Education: It Matters More to Health Than Ever Before

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Did you know that your years of education can affect how long and how well you will live? Americans with fewer years of education have poorer health and shorter lives, and that has never been more true than today. In fact, since the 1990s, life expectancy has decreased for people without a high school education. Education is important not only for higher paying jobs and economic productivity, but also for saving lives and saving dollars.


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Education matters more to health than ever before. Americans with fewer years of education have poorer health and shorter lives. A new brief and video kick off the VCU Center on Society and Health's Education and Health Initiative, a program to raise awareness about the complex connections between education and health. 


i couldn't agree more. education helps people in al facets. the more education people have, the less likely they would engage in criminal acts, risky behavior, be in poverty, develop unhealthy behaviors, etc. more education helps the economy, lower crime rates, improve people's health (harder to tell someone to just eat healthier and change life long habits), and makes people have less children (population control). of course, it can't solve every problem, but it is just so effective and crucial for a better society


please add captioning to this great video


the background music makes this impossible to listen to


Lo que pasa es que contra más educación (que tiene que ver o no con obtener títulos oficiales) más información y más prudencia en la vigilancia de la salud de la propia persona.
