The Structure of Scientific Revolutions - Thomas Kuhn

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Thomas Kuhn’s The Structure of Scientific Revolutions was one of the most controversial books of the 20th century as well as being one of the most referenced academic works in history.
In this episode we look at what Thomas Kuhn said about the Structure of Scientific Revolutions and how every science falls into three phases. The first stage of Kuhn’s theory is the Pre-Paradigm phase. This is where the field has yet to achieve any consensus and is divided into a number of competing schools.
With the second phase in The Structure of Scientific Revolutions Kuhn tells us that the field has achieved a certain level of consensus around one paradigmatic theory as has happened for the field of Optics with the work of Newton or of electricity with the work of Franklin. This paradigm sets the research program for the field which sets about the work of normal science.
In the course of this normal science, anomalies in the data appear and Kuhn tells us that these anomalies, if not resolved, precipitate a crisis in the field and lead the practitioners to doubt their paradigm.
It is this type of crisis that triggers the emergence of the revolutionary science or extraordinary science. In this period a scientist comes up with a solution to this crisis that reorients the field around this new paradigm — setting a new research program and acting as an exemplar for future paradigmatic solutions.
Thomas Kuhn’s The Structure of Scientific Revolutions changed how scientific development has been perceived forever. In the next episode on Kuhn’s work we will look at the legacy and criticisms of Kuhn’s work.
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Media Used:
1. Juniper — Kevin MacLeod
2. Drums of the Deep — Kevin MacLeod
3. Anguish — Kevin MacLeod
4. Mesmerize — Kevin MacLeod
5. Allégro — Emmit Fenn

⌛ Timestamps:
0:00 The Structure of Scientific Revolutions - Intro
0:45 Pre-Paradigm
3:04 Paradigm – Normal Science
5:31 Revolutionary / Extraordinary Science
10:03 Summary and Conclusion
#Kuhn #thelivingphilosophy #philosophy #philosophyofscience #paradigm
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⌛ Timestamps:
0:00 The Structure of Scientific Revolutions - Intro
0:45 Pre-Paradigm
3:04 Paradigm – Normal Science
5:31 Revolutionary / Extraordinary Science
10:03 Summary and Conclusion


your channel can save young scientists from reading Kuhn’s book, without loosing the core concepts. Many thanks 😊


Wonderful video. The ideas of some philosophers go unrecognized and unappreciated because no one reads their work or cares; Kuhn is a philosopher whose ideas go unrecognized and unappreciated because no one reads his work and everyone wrongly assumes they knew what he meant! Always a fan of videos that help clarify misconceptions.


I found reference to the re-canting of the pre-paradigm stage. In Ian Hacking's essay introduction to the 50th anniversary copy of 'Revolutions' - he notes in XXV how later footnotes by Kuhn (around 1977) explain his regret at using the term, and that it may not necessarily be the case; as precursory to a 'paradigmatic' way of operating by scientists.


one notable exception might be Max Planck, as he was quite old when discovered black body radiation, and his proposal was a shift from classical physics. Planck embraced the quantum revolution despite being trained in the classical paradigm for a long time. Maybe the paradigm shift is as internal as it is external.


My first viewing of a video of your channel. Certainly not the last one, as your presentation is utterly interesting to me as a non scientific mind. I will certainly listen to your serie around science knowledge process, and then have a look at your presocratic philosophers presentation. Very good and limpid work from such a young man !


Thanks for this video! I've been planning to read this for forever and this vid will definitely help me navigate it


a very interesting video. Thank you so much


I love the way you delineate this concepts in philosophy and science, please can you talk about the idea of Authentic humanism in Gabriel Marcel's philosophy? Thanks.


Great content. Wonderfully explained. Thank you.


Good to learn about Hoyle. So interesting. I recently heard here on you tube a theoretical physicist explaining how some einstein's equations show that a 'big bang' never occourred.


Thank you for this. I believe that there is some evidence that Kuhn later re-canted the idea of 'pre-paradigmatic' stage. This would be worth examining perhaps?


James, next lesson is waiting for you in your mailbox (2 letters). Cheers! (In my last Russian book Kuhn lives in the Chapter 125 - long way ahead) JF


This feels a lot like Hegel: thesis, antithesis, synthesis


Am really trying to concentrate, but have one question, are you from Belfast?


His ideas are very similar to Feyerabend's


Great work, as usual. I would also recommend the Introduction (about 50 pages or so) of Michael Cremo's "Forbidden Archeology", where he explores this process of what he calls "knowledge filtration", within the sciences, much like what you describe of Kuhn's theory; where anomalous findings, which do not easily fit into the paradigm, are omitted or explained away by a thousand convenient possibilities, and the full facts get buried in original source materials, while academics mostly cite contemporaries and near-contemporaries, and don't even know these things.
