20 Celebrities who are against Donald Trump

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Whilst Donald Trump may have his fair share of celebrity supporters, there are a lot of famous faces who pretty much hate him.

These celebrities aren’t afraid to voice their opinions to the world on why they are against him. With over 65,000 people signing the #StopHateDumpTrump campaign online, it’s clear he is going to have to win a lot of people over if he wants their vote this November.
here is the. 20 Celebrities who are against Donald who have outright expressed their dislike for the presidential candidate. Who’s side are you on?

1. George Clooney
The famous actor hasn’t been afraid to voice his opinion on the presidential candidate. In an interview with the Guardian, Clooney described trump as an ‘xenophobic fascist’ due to all his over-the-top excessive prejudice views and opinions.

2. Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga had no words for when she was asked if she was a fan of the controversial candidate. Her loud and sarcastic cackle said it all.

3. Jennifer Lawrence
We know Jennifer isn’t afraid to say what she thinks, we’ve seen her play the feisty character of Katniss in The Hunger Games. When interviewed by Entertainment Weekly, she said it would be the end of the world if Trump became president.

4. Johnny Depp
The actor may be going through his own kind of troubles lately, but he’s still worrying about the future of America. He told a reporter, ‘if Donald Trump is elected president of the United States in a kind of historical way, it’s exciting because we will see the actual last president of the United States. It just won’t work after that.’

5. Matt Damon
When talking about the possibility of there being different realities on this world, Damon said, ‘if there are multiple simulations, how come we have to be in the one where Donald Trump becomes the Republican nominee for president? Can we, like, transfer to a different one?’ Awkward.

6. Miley Cyrus
Miley is a controversial character herself, but she isn’t following Donald’s lead, even referring to him as a ‘nightmare’. She also started the hashtag trend on Twitter ‘#aintapartyindausaanymo’ showing the USA will be a very different place if he’s elected.

7. Stephen Hawking
National treasure Stephen Hawking was asked on Good Morning Britain to explain Trump’s success, he simply said ‘I can’t’.

8. Ben Stiller
Even though Donald has endorsed some of Ben’s past work i.e Zoolander, the actor has publicly said he’s surprised the president as got so far.

9. T.I.
The rapper has strong opinions against the possible future president. He ordered that anyone who is a fan of him shouldn’t support Trump, and even posted a photo of Trump as the Joker.

10. J.K. Rowling
People were said to be comparing Trump to Harry Potter villain Lord Voldemort. But the author stepped up to defend her character saying he was nowhere near as bad as the candidate.

11. America Ferrera
Trump has controversial views on Mexican immigrants which have been strongly spoken of in the media. Actress America posted a very powerful piece on The Huffington Post thanking Trump for giving Latino voters the willpower to prove him wrong and vote against him.

12. Tyrese
Actor and singer Tyrese didn’t like Trump’s comments against Muslims. He posted on Instagram that Trump ‘offended my #Muslim community, and created racial boundaries and set my people up for hate crimes and to be targeted for bigotry because of the ‘acts’ of some… Islam is PEACE’

13. John Oliver
The Last Week Tonight host proved his hate for Trump by dedicating an entire main story to him on his show. He even called him ‘America’s back mole.’

14. Bette Midler
The actress and singer doesn’t hold back on her hatred for Trump, even questioning if he is as worried as the rest of us if he wins.

15. Cher
Cher is planning to move to Jupiter if Trump becomes the next president of the USA. She even compared him to Hitler!

16. Stephen King
Super author Stephen King joined over 400 writers in signing a petition that speaks out against Trump. They are against a political candidate who deliberately appeals to the basest and most violent elements in society, who encourages aggression among his followers, shouts down opponents, intimidates dissenters, and denigrates women and minorities, demands, from each of us, an immediate and forceful response.

17. Susan Sarandon
It was during an interview with “The Young Turks” that Sarandon compared Trump to ‘The Drunk Uncle at a Wedding’. She said she “can’t even address him seriously,” but what concerns her is that “he’s made hatred and racism normal.”

18. Chelsea Handler
Well they say a picture tells a thousand words… Comedian Handler tweeted a picture of herself almost naked with “Trump is a butt hole” written on her body.
“A germane tweet,” she wrote on Twitter. “I mean this with the utmost disrespect.”

19. John Legend
20. Kerry Washington
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Steven Hawking didn't say anything.His computer did.And let Cher move to Jupiter...who needs her anyway.


Dangle any orange carrot in front of these "dying" for cash and these celebs would do or say ANYTHING!


Donald Chump made me think that the world would end!

Mr. President, if you are reading this, you're fired! And you made me create a fired category for cinemorgue wiki! This is all your fault!


All those Celebrities thought they had it in the bag!!! hahahahahah😂the laugh is on you now!!!


you missed green day 3 famous punk rock stars


Green Day calls out Trump every show!!


What about Corey taylor from slipknot he should been on list to he hates trump.
