How Rivers Shape the Landscape: Crash Course Geography #23

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Today we're going to talk about rivers and how these dynamic, delicate, yet powerful systems are able to constantly change the landscape. We'll focus on the Zambezi River in Southeast Africa following its main features from the tributaries that feed into it in the upper course, to the deafening wonder that is Mosi-oa-Tunya waterfall (also called as Victoria Falls) in the middle course, all the way to the delta as the river flows into the Indian Ocean. Along the way, we'll teach you all about why rivers meander, why some rivers have rapids and others are calm, and how we talk about classify and river systems more broadly.

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Рекомендации по теме

Very grateful that crash course makes an effort to incorporate a more complete worldview in its videos than the america-centric or western perspective usually found in class. Rather than hear about the Mississippi or Colorado rivers today like I have for years, I learned about rivers with the Zambezi river system as a core example. Thank you!


As a geomorphologist, I just wanna say thanks for finally giving our field some Crash Course representation! I love that this has become just a general Earth Science course.


Crash Course Geography is a goldmine for Dungeon Masters and any other kind of worldbuilders. My old boring Nile ripoff? major revamp coming right up!


I’m really excited for the human geography portion starting soon. It’s a really interesting subject and I’m glad it’s being covered in crash course


Props for giving the original names 💯


i'm early, yay! also loving this series. thank you crash course team!!


When I found out during my visits to the ancient *seaport* towns of Miletus and Priene that *seashore* today is 4 hours of walking distance from the remnants of the stone piers, I respectfully realized what a river is capable of doing to the landscape over time. Nature doesn't care much on the long run, about how much you've invested in your seaport and a whole town surrounding it. :))


Hello Alize- I met you at the Science teacher Convention in Texas about 6-7 years ago. You were giving a presentation on your erosion studies in Mozambique. I love Crash Course and I am happy to see that they have tapped you for the series. Continued success!


I always enjoy watching this videos, thanks alize and thanks crash course ❤ 😍 .


I know one thing. If the river is going in a certain direction, that's generally down hill and the easier way to go. Just go with the flow. At least until there's a waterfall.


As a lapsed geographer, I approve. We need more of this type content.


Fluvial Landforms- It will be an apt discussion. Thank you.


Good video. You might want to do a video comparing river erosion with glacial erosion. I remember being taught that glaciers were big ice bulldozers grinding away the rock underneath, kind of like a stream. But then why the U-shaped valleys? Climbing along the glacial arete in Kamikochi Japan made me aware of the real power of glaciers- the freeze, expand cracking all along the sides of a glacier - quarrying. Aretes are usually what's left over as glaciers quarry but recede too rapidly to then transport the shattered rock. It's pretty exciting to know that with hundreds of meters of space below your butt, the rock you're holding on to is all broken (and bats hiding in the cracks are hissing).


I didn't know this series existed in this channel, i'm glad I subscribed


hi CrashCourse, hi everyone, " really enjoy the
videos, learning alot", :)


Great video as always!!
Can you please add the English subtitles in your "The Stono Rebellion" video??
Please ~~


What places is this stock footage from? Do you have a link for the source footage you used, or where the places are?

Like 1:00. Where is that?


Learning more about where I live thanks


I'm only a little disappointed you didn't use the great grey-green, greasy Limpopo River as an example


First comment, thanks a lot helpful as always
