'Nuclear Winter' is a Myth and thats Terrifying

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Most people are completly unaware of how vulnerable NATO is. This video breaks it down. We cannot emphasize enough the prospect for a major global conflict going nuclear, more evidence is provided today. Check out this series that demystifies the prospect of global thermonuclear conflict and why it isnt being the realm of possibility and right now is quite plausible.

Get Dr. Peter Vincent Prys books here

The first video in this series (The state of the conflict in Europe)

The Second video in this series (Is Nuclear conflict winnable?)

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In this video Dr. Pry breaks down the myth of nuclear winter lending to the argument that the powers that be know nuclear war is in fact winnable making it all the more likely to occur. Please share and like this video.

The first video in this series (The state of the conflict in Europe)

The Second video in this series (Is Nuclear conflict winnable?)


I call bullllshiiit on this guy 3 minutes in... pretending that Krakatoa had no global impact other than pretty sunsets...and he conveniently forgets about The Year of no Summer in 1818 following the Mount Tambora eruption..After that I don't believe a word that he says..
Edit, and 12 minutes in its obvious he's only reason for pretending that nuclear weapons are all cute & cuddly is that he is playing the typical right wing political game....🙄


What I like the most about this series is your interview style. Effective open ended questions. Garnering insight into the mind of someone who has been on the inside. It is rare that an interviewer gets there. Very similar interview methods employed by Errol Morris in the Fog of War. Good work.


These videos need to be put into a Playlist. I know I'm going to want to watch them a few more times. There's a lot of important information here.

Thanks @ Canadian prepper.👍


When we talk about nuclear fallout why aren’t we talking about people’s water supply? For those that get their water from ground water/wells it may not be as bad but for many their water source is surface water. Water is something people can only live without for a shorter time. Nuclear fallout on a large water mass could be catastrophic.


So why are we wasting time talking about it. Perhaps it is time to show people how to make a Geiger counter out of a a voltmeter, coffee can, and a nail or wire. Get your prepper on and show people how to prepare for a nuclear fallout. Oftentimes intellectualizing something gets absolutely nothing done. Provide a remedy.


We might not get a full on nuclear winter but several thousand cities burning around the world will have a serious effect on the climate. Not to mention the fallout.
When Mt. Pinatubo in the Philippines erupted in the early 90’s it gave my hometown in Northwestern Ontario Canada one of the cloudiest and coolest summers I can remember.


In the army we trained to shoot at the reactor because the walls are super thick.
Then I had to sign a 30 year non disclosure agreement when I got out.
The tools we get to see and know about are only what the public gets to see.


Hardened facilities such as missile silos, command and control bunkers that are deep underground will be hit by ground bursts as opposed to an air burst. The ground bursts will produce massive plumes of fallout that will follow the prevailing winds. In the US that means the fallout will spread easterly. Most of our silos and hardened bunkers are located in the West. Most modern fallout maps show significant fallout across the northern half of the US from hardened facilities. It is survivable, depending on where you live or bug out to.


Man. This series is really killing the news aspect for me.


Look, in a full scale nuclear world war 3 between the nuclear superpowers and their cohorts, it would begin with massive EMP detonations over the USA, EUROPE, Asia, and probably Australia leading to the collapse of the electrical grid in these areas and that alone would cause the starvation of 90% of affected populations, maybe more. Bringing the grid back up would take months or not years if ever so, one need not fixate on the subsequent catastrophic scenarios cause by widespread nuclear detonations and massive forest, city fires, fallout, and NUCLEAR WINTER because civilization would already be on the path of destruction just with the EMP bursts over the North Hemisphere and the destruction of the human species could then follow. We are looking at the destruction of civilization with just the EMP bursts and possible extinction even for humanity with the catastrophic scenarios that would follow the EMP attacks. So full scale NUCLEAR WAR among the nuclear superpower is not winnable.


Enjoying your daily news breakdown. Please keep it coming.


If fallout isn't such a big deal, then why are soldiers in the US military trained in dealing with radioactive fallout? Also, why is it discussed in the US Army field combat manual? I grew up in Alamogordo, NM about 45 miles from the Trinity Site, where the first atomic bomb was tested. I would tell you to ask my dad about the high incidence of various forms of cancer that people in that area have, but he died of cancer. I bet this guy has a fallout shelter, stocked to the nuts with potassium iodide and a Geiger counter. Thermonuclear weapons aren't cleaner, they're exponentially stronger. This guy's not telling it straight.


Naval Communications Station, Cutler, Maine, 1963. Me 11 years old playing outside in the snow.

Dad told us, don’t eat the snow, it’s contaminated from airborne nuclear tests.

We ate it anyway. I am 71 years old now. Here we go again.

PS, if my Dad who served 30 years was alive now….. well, better he is gone, I don’t want him to see my country now, disgusting.


A fission bomb splits atoms of the fissionable material, leaving radioactive particles behind.
Regardless of whether the fireball contacts the ground.
Think about what the acceptable distance of error would be. Half the size of the burst? We can't be assured about a high percentage of these performing exactly as designed.


Respectfully, I must object to Pry's downplaying of nuclear winter. Sure, a 'few' nukes won't trigger nuclear winter, but can anyone seriously think that if one side launches, say ten nukes, that the other side won't respond in kind, and then a couple more, and more, each side hoping for an 'eventual' win? What if the win needs 1, 000 detonations (the nuclear winter threshold if I remember right, let alone the radioactive fallout spread). Further, Mount Saint Helens was not a nuke, but it did indeed affect the weather. A few days after it blew, I wiped its dust off my dad's car in Montreal Quebec. If that dust was radioactive, most of Canada would have been poisoned. Look at Chernobyl's effects (and it wasn't designed as a bomb !! Don't anyone be so naïve to think that fallout wont spread all over the place. Also, lots of radioactive dust did spread around the world from the nuke tests in the 1950's. Anyone who downplays nuke war effects in order to justify a launch is insane and should be dealt with accordingly.


Wasn’t there a year without summer when Krakatoa went off. His research is off


I think this guy doesn't know about the 536BC volcano eruption that sent the earth into a 2 yr winter.


Isolationism is a dirty word. I believe it’s the only thing that can save us. Our leaders have worshiped at the alter of globalization way too long. Look around, it’s an absolute failure. Folks used to take care of their own long ago, time we got back to that. I think it’s time we used America’s treasure and resources for Americans. We have everything we need here to make a country to be proud of. Trade fairly with everyone, but keep our nose out of it. I know it sounds heartless, but I’m worried about my family, and my friends and neighbors. I don’t have time to worry about what’s going on half way around the world. God Bless!!!


theres NOT one politician on this planet that gives twos shits about the citizens.
