Should you switch from triple to double science?

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I HAD to do triple science. We had no option but I'm glad I do it anyway :)


Honestly, if you find it hard drop to double. My school never offered triple so I don't know what its like, but I achieved AA* in double and am now doing chemistry and biology (along with maths and psychology) at A-level and I'm not finding it hard :)


At my school, if we pick triple science we loose an option so we all get the same amount of gcse s


I really hope that you're still making videos in 3 years time when I'm doing my GCSE exams! Because you're amazing! :)


At my school, we have to do triple science and it's stressing everyone out


Our school does it as we choose our 4 options regardless, and then they choose whether we do triple or double. I'm doing triple and it is a lot of work but it should be worth it :)


The amount of mental breakdowns and emotional wrecks I have had about not being able to do science is getting bad


Well you see I took triple science in year 10 but my teacher told me it would be easier for me, as I get so stressed about everything and because there is so much to learn, he didn't think it was right for me. He told me it wouldn't affect my a levels and that I would easily be able to catch up, as I learned the majority of the triple things in year 10 anyway and there is only a few things that triple need to learn in terms of actual triple topics. However, I am regretting for a couple of reasons. First, because I am worried about a levels. I am taking a level biology and chemistry so I am worried about catching up. Also, each grade affects each other in the final grade overall. I am very good at biology, pretty good at chemistry but u can't do physics to save my life, and my school needs me to get a grade 7 in both core and additional science to qualify for science a levels. I'm scared my physics grade is going to drag my whole grade down and I won't get the grade 7 I need.

Sorry about the long paragraph lol


If only we got the option... I choose my subjects soon and I HAVE to take triple science because I'm in the top set


My additional science I got a B, in my core science I got a C and in my ISA I got an E... my overall grade was a D... I hate myself and the education system.


if my teacher said that I may be doing triple foundation could I possibly move to double higher because I'd rather want to be able to get a grade 6, 7, 8, 9 rather than a grade 5 and not be able to do science at A - Level.


I’m doing triple science and I want to do the foundation paper. They said to just do mock exams and then they will decide. Is it possible to do triple science and do the foundation tier?


in year 10, i moved down because of stress to double, my grades in physics was A*, biology A but chmestry D :|. The biology some teachers found out some of the students knew the paper answears so it didnt count (so i got moved down). Due to this i am doing double bcs of stpd chemstry. :| I chemistry its like boaring physics and hard biology put together.


Our schools choose the most able to do triple. I luckily got it


Did you do triple science or double science?


I was asked to do triple science, but I said no as I didn't want it to take up all my time doing triple, when I could be doing more revision, etc.


Is it too late to drop to double in February? I'm really struggling mostly in Chemistry!!


I have a question
is it a necessity to do triple science as a GCSE in order to be a paramedic as only set1 can do triple s and I'm in 2


My daughters school have said she can't move to double science higher as its the same as triple higher. Their argument is if she is struggling with the triple she will struggle the same in double be as there's not much difference between the 2? They have said if she is struggling in triple higher the only option is to move to foundation triple.. this sounds wrong to me??


My friend has already done his Biology and revised for b1 and b2 however didn't for b3

on results day he got
b1 - A
b2 - A
b3 - D
ISA - A*

and overall got an A; so I guess you could take a risk and if you have a high ISA then not revise the third unit
