Tim Stratton | What Is Meant By Mere Molinism?

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Do you ever doubt your ability to answer bigger than life questions like, “Why do I exist? What is the purpose of life? Can I know God? If so, how? Are miracles possible?” And if God exists what’s with all the evil in the world? Do questions like these ever nag at you? If so, you’ve come to the right channel. I too am a fellow wonderer who thinks about stuff like this.

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Ok yall. I spent literal days trying to figure out what the hey molinism is. Could not for life of me figure it out so much jargon involved where is our 2024 version of CS Lewis to lay these difficult concepts out flat (or in a children’s fiction book!) for the common person to grasp??!

So here goes in my super super rough language and correct me if I’m wrong in my basic understanding of molimism or missing a key point in some way

Ok so let’s agree we are already believers trying to puzzle our Gods attributes and character so we get the fullest picture of Him we can that also makes sense.

So we are all at the problem logically in our head of sovereignty VS free will. Aka believing God is totally Sovereign but also loving just Good and created/wanted Free Will creatures to love him and choose him.

We read about God in Bible and it is clear he is in control and sovereign and knows past present future but also leets us have free will because he doesn’t want robot children slaves he wants free children who chose him.

Hmmm …paradox right?

So you say well he knows the future but he doesn’t cause the future (except when he does) and you leave it at that and some people do it’s a mystery and we will never know I trust God the end and that fine!!

…but some people say hold up … excuse me I thought about this some more and…

If he knows and it can only ever be the way he knows it’s gonna be how do you have a choice - it literally can’t be any other way than what God knows it to already be otherwise he wouldn’t know it to be that one way so really where is your choice it HAS to be that way

So you say ok Calvinism then and he determines and causes all things His will that’s it, he selects some for hell etc and not others and you go wait that’s not right either! Thats not who God says He is! He is loving and gives us chance to repent by choice!

Enter molinism w middle knowledge

So you say God Wants a world of free will creatures who can freely choose Him or their sin and evil including angels!

So molimism says God knows what would happen in any future scenario of free will creatures all of it! Let’s call these would be free will worlds. The threads

So he sees these billions of billions of possible threads of free will choice they haven’t happened but they would happen if he let it play out

So seeing all the possible threads he runs them all to the end hypothetically (and remember he can and does interact in threads too, and that is part of it, how we relate and choose him pray and have faith or not and how he reacts intercedes responds etc)

So he knows all. He’s seen the end of all possible free will threads before they happen and he says in his wisdom of all the threads this particular one is best for my plan and purpose - keeping in mind the LOGOs aka Jesus IS the purpose for mankind and always was, is, and will be to come!

So he says now let’s do it - cause it’s not a thing till it’s done! The thing is in the doing! And it’s time consuming and it’s costly and because free will evil but also because God is sovereign we can trust He’s got this.

And so he selects the most optimal free will thread according to His glory and plans and mind and says let it go my children!

Play ball!

And the devil rebels.
And Adam and Eve sin.

And here we are.

Now he knows it all already therefore He is all knowing and sovereign in every sense we see in Bible cause he’s seen this thread play out in his middle knowledge and he selected it and being God we trust He selected best for His will and purpose for mankind aka Jesus!

But remember this is our play ball moment too we are doing the doing and choosing the choices inside of the thread in the span of actual lived time.

And just remember God is outside of time so it’s probably much more complex than we can figure out here .

But this IS one way it could be possible: he is sovereign and gives us free will

And remember His best doesn’t alway seem best to us at the time so we have to trust Him! And I do! In this best thread I pray Jesus reaches and redeems the optimal number of free will creatures that’s possible in a billion gazillion would be threads and thanks for letting me play ball and thanks for Jesus! I say yes!!

I love you Lord! Thank you!! Amen!



Good morning,
So I'm glad someone pointed out the obvious in that Calvinism in attempting to highlight thr sovereignty of God denies some of His divine attributes.
I would love to hear a topic on the love of God as presented in Armenian, Calvinist, Open Theology, Molinism, and Universalism. I understand the inclusion of universalism in this bunch may seem out of place, but universalism also much like Calvinism focuses on one of the attributes of God at the expense of other attributes. While Calvinists focuses on the omnipotence of God, universalists focus on His love at the expense of other attributes. Both doctrines also lead to a different soterology.

Looking forward to future related videos


Calvinism now here comes Molinism?

Just can't be a Christian anymore.
