Platform IO: [.pio\build\uno\firmware.elf] Error 1 ||| : undefined reference to `init'

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cant build in #platformIO with all #STM32F4Discovery or #Arduinouno , #ArduinoAtmega. or some other microcontroler that you build in Platform io.
step 1.:: disable all antivirus on your pc.
if you have already disable antivirus and still cant work, try step 2
step 3.:: Try opening the following path in Windows Explorer (press WIN+R on your keyboard)
type this/copy&paste: %userprofile%\.platformio\packages,
you'ill find framework-arduino-avr folder
and then you deleting the framework-arduino-avr folder,or you cut folder to another file like me.*cause i afraid my vs code cannot working,,,hhhahaha ...
Then try another clean and build, this time,
the build should trigger the re-download and install of the framework files
or you remove your old project and make new project. then build again. this work for me, this my discussion topic with professional in platform io comunity:
you can read all problem like that and sure th solution.
if you have problem on Platform IO you can join on Platform IO Comunity.
step 1.:: disable all antivirus on your pc.
if you have already disable antivirus and still cant work, try step 2
step 3.:: Try opening the following path in Windows Explorer (press WIN+R on your keyboard)
type this/copy&paste: %userprofile%\.platformio\packages,
you'ill find framework-arduino-avr folder
and then you deleting the framework-arduino-avr folder,or you cut folder to another file like me.*cause i afraid my vs code cannot working,,,hhhahaha ...
Then try another clean and build, this time,
the build should trigger the re-download and install of the framework files
or you remove your old project and make new project. then build again. this work for me, this my discussion topic with professional in platform io comunity:
you can read all problem like that and sure th solution.
if you have problem on Platform IO you can join on Platform IO Comunity.
Platform IO: [.pio\build\uno\firmware.elf] Error 1 ||| : undefined reference to `init'
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