EP. 167: Top 7 Ways GLP1 Agonists Improve Your Metabolic Health | Solo Episode

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Welcome back to the Dr. Tyna Show! I’m thrilled to share something you or your doctor probably haven’t heard before: the seven surprising ways GLP-1 agonists like Ozempic, Wegovy, Mounjaro and Zepbound can heal and enhance your metabolism. This episode will unpack the biochemistry behind these peptides—but don’t worry, I make it easy to understand! We’ll go beyond the usual clickbait and explore how these medications affect everything from insulin sensitivity to inflammation and muscle health. Tune in for a thorough look at the science of GLP-1 agonists and discover how they can truly transform your metabolic health.
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On This Episode We Cover:

00:00:00 - Intro
00:05:40 - Understanding GLP1s
00:07:45 - Decreased glucagon
00:08:43 - Increased insulin sensitivity
00:11:13 - Protecting your muscles
00:21:25 - Impacts on fat cells
00:25:45 - Issues with GLP1 dosing
00:30:18 - GLP 1 and our immune cells
00:31:18 - Anti Inflammatory properties
00:34:33 - Chronic inflammation in the muscles
00:35:02 - GLP1s and our brains

Ozempic Uncovered Podcast Series:


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Disclaimer: Information provided in this podcast is for informational purposes only. This information is NOT intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional, or any information contained on or in any product. Do not use the information provided in this podcast for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing medication or other treatment. Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or other supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. Information provided in this blog/podcast and the use of any products or services related to this podcast by you does not create a doctor-patient relationship between you and Dr. Tyna Moore. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent ANY disease.
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I found Dr. Tyna last spring and started a low dose of glp1. I am at that same dose today. I’ve lost 25 pounds, retained all my muscle and I’m full of energy.


I’ve been on a lower dose and have lost 15 this last month and a half or so. Nothing else was working for me. I was starving all the time, ate clean, worked out, and yet I had gained 25 in 2 years due to perimenopause, and at 49, I am beyond thankful for GLP1s.


I love Dr. Tyna! I’ve been on a low dose of Zepbound and have lost 52 lbs. I knew I needed to strength train but focused on walking instead. Dr Tyna’s insistence that it was a non negotiable, finally got my butt in gear! 😅😂


I have shared the Doctor Tina show with my Doctor who has allowed me to stay on point 25 it's still not microdosine but it's as low as they have because we don't have a compounded pharmacy where I go. I do believe it is improving my metabolic health my asthma has improved my COPD has improved for 67 years old I feel fabulous I haven't felt this good in 25 years


I have learned so much from you, Dr. Tyna!! Thank you! I am microdosing compounded Tirzepatide for 2 months and have lost a few lbs but the other improvements are better! Better mental focus, joint pain and knee pain is gone. I'm 66 and it took me a few weeks to figure out the right amount for me and I recently started dosing very small amounts every 4 days which has been really great so far. Much less nausea and fatigue.


Dr. Westin Childs has a study showing the GLP-1 peptides lower leptin levels and therefore help improve thyroid resistance.


I am a new subscriber. I'm 66 female. I always was a "10" but now I'm not😢.
I'm thick, big belly, overweight. My doctor is really pushing OZEMPIC. I can reduce my insulin and glucose by restricted food. Keto reduces my appetite but I don't eat for hunger necessarily. My thoughts sabotage my efforts as well as anxiety and fears. I will remain open-minded and save my money for now. If I fail, I will work with a doctor who will micro dose as you suggest. Thank you for your information.


I have learned so much from you! You gave me the confidence to go forth on this journey of a very small dose of compound Tirz. I feel amazing AND the weight is coming off. Because of your education, I’m not using this as a mono treatment and am incorporating all the life style changes you suggest. You are one voice but you are changing the world! Thank you!!


Thank you for clarifying that micro dosing is generally best for metabolically sound people. I started at 2.5 mg. Working well. Feeling fatigue but no nausea, vomiting or any other side effects. This drug is motivating me to go to gym more. I want to do well on this and not waste my money. I am losing weight but more importantly, my blood sugar is now normal. Consistently in 90s. I’m afraid to go higher on medication because my sugar will continue to go down. As it is, when I go to gym, my sugar plummets. Even if I do a short workout. I often bike 6 miles. My strength has increased. I have been rehabilitating myself after 4 spine surgeries and proud to finally be up to 6 miles. For me, that’s really good. My goal at the moment is to do 20 miles in a week. So far, I’ve reached 17.25 miles in one week. Something to also work on. I’m short and 200 pounds. This is no small accomplishment. I’m proud because in the past I couldn’t do this much.


I have learned so much from you, and I share all your video's with my friend's. Thank you so much for doing your research, and debunking all the lies being told about GLP1! You are an amazing doctor!


Going low carb (Carnivore) wasn't even enough for me to get myself out of prediabetic range. i've been on the lowest dose of Ozempic for the past 12 weeks, yes I said lowest dose 12 weeks. I have a prescription but my insurance won't cover it. so I had to make what I got last. I'm down 22 lbs and about ready to try the lowest dose of a tirzepatide, even considered maybe half of the lowest dose just to see how I feel going from a GLP-1 to a tirzepatide. My Blood Glucose is now in the 90's! was in the 140's. so what I'm saying is I have really realized my body really needed this medication. my insurance won't cover due to me "only" being prediabetic. even thought i've been like this for 30 years along with being considered obese. When will they realize "chronic obesity" should not be considered weight loss but a disease that needs to be treated. Praying things will change soon. Thank you for keeping this relevant information coming!


Thank you so much for all your free information and advice. Believe me you are very appreciated and respected 🐨💗


Hi Tina,
Thanks to you I am getting back to the 20 years younger self!
5th week on Wegowy 🖊️ ( in the UK the price dropped to £169 ) I have lost 4 kg ( 9 pounds).
The best thing is the neurogenerative aspect: clarity of thinking ( my executive functioning was failing me in the menopause). I can see and feel clearly what I must do next and started reordering the house. I got back to the book 📖 I started writing years ago but put myself on the back burner because I am caring for my T1 diabetic & autistic child.
Too much cortisol before but now I am calm and collected.
Some negligible side effects ( constipation) at week 3 but now my body is tolerating the next dose well. ( I was gonna micro dose somehow - halve the half but I think I need the 0.5mg - 2nd month )
I can't believe I feel young and energetic at the age of 53.
I also do weightlifting and swimming when I have the time.


5 yr carnivore for digestive issues it’s been great… but… im a 50 yr old in menopause I was completely against GLP1 but I started on trizepitide because I couldn’t get the results I wanted … and it’s absolutely Incredible! I’m not loosing weight because I am metabolically a mess even with carnivore.. just the way my fkn brain 🧠 feels is worth it!! I’ve drank the coolaid and it’s delicious 🙌🙌 don’t knock this shit until u try it!!


I'm 64 and on 5 mg/wk of compounded tirzepatide. I am splitting my dose so that I don't feel too sick for the first two days after the injection. I found it hard to exercise while feeling that sick, and I want to do this properly. I'm going extremely slow. I've lost about 12 lbs over the past 4 mos. I spent the first 3 mos simply learning and adjusting my lifestyle and eating habits. I've been obese for a long time. I 've exercised a lot in my life, but have always carried extra weight, and feel i have only now gotten into a rhythm i can sustain. I will not increase my dose any further....maybe ever. Exercising 5 to 6 times a week. Eating low carb and finally starting to feel the improvements in how my body feels....working hard and hoping for continuous improvement and improved well being and longevity.


Buy direct from the experimental peptide suppliers, needles and learn how to calc the dose yourself. Stop being dependant on someone else (especially someone with a License who's just a gate keeper). You can micro dose way lower then commercial GLP1 pens. I do 0.5 mg / week. Std small dose from the Mfgers is 2.5mg on up. at low levels almost no side effects. Regardless: you HAVE to keep your protein intake up to prevent the emeciated muscle loss look. Very unhealthy loosing muscle. Good luck.


I ordered semaglutide and started taking a 0.03mg… yes 0.03mg (with my medical director’s license and approval- I’m also an RN) and it’s working so well. I don’t have side effects like I did on the higher dose and I just have better appetite control. I still eat and want to eat but I eat better and my portions are smaller. I feel better, my skin looks healthier, I’m clear headed, my adhd symptoms have decreased. Not only have I not lost muscle, I’ve actually gained muscle bc I’ve lost a lot of fat but the scale hasn’t changed. I’m truly amazed.


Dr Tyna - would you use this medication if not overweight but insulin resistant and increasing visceral fat?


Ooooh Dr Tyna is mad mad! 😂 I love it! Go get ‘em, doc! 👊🏼💪🏽


Thank you for your work and all of this information. Would you consider selling as a standalone product the module on how to find a doctor to work with using GLP-1s using this strategy? And maybe a short accompanying video directed to physicians/clinicians with a brief overview so that they know who you are, the research highlights, etc.?
