10 life lessons (for a healthy mind + body) ✨

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0:00 Intro
0:25 No. 01 - I can't do it... yet
1:24 No. 02 - The spotlight effect
2:15 No. 03 - Nutrition by addition
3:05 No. 04 - It's okay to change
4:02 No. 05 - The way you do one thing, is the way you do everything
6:00 No. 06 - Setting goals for success
6:57 No. 07 - When you want to have it all
7:57 No. 08 - The five-year rule
8:59 No. 09 - Are you afraid, or excited?
9:54 No. 10 - The voice you hear most
11:08 Share yours!



❤ Sadia
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I’d love to know: what's one quote or mindset shift that has made the biggest difference in your life? 👀


My favourite mindset shift is realising that I would do the same as others if I was in their situation. For example if I someone cut me up in traffic I just think they're probably late for work. Or I see someone taking drugs I think if I was living their life with the same childhood, parents, experiences etc I would do the same. Makes you a more compassionate person 💚


“We suffer more in imagination, than in reality” —- couldn’t agree more!!


A little tip for body acceptance. When I am tempted to find my body not enough this and too much that, I think about all the amazing things that my body does: my heart beats, my lungs absorb the clean air and reject the not-so-clean air, I can hear, see, smell, touch, feel my environment, I can sit and walk, my immune system gets rid of germs and viruses (the list goes on and on). It immediately puts me in a gratitude mindset instead of a judgmental one. Really, what is a pimple on your nose when your nose can smell the rose and the earl grey tea and the skin of a loved one!


My fav quote
Nature doesn't hurry yet everything is accomplished


#9 reminds me of something my kid once said, when we got lost while biking through the forest: "If we don't know the way home, that means we're now on an adventure!". I try to incorporate that in life all the time now. I'm not lost, I'm on an adventure.


My dad once wrote this for me: "You're not afraid because its hard. It's hard bc youre afraid." Still sticks w me to this day 🙌


1. Aim for small wins - doing yoga three days a week instead of five days a week, but doing it consistently three days a week is a win
2. Consistency over intensity - same as above. Invest small amounts of money but do it consistently and you will see good growth versus waiting to invest a huge amount which may or may not come.
3. Respect boundaries and set boundaries - dont meddle in others personal affairs and don't get others too involved in yours. Some things should remain personal because overfamiliarity can breed contempt.
4. Experience is a better teacher than any theory you may ever learn - so make mistakes and learn from them. It is the only long term teacher there is.
5. Take help wherever required - therapy is great for mental health and a trainer is great for physical health. Don't aim to do things alone because the value of professional help is very high.
6. Make it a point to appreciate yourself and others regularly. It is a great motivator and helps you get better and better and learn from others too.
7. Step outside home everyday - even if for five minutes. It is important to be exposed to open sky and ground on a daily basis.
8. Trust others based on actions and not words - people may say, especially on social media, how much they love you etc. But the daily interactions with them and how they treat you and how you treat them are what matter the most.
9. Forgive others regularly and forgive yourself regularly - sometimes people are dealing with things we have no idea about and they may take out some anger or frustration on you. Let it go. You may do the same too sometimes and unknowingly. Let it go too :). But, abuse is unacceptable so draw those boundaries.
10. Having no partner is better than having a bad one. But having a good partner is the best part of life so be one and search for one :). Not based on religion or country or xyz but based on equality, ability to question oneself and change and learn, and ability to be patient.


My favourite quote
' Mistakes are proof that you are trying '


Regret is your mind being in the past, anxiety is your mind being in the future. When you ground yourself through meditation, yoga or even just breathing deep and paying attention to what's around you, you can't feel either of those emotions. And living in the present is so much more fulfilling and enjoyable than spending your limited days thinking about missed opportunities or being worried about what's to come.


"Do something today that your future self will thank you for." It's been ablsolutely a life-changing quote for me🌟


Hi Sadia! I just wanted to let you know that this might be my favorite video format. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely adore the recipes, but there's just something about these lifestyle videos (also the little personal vlogs) that I love love love. Probably has to do with your amazing and soothing personality!☺


We moved right before 8th grade. My dad sat me down, and told me one thing.

"No one here knows you or your past. You have a clean slate. Now show them who YOU want them to see and know."

Since I was horribly bullied at the last school by everyone there, this was HUGE. I have remembered that advice every time I'm in a new situation or location.


I’m 45yrs old and been a nurse since I was 28. I have made the decision to quit nursing and go back to school for a business degree and I am going to start my own YouTube channel. It was never meant for me to work for other people, but to work for myself. I’m scared being older and starting over at my age, but I can do it I know I can. Thank you for this video I needed to hear everything you said


My dad always says: “any strength taken to an extreme becomes a weakness”. It’s so true that nothing is inherently good or bad, it’s the context and magnitude of it, which is why balance and moderation is so important!
Best video of this kind yet, thank you so much!


One of my favorite quotes is: “In a world where you can be anything, be kind”. Not only to others, but also to yourself. Thank you for the wonderful advice Sadia! ❤


The best advice I ever received was “you don’t get what you don’t ask for.” We can’t expect people to read our minds or always understand what we need or how to meet our expectations. We have to be able to communicate these things whether it’s to a partner, a manager, or even friends and family.


Every time I feel anxious or overwhelmed about things I need to do - like having to do the laundry, having to get ready for work, having to make dinner, having to study - I change words and say “I get to do laundry; I get to go to work; I get to make dinner; I get to study now”.

Such a small but powerful change in how I see my life and those “pressures” become blessings. Love the video ❤


Doing a little of something is better than nothing. One yoga position, meditate for a minute, brushing your teeth for 10 seconds fold one shirt write one line. It's often starting something that's the hardest breaking it down into something small and quick makes it easier to do. Amd you will probably end up doing it all and if not something better than nothing

Made a massive difference for me


I read this on Instagram.

There will be many people on this earth, who never know your depth.’What a shame it would be, if you were one of them.’

It always restores the faith in myself that I sometimes lose.
