Motorcycle Training - You can pass the motorcycle class

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Are you taking a motorcycle training class like the Basic Riders Course offered by the Motorcycle Safety Foundation? You can prepare before you go to the class by following these 5 tips. If you follow these 5 tips you will be better prepared before you ever put a leg over a motorcycle.

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Here is something I teach all the time. Leave your ego at home. Remember that you are not there to prove how macho you are but here to learn


I had taken the MSF course back in august or September of 2020 and definitely learned some things that would’ve helped me better prepare for the practicals. One thing to remember is you want to be in first gear every time you take off from a stop. Now it seems like common sense but if you know nothing about riding, and the instructor cares more about expressing his knowledge but not how to fix your mistakes (he also seemed more interested in going home than providing positive feedback and encouragement), you struggle learning this stuff. The 2nd day he said we would be in 2nd gear all day so I kept taking off in 2nd gear. Half the time I was stalling. So make sure you’re in 1st gear taking off from a stop. Really practice that friction zone and find that point where you’re in the friction zone and your bike starts rolling. Just be careful not to go too far or the bike will stall without you rolling the throttle. Do this every time you take off from a stop just enough for the bike to start rolling and give it a little throttle while slowly letting out the clutch and your chances of stalling on a level road are slim to none. When it comes time for the test, just go for it. My instructor made me nervous and nearly killed my confidence (which is not everyone’s scenario) but when it came time for the test I just said screw the negative feedback, screw my mistakes, believed in myself and I just went for it. I did better on the test than I did running through the courses.

In my case I’m learning more by watching these informative YouTube videos, practicing, and actually just getting out there on the road.

Safe riding everyone!!!


Just passed mine last weekend! I stopped by to show some appreciation. You and Dandanthefireman helped me tremendously!


Eyes up, look where you want to go.. most importantly have fun and be safe!!! Love the videos!!!


"remember you can take it as many times as you need" really easy to say when youre not the one paying $230 for each class.


When my wife wanted to learn how to ride, I had her practice on a quad with a hand clutch. Once she was smooth with the clutch and brakes, we put her on a small dirt bike for more practice before moving her to a road bike.


Don't be afraid to make a mistake .... this shows you what not to do, what happens when you do it, and how to not do it again .... Making a mistake in a control setting, with professionals there to help, is the safest and best time to make a mistake ... not when you are riding on a street by yourself ....
Thank you McRider for all you do .... just watching your videos has made me a much better, safer, and more confident rider ... 2 years in now and I own a Kawasaki Voyager 1700 ...


I am a certified RiderCoach. MSF is a great way to expose yourself to the skills you will need to become a successful and safe rider.

- Keep head and eyes up, turn your chin and LOOK where you want the motorcycle to go. It will magically go where you are looking!
- Smooth inputs on ALL controls...(1) understand "friction zone", it is your best way to control the bike, (2) easy roll of the throttle, gentle, (3) progressive squeeze on the brake lever.
- Remember momentum keeps the motorcycle upright. Too many new riders ride too slow and it makes the motorcycle feel less stable. "Mall Walker" pace and momentum are your friend.
- Have fun!


Having just passed the MSF this past weekend, the theme is eyes and head up, look where you want to go. We had a couple people drop out after just a couple of hours. Relax, have some fun, and enjoy this. The bicycle tip is great, especially in getting comfortable in leaning the bike in a turn. For some reason it’s not as intimidating on a bicycle, but the same principle. Now is the hard part... what motorcycle to buy!


Im sitting here on the sidelines on my 3rd day of MSF as fear has overwhelmed me.I get in my head and feel as if i know nothing.Fear can be crippling!I felt defeated and embarresed but you are right om here to learn and this is part of learning..Thank you my friend


New riders be of good cheer. Last year was my 1st year back riding after 25 off, I'm a senior man. I had 12ish people in my MSF Basic Rider Class about this time last year(Apr'22) and they ran the gamut of levels of experience. 2 had never ridden on the street and 1 was a complete newbie. Most of us had some portions of the class that were difficult, different people, different issues. The instructors were great, very knowledgeable and patient. Long story short is, there where 3-4 people who were worried about getting through the final driving test. We all passed.
Not gunna say piece of cake, not at all, but lots of years of training/experience, with historical data many times to back it up, and knowledge that just makes it easier, plus range time, in 20 hours.
Bring your "A game" paying good attention wise, inside and out, it's a no joke motorcycle training class. But if you can ride a bike and shift a manual trans car, you can 'run' a moto. The course is chock full of info to keep you safer in all modes of riding and then how to maneuver SLOWLY. First time you ride into a crowded/narrow parking lot you'll get why. That's when you find out if you are really the boss of your bike.


I tried driving bicycle before motorcycle license test for two days and I passed the test. That was helpful.


Kevin yet another bunch of pearls of wisdom! The bicycle is very important as without balance a motorcycle is a fast route to a big problem. Thank you.


I just passed my A2 motorcycle driving licence recently (I'm from Europe), when I practiced for the slow part and slalom, there was a point where I was pissed off because I hit the cones and didn't pass the gates correctly. My instructor told me to relax, take it as a game and enjoy the fun. And guess what ? It worked ! So, do not be grumpy and have fun ✌️🏍


When I took the MS F course, failed first try so I decided to take 2 more lessons and passed a month later. It was worth the money. Thanks for the videos. It's your videos that gave me the push to learn to ride.



I know this is a 4 year old video. However, I just took my MSF course thisnpast weekend, never have rode a motorcycle, I passed wirh flying colors. I went into it with an open mind AND I took the feedback from the coaches and applied them and when it came to my skills test I was perfect. Riding a bicycle is a tip that I absolutely used prior to taking my msf.
Look where you're going, trust the bike to do what you've told it to do and keep your eyes up and looking forward. If I can pass, so can you!


I used to take the basic safety course every few years just to break any bad habits I'd picked up. It was only $25-$50 back then. Then I was unable to ride for some years, so when I bought a bike again the first thing I did was look up where to take the class again. Only now it was $200- $300. Before the instructors were all volunteers, the bikes were furnished by local dealers and it was taught at some local school parking lot. I guess it's become too big and popular now. I understand the reasons, but it's too bad. I'm sure a lot of people are priced out of taking it. I knew people that took the course just to see if they'd like to try riding. That's way too expensive now. I'm not complaining, only expressing an outlook. BTW, I'm sure these videos help fill the gap. Keep up the good work.


Man I could have used this when I took my test. These tips help more than you know. For new riders and those that haven’t taken the test yet. Practice . And relax . Take a deep breath you will be alright


I learned to ride years ago without a course. I’ve been licensed for over 30 years with a break from riding for a while. When I got another motorcycle I got on and had no problem riding. I decided to take a beginner course and I was surprised at how many bad habits I had and didn’t realize I had. I would encourage anyone to take a course no matter how long you’ve been riding. I have since taken some experienced rider courses.


Taking my course in September and I’m a bit nervous so I looked up basic training. Thank you for doing this video.
