Merge Sort, O(n log n)

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Merge sort is a popular sorting algorithm known for its efficiency and simplicity. It follows the divide-and-conquer paradigm, breaking down the sorting process into smaller, more manageable parts.

Here's how Merge sort works:

Divide: The unsorted list is divided into smaller sublists recursively until each sublist contains only one element. This process continues until the sublists cannot be divided further.
Conquer (Merge): After the division phase, the algorithm starts merging adjacent sublists back together in a sorted manner. It compares elements from the divided sublists and places them in the correct order.
Repeat: The merging process continues recursively until there is only one sorted sublist remaining, which represents the sorted version of the original list.
The key idea behind Merge sort is its merging step. This is where the algorithm efficiently combines smaller sorted lists into larger sorted lists until the entire list is sorted.

Merge sort is preferred for its stability (maintains the relative order of equal elements) and its predictable performance. It has a time complexity of O(n log n), making it efficient for sorting large datasets.
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