never reveal whether or not the gods are real in ASoIaF.


Okay, I may be alone with this feeling, but ... I never suspected Jon to be the Hero. And Rhollor ... I think that God just gives certain People Power and how they use that power is up to them. Gods in ASOIAF are incredibly lazy and sometimes cruel, they do nothing for the Action, except be there and be prayed to. This is important because it can help people and give them hope, that they will live another and better Day, but acting-wise ... they do nothing.
It is not in the Plan of Rhollor to resurrect Jon for any purpose, it is just Melissandre who thinks Jon will have a role to play in the War which comes.

Since the Stark-Children are all over Planetos, I always thought, Jon, will be their Guiding light, back "Home into the North". Because he is the oldest of them and everyone has good memories with him, loving Memories and he looks like Ned. Since the Red Wedding, it is my opinion, that the Stark Children actually have no REason to go back into the North. I mean, Sansa is still a Hostage and her "Home" is occupied by the Boltons, Arya is in Essos training to be an Assassin, and Bran is training to become a Treewizard and Rickon is on that Unicorn Island with Cannibals that Name I always forget. Why should they return to the North when there are only Boltons and strange People? I realized that the Stark-Children slowly start to mention Winterfell less when the subject of Home comes up, but they all think about Jon when that Subject comes to their Mind.

So I think Jon was always meant to be the one reason why all Stark Children will be reunited in the North. He is the Clue that will fix their estranged Relationship and make them a Family again. And GRRM already made it easy for than by making Jon look like his Mother and Uncle Ned. That is actually the reason why I was always more comfortable with the Jonsa-Shippers than the Jonerys-Group.
GRRM never writes about passionate Star-Crossed Lovers in these Books, which is the reason I always find it hard to believe that Lyanna and Rhaegar are supposed to be those passionate Lovers who abandoned all their Healthy and logical Mind just to be wed in Secret; Totally Bonkers to be honest and especially Lyanna doesn't seem to be that kind of Girl. But he would write about a Cousin who tries to protect his family and wants to give them a Home where they find warmth physically and emotionally. And to do so marries his eldest female Cousin who has a legitimate claim to their ancestral home. No passionate Love there, just one young Man trying his Best to give his beloved Family a stable Home. Additionally, when he marries Sansa, he can prevent all marriage-ploys other Players in this game might have. That sounds like a Story that would fit into the Narrative of these Books, at least it would fit more into these Books, than the passionate Love-Story some Jonerys-Fans imagine will happen between Jon and Daenerys.

I don't ship anything, but some Plotlines make more Sense with the overall Narrative than others and normally I stick with the Group whose ship makes narratively more Sense.


Dammmm that's dark 😆 but yes now you put it that way that sounds plausible good video 👍


Jon Snow's ability to rally groups of people to meet a particular goal, at least in GOT may be the reason Jon Snow was brought back. Who brought him back? I say the Old Gods despite the child-murdering red priestess endeavors.


I absolutely love your theories. I am coming to terms that we may not get a conclusion to ASOIAF. But it would be so ironic if Young Griff was actually Aegon and the hero that was promised, comes in from the left field, saving the world from both Dany and the White Walkers, FROM ice and fire. There are so many possibilities, some more abscure while others more just want the series to be finished or else I'll be looking into theories for the rest of my life 😅


The obvious answer is that Jon Snow was not resurrected by R'hllor. In the show, Melesande failed. When she left the room, Jon was still dead. He came back to life later, when he was alone with Ghost. We don't yet know how (if?) John will be resurrected in the books, but I think it's a safe bet that it will involve his having warged into Ghost before he died and stayed there until he could warg back into his body. R'hllor will have little, if anything, to do with it.


I'm no book reader just a book skimmer so this may sound silly but after all this goes down in the south I kinda get the feeling Jon's gonna be used by the great other as well to forever serve as the new Night's King (not the leader) to offer children. I think it would be fitting to see him be resurrected by both ice and fire and be used by both what are your thoughts?
