How strong is Ichibei from the zero squad in bleach 👊🏽#shorts #anime #bleachanime

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How strong is Ichibei from the zero squad in bleach 👊🏽#shorts #anime #bleachanime

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He should’ve taken away yhwachs altering future ability lol


He lost because he ain’t the main character 😂😂


I swear Yhwach has such crazy plarmour. I actually think Yama and Ichibei would've beaten him without his plarmour😂


Ichibei was a monster!! I agree he should of been able to take away yhwach shrift!! The almighty should of been changed to weak


With the auswahlen, he had gained enough strength to bypass ichimonji's abilities plus being a part of the soul king makes it easier to nullify ichimonji. He stated it himself in the cfyow novel


Let's just say for anime only watchers, it took literal cheat codes to put this man in the dirt😅😅😅


Ichibei's ultimate technique literally removes a persons soul from existence so it cant be reborn.


Yhwach didn't have the almighty when ichibei defeated him it came back after the fight
Yhwach used the almighty after he saw his eyes getting sealed, he altered the future and set his eyes to come back after that fight

If you want proof read the manga and listen to the dialogue just before the fight in the anime
When ichibei drew two lines and said he'll defeat yhwach in between those two lines Yhwach replies saying ichibei will die 3 paces beyond that


Gremmy lost to kempachi and he had the best power in the verse


The way that ywach’s powers work is that he gives pieces of Hines elf to his subordinates, a blessing or “Shrift”, that powers them up essentially. When they die, ALL of their essence goes back to ywach including memories, powers learned, experiences, etc. earlier in the Cour frente fought and lost to Kenpachi. His essence and powers of imagination returned to Ywach. That’s a long winded answer. The short answer is ywach has the power to change the past, present, and future to his will.


Dude.. His Shikai alone clearly make him the strongest, If u think Genryusai Sun is very strong the Ichibei has all black thing as his power.. Shadows, the night, blackholes, everything in the world, soul society or hueco mundo all blackthing in the existence is his power.. When it come to the hax his bankai is the most bullsht hax..
But Ichibei is about Wisdom..
Wisdom>Knowledge.. I am not surprise if actually Ichibei is still searching for the next soul king.. He purposly lose, so he can make best possibilities for Yuha, Aizen or Ichigo to become the next Soul King..


It's easy to make sense of it. Just use your brain... Yhwach can see the future and change potential outcomes to the one he wants. And all he was looking for is Victory by any means possible... Imagine fighting Mike Tyson. Who is obviously much stronger and more competent a fighter than you!!! HOWEVER, you know how he's going to come at you with full certainty. So you train everyday in order to deliver the PERFECT counterpunch with PERFECT timing. And so you get the KO and therefore the win.


Pulls up on 🤔 immortal??? Who decided that? 😈 "Ichimonjiii" now you're as strong as wet cereal...good luck 💀💀💀🤣🔥🔥🔥🔥


Japanese Steve Harvey is broken although he gives me ancient Chinese vibe.


Lowkey same thing i was thinking when kenpachi fought Gremmy


all these guys have bankais that shouldn't be able to be canceled out

while ichigo is just simply immune to everybodies bankai


A lot of things in bleach make no sense. Like how can a common quincy steal Shunsui bankai? How did kenpachi win against gremmy, how is uriyu strong enough to be next in command to quincy king and survive senjimaru bankai? If oetsu is dead who is going to make further zanpakto's?


He lost because he can change who u are but ywach (who defeated him) can change what he will become if that makes sense so they’re bankai’s are cancelling each other so it came down their own strength and their spiritual pressure (I’m not an expert on bleach i’ve only watched 160 episodes so this is just a theory from me)


In my opinion I'd say all of their haxes and powers were limited so none of them in the final battle fought to their full potential at all, the reason I say this is because Soul Kings power, as we've seen can't really be used at max potential if not at all against other beings with soul king remnants or extracts within them, we know this for certain becasue Ywach could see alot of things but failed to see Mimihagis arrival and then proceeded to say "The one thing that escapes my eyes", "The soul king himself", this signifies that all of the characters in the final battle or leading up to the final battle couldn't utilize their full power or use their Had against eavhother since they were fighting being with soul king remnants etc inside of them, for example: Ywach couldn't see Mimihagis since it's apart of OG soul king which limited almighty being used on him sinve even that ks Soul kinhs power, anorhee example is Aizen affecting Ywach with Kyoka Suigetsu which worked because since Aizen had contact with the Soul king fragment within Rangiku and took it for himself meaning he limited Ywachs ability while his own ability was also being limited since it was soul king frament beings against other soul king fragment beings also another example is Tsukishima being able to regain ichigos sword, it wasn't only because of past manipulation it was mainly because himself being a fullbringer is also apart of soul king himself..., With this being said we can understand why Ichibei was limited becasue just as the other have contact with Soul king powers Ichibei is also apart of the Soul kings influence since is made up of the Oken snd therefore led to both him and Ywachs Hax and abilities being nulified by the Soul king himself, so this is why Ichibei lost, they were both nulified but Ywach used what he had better than Ichibei, basically saying that the Soul king fragments fighting other Soul king fragments would cause both sides to either be nulified or outright useless against eachother and it'll eventually comes down to who uses their power Ywach did, However if it wasn't for the Soul King fragments, powers, abilities or influence the fight would've went much differently since Ywach won't have almighty and Ichibei would have greater base power (Again if only Soul king didn't have an influence in some way).


If you think that's bad, wait till you read the light novel"Can't Fear Your Own World"where you find out that Kenpachi is multiple times more powerful than Ichibei.
