Now You See Me 2 (2016) - The Big Reveal Scene (3/11) | Movieclips

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Now You See Me 2 - The Big Reveal: In the middle of their presentation intended to bring down the Octa CEO, the Horsemen find themselves exposed by a mysterious presence on stage.

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After fleeing from a stage show, the illusionists (Jesse Eisenberg, Woody Harrelson) known as the Four Horsemen find themselves in more trouble in Macau, China. Devious tech wizard Walter Mabry (Daniel Radcliffe) forces the infamous magicians to steal a powerful chip that can control all of the world's computers. Meanwhile, vengeful FBI agent Dylan Rhodes (Mark Ruffalo) hatches his own plot against Thaddeus Bradley (Morgan Freeman), the man he blames for the death of his father.

TM & © Lionsgate (2016)
Screewriter: Ed Solomon
Director: Jon M. Chu

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That exit was so sick. "I'm the same man I've always been"

Proceeds to 1v4 with two pairs of handcuffs


Mark ruffalo was a savage at the end

One handcuff to handcuff like 5 people


"Boss, sorry, i'm always angry..."


I love how the FBI automatically listen to a criminal


The hacker voice, I liked that creepiness, and the random face thing


“Go to plan C-4.”

You mean the plan where everything literally blows up in your face? Sounds like the right name.


ruffalo was so cool in the end. It's like meeting a level 100 guy pretending to be level 2 when you are level 1


I would like to learn that cuff trick LOL


Love how he vanishes into the darkness at the end badass scene


now you see me always has the best plot twists and reveals. the reveal of jack wilder being alive gives me chills every time


I loved Dylan in this film, in the first one he played the bumbling, sceptical FBI agent so well that the reveal he designed pretty much all the illusions was really cool, so it was great seeing him in action throughout this movie doing so many tricks himself


The one where Harry got bored and exposed the wizarding world.


Both twists from the first film unearthed in a few minutes.


I love how you can partially hear Radcliffe's voice throughout the big screens voice.
Just alluding to who is behind all this.


I love how their "magic tricks" here in this movie are practically Super Powers. :3


- People find out Lionel Shrike somehow survived that one day because people thought they saw him, while we thought he drownded
- The 5 Horsemen will go look for him, because he is still alive somewhere
- Eventually they find out he lives somewhere in France
- In the house where they thought he lives, they find Ilma Dray, who is the daughter of Lionel Shrike and Dylan's sister (oof)
- Now the whole group (Dylan, J. Daniel, Meritt, Jack, Lula and Ilma) will search for him
- Arthur and Walter escape from prison without anyone knowing and they want to avenge the Horsemen for ruining their stocktrading empire and all their businesses
- Arthur and Walter find out by espionage that the Horsemen want to find Lionel Shrike
- The Horsemen are doing a few shows because for some reason they like doing that
- Then the finally starts: the Horsemen find Lionel, being old and all, and talk about a whole lot while Dylan and everyone is emotional
- Both Lionel and Ilma reveal they were always part of the Eye
- About right when the Horsemen found them, they get found, beat up, captured and trapped by
Arthur and Walter
- They trapped them and explain to them their entire plan instead of killing them, like all bad guys do for some reason
- Meanwhile the police and government find out that Arthur and Walter are missing (Natalie Austin, agent Fuller, Cowan, etc) and they try to find them
- Then Arthur and Walter explain that they had only 1 business left, as some kind of buffer, but they don't know what kind of company that was because they let other people manage their companies because they had so many. But they used the money they made from that business to set-up this plan
- they arranged vaults, the same as in which Lionel Shrike and Dylan Shrike almost died, and put them all in different vaults and let them drown, after saying goodbye
- There is a scène where everyone says panically goodbye to each other in their own way
- As soon as the vaults are dropped into the lake where Lionel almost died that time, Arthur and Walter go to theairport nearby to escape with a plane (they don't have a privet jet anymore)
- Then you get scene of everyone trying to escape, but utterly fail, and everyone is prepared to die
- Then, suddenly, all 7 (magic number) Horsemen get saved by 7 different people
- When everyone is above the water again and half choking and trying to breath, the shadows of the 7 people suddenly become clear:
Jay Chou, his mom (Bu Bu), Henley Reeves, Allen-Scott Frank, Etienne Forcier, Natalie Austin (yes indeed, all that time) and on top of all: Thaddeus Bradley
- They all say hello to each other, some enthousiastic and other emotionally (Lionel and Thaddeus, Horsemen and Henley Reeves, Dylan and Natalie, etc) and then the 7 saviors explain how this is possible and how they found them: the only company Arthur and Walter had left was a business for creating magic tricks and props. When they ordered that vaults after they escaped prison, they ordered that from the company from Jay Chou and Bu Bu, who are specialised in that stuff, and when they saw that order coming in, they checked from who that company was. When they saw that it was (officially) from Arthur Tressler, they knew what was going on and got all 7 people together (they are offcourse all from the Eye)
- Now the whole squad of 14 will try to stop Arthur and Walter from escaping the country by plane
- Due to combined Forces, Natalie is able to let the police stop the plane just in time and they find Arthur and Walter inside, and everyone is shocked in the plane, and everyone in the world gets to see that from the News
- The squad uses the Magic Broomstick, that Thaddeus Bradley had for some reason, to clear all the last bit of data that belong to Arthur and Walter, so they can never scam people again
- In the end, everyone is allright, and all the 14 Horsemen decide to do one more show and then stop for good. And while the show is busy, the Voice-over is saying some cool stuff like Now You See Me or Eye For An Eye
- Then, a few weird scènes appear, like someone diving in the lake searching for the key that Dylan and Ilma threw in the lake a while ago, and one at the police station (with Cowan and Agent Fuller) where they talk tobeach other about the Eye (yes they are also part of the Eye), the stairs with the Eye shape, The Mythological hieroglyphs from the Horsemen saying that the Horsemen can't stop and always finds successors to continue their job of making the rich less rich and the poor less poor by using magic, all the different places that the Horsemen where tracked down by Dylan in the first place, and then into the crowd:
Arthur and Walter sit on a certain seat in the crowd, being dressed like hermit with robe over their head, having both the Magic Broomstick card and the Horsemen card (which consists of the four Horsemen cards from the beginning) in their hands, while the Voice-over finishes his sentence:
*"...Now You Don't...!"*


I love the way Daniel's voice says 'let's let them in shall we'


2:48 If he walked out of there in style by setting up his tie higher and the camera focusing on him that wouldve looked awesome


i love how being a illusionist in this movie means having superpowers


2:09 Was it just me, who loved the revealing of Jack Wilder? ( Not because he was found out, but that scene was kind of cool, or idk, 'cause he didn't know about that he will be found out, so he was shocked, just like a star in public. And as he was trying to escape, it's just cool. I think
