Make Java Executable

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I've been asked many times to show how to make a java program executable. It is actually very easy to make Java executable on any computer.
Java executable (.jar) ☕
How to convert jar file to exe with your own icon | Tech Projects
Make Java Executable
IntelliJ IDEA: Create an Executable JAR File with External Libraries
Make Java executable! | (simple & easy)
Export JavaFX 11, 15 or 17 projects into an executable jar file with IntelliJ [2022]
How To Convert JAR To .exe (Executable) By Using Launch4j | Wrap JAR Into EXE | JAR To EXE Easy Way
Java FX Create & Deploy Stand Alone Application - Compile JAR Executable & Custom - JRE Pack...
Java - How to Create an Executable Jar File
How To Create An Executable Jar File In Intellij || Create An Executable Java Application
Java Tutorial 26 - Building Application for Deployment (executable jar file)
How to Run Executable Java (.jar) Files in Windows
Create executable Jar file with Intellij on windows 10 or 11
How to make Java executable in Eclipse ? | IDE | @TechRanch
How to create executable JAR using Intellij | How to create a Java executable in IntelliJ?
Creating an Executable JAR #airhacks #java #short
Java creating executable jar file
Create Executable jar File in Netbeans IDE
How To Make an Executable Jar File from Command Line
How to Create Executable Jar File in Netbeans IDE (2022) | . java to. jar | Java Archive
How to make Executable jar file of Java Project in Eclipse
Ubuntu: How do I make a Java JAR file executable in Linux Mint?
How to create Java Executable JAR with other JAR dependencies
How to create a Java executable Jar using eclipse | Pradeep Nailwal