How To Practice Sculpting

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I will share with you my tips on how to practice sculpting in Blender, or any other program and form. Enjoy the speed sculpt timelapse of the sculpted male head in Blender.

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In learning how to draw and paint, I do agree with you about speed sculpting, but not necessarily that your earlier sculpting was wasted effort. I think when you're first learning how to sculpt or draw, having no time limit is important to gain your bearings. Basically, I see a few steps for committing what you observe to become second nature. 1) First, doing slow work from reference. 2) Then trying to draw/sculpt it fairly quickly from memory, compare with reference to see where the image in your head is wrong, then 3) do strictly timed speed versions. I actually think there's another step beyond that of 4) doing simplifications/caricatures of what you've learned, varying what you emphasize and leave out, because that focuses on committing the essence of something to memory to help you remember 1-3 more effectively later. When I sit down to do a study of a new subject, I try to do all these steps in a row, and in one sitting if I have a day to practice.

Anyway, the point I'm making is that you've done plenty of 1 and 2 (and 4) so far, and now you're discovering 3, but if you are speaking to beginners, I think your video may be taking 1 and 2 for granted because you've already done it so much. For most people, 1 and 2 are not worse steps, but helpful and even necessary steps to get to 3. But I do agree that 3 is a good place to hang out in for familiar subjects. I just think 1 and 2 should be emphasized as important too.


I recently purchased one of your video courses and I've really been enjoying it along side your YouTube channel! I really hope that you know how much people appreciate you sharing your knowledge. I really love your work and hope to create character with that level of quality in the future!


Learning to leave what you've accomplished alone without forever playing with small details can be summed up with this quote _"Art is never finished, only abandoned."_ . . . very wise words.


Hi Yan, I'm 52 and I just started to learn working with Blender. I bought your course "Sculpting in Blender" and now I find this the most fun part to do in Blender. Last week I sculpted one head in 3 hours to get used to the tools, so now I'm going for the one hour challenge, every evening for a week at least. My first goal is to be able to sculpt my two dogs in detail including hair in Pixar-style:-) When I am able to do that, may be I find a new job. Who knows ;-)
I am Just curious, are there more women my age who started to work with Blender recently? It is really fun!


This is an old video but great advice, I usually work on my music in 1-2 hour bursts and try not to get to attached to it.

This method really helps out when trying to hone your skills! 💎


Really loved this video, helped me step back and realize how to improve, as well as how my progression flows from hours 1-2 or maybe 3-4


Hi! I'm new to blender. I usually get discouraged when I spend many hours on one sculpt and it doesn't turn out the way I want. I'm excited to try the one hour challenging so that I'm constantly motivated to make new sculpts and improve my skills. Thanks


I know this video is a good couple of years but still very relevant 1hr on blender and it feels refreshing using time and selected tools too.


Haven’t tried this method yet, but I actually already had the idea to try something like this once sculpting starts to come more naturally to me. I’m still doing slow practice since I’m still trying to figure out just how to get the basic shapes I want, but this type of practice is on the horizon for me.


You are a real inspiration, thank you for making these kind of video.


Thanks, your video gives me a lot help with practicing sculpting. Well, i'm already know the basic sculpting tools like Draw, Crease or Grab since maybe 2 years ago but i was never really know how to sculpt a human head. Then i started practicing sculpting a head on this June 1st after watch this video. I sculpt 1-3 head(s) a day per 1-2 hours and after 7 days i feels like "Wow, this video is really changed my life!" I can 'significantly' see my progress with sculpting a head :)
Once again thanks a lot Yan!
(Sorry for the bad english)


Hey Yan! Good advice! This definitely works. I was in school sculpting a character for 2 months, I was losing interest and not learning much out of it. But now I do small studies and it is a good feeling. However I still feel the fear of making bad art so that kept me procrastinating. Have anyone felt like this too?


Jokes on me because I do one character for an hour, start over, and do the same character for an hour, start over, rinse and repeat.

I never let go.


5 minutes in...
My laptop: rules are made to be broken


I really like your video, you're my role model. And have me inspiration


I will try this. I just started and I want to get better and this seems to be the best method


that is the way to go. in any art form. very good practice to speed create. over and over again. Happy to find yor channel. kick butt man.


Have I mentioned I love the little rewind thing you do? I love your style for the videos. Most of my practice has been to do short sculpts, 1 to 2 hours, but I haven't really had a hard line for where to stop. I'll try the one hour lock method soon, but my focus is shifting over to a bit more environmental art right now.


few days ago, before i saw this video, i started #daily_sculpts on my twitter to keep myself organized. Time limit - 40min. Just to render, share and forget it. Exactly as you just said. Thank you


I have been looking for this technique thanks you did it...
