Retain More From The Books You Read In 5 Simple Steps

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I’m often asked: “How do you #remember the information you read in #books?” In this post, I’ll explain my system.
1. Have A #Purpose—Only read books that teach you how to overcome your current challenges.
2. See Yourself As A #Teacher—Sharing knowledge is a great application. You might not be a teacher, but if you act like one, you’re already applying knowledge.
3. Highlight & Make Mental Connections—The more connections you make between pieces of information in your brain, the better you remember it. I do that by making a lot of notes.
4. #Visualize & Imagine—Another great way to make connections in your mind is by visualizing what you’re learning. We’re visual learners, and our memories are also visual.
5. Immediately Apply One Piece Of New Knowledge—Look at your life. Ask yourself: How can I grow? That can be personally, financially or spiritually.
Understand that growth doesn’t happen by itself. Learning new skills, earning more money, having a great relationship — it all takes hard work.
But you can make that growth a lot easier if you apply the things you learn in books.
Remember: Knowledge alone is completely useless.
1. Have A #Purpose—Only read books that teach you how to overcome your current challenges.
2. See Yourself As A #Teacher—Sharing knowledge is a great application. You might not be a teacher, but if you act like one, you’re already applying knowledge.
3. Highlight & Make Mental Connections—The more connections you make between pieces of information in your brain, the better you remember it. I do that by making a lot of notes.
4. #Visualize & Imagine—Another great way to make connections in your mind is by visualizing what you’re learning. We’re visual learners, and our memories are also visual.
5. Immediately Apply One Piece Of New Knowledge—Look at your life. Ask yourself: How can I grow? That can be personally, financially or spiritually.
Understand that growth doesn’t happen by itself. Learning new skills, earning more money, having a great relationship — it all takes hard work.
But you can make that growth a lot easier if you apply the things you learn in books.
Remember: Knowledge alone is completely useless.