How to Play the Sicilian Defense: The Fundamentals

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#chess #passedpawns #siciliandefense

Hello everyone, welcome to Passed Pawns. This video covers the Sicilian Defense and how YOU can learn a rare but very useful variation and start playing it in under 10 minutes. Enjoy.

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Intro music by: Infraction
Video Music by: Stream Cafe
Title/Thumbnail inspiration from chesspage1.

Thank you everyone.

0:00 Intro
0:21 Theory
2:07 Nb3 sideline
4:40 Nf3 line
6:25 Alapin
9:04 Outro
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i like the style of your videos! im a beginner and while i understand i need to learn an opening, i dont actually know what im trying *to do* via the opening, as well as the main goal behind the theory. thanks! subbed :)


I really like how you more focus on theory than memorizing lines. As a person not trying to just play ‘basic’ moves like to just develop, but actually have a long term game plan, really helps. At the end of the video, you should show the important key points on what to focus while playing the Sicilian. Basically like a summary on a few goals you should accomplish, like the knights objective is get on this square, an outpost. You get the idea, something you can easily remember no matter what nonsense the opponent plays as a starting point for beginners.


This video is highly edited. I am new to this style of editing, so I want your input.

Do you think the video was too fast paced? Too edited? Not edited enough? Too slow? Needs more depth?

I am still learning, so if you guys have any criticism for me I'd love to hear it so I can learn from this.



OKelly variation works only for d4, however if one plays c3 preparing d4, it is not so good


I play the Sicilian defense and I play different e6 lines, but I was getting sick of the Closed Variation from higher rated players that I was consistently losing. All the sidelines were driving me through the roof so now I'm trying to go towards the Caro-Kann. Maybe I'll come back to the Sicilian, maybe not.. I don't know... there are just so many sidelines that white can play, and it would be impossible for me to learn everything.


Note that (a) there is no best defense for black and (b) playing the Sicilian will not allow players to “beat anyone.”
