Look Out For This Test! Signs From Your Divine Masculine That Final Twin Flame Reunion Is Coming!

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In today’s video, we explore the pivotal moments just before the final twin flame reunion—a phase that many of you dream of and eagerly anticipate. As we venture through 2024, the dynamics between twin flames are intensifying, particularly through tests from the Divine Masculine (DM) to see if the Divine Feminine (DF) is truly ready for a constant and unbreakable union.

I'll explain how the Divine Masculine tests the Divine Feminine’s energy, ensuring it is solid, unwavering, and fully prepared for the lifelong journey of living, building, ascending, and creating together. Learn about the importance of maintaining strong boundaries and a deep sense of self-love, which are crucial for managing the intense energies of reunion.

This video is crucial for those in the twin flame journey who are nearing this transformative phase. Understand the signs and tests that indicate you are approaching full reunification and discover how to affirm your readiness through spiritual, emotional, and energetic preparation.

Tune in to navigate these tests with grace and confidence, ensuring you are fully prepared to embrace the profound union that awaits.


Raghida is a New Earth Healer, Twin Flame Consultant, Shaman and 12D Ascension Activator. She has been a well known healer in the industry for over 25 years.

Her passion is to facilitate change and bring every soul she touches back to Harmony, Peace & Equilibrium within.

Her divine soul mission is to work with people all over the world to bring forth their highest potentiality in whatever the inner urgings of their heart calls forth.

Her ability is to access the chambers of the soul within and see what their gifts, life mission, passion, soul yearning and commitment to wholeness of the overall wellbeing of the Soul into Self Mastery.

Raghida is able to gently coalesce the mind, body soul connection into a unified grid through her 12D activations and Sacred Geometric Templates which she binds and awakens at the cellular level for each person individually.

This assists individuals to move from 3D into the embodiment of 12D grids of love, unity, self empowerment and highest potentiality of the Person in current consciousness.
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It's such hell to be a twin flame 😩


Ladies if your having difficulty staying in your DF energy, take yourself back to times where women were COURTED. If you have to plan, reach out, set up the date etc...its a test. Fall back into your energy express yourself and leave it at that...if he is your true TF or DM, he will course correct and do what needs to be done. ✌🏾🙏🏾


I’ve made the call to walk away! It’s his birthday today but I’ve fully stepped back. Unless he comes in right. Boundaries are so strong! King - yes!!


He came in to test yesterday. I was joyous and playful, genuinely happy because of Life... yet boundaries strong as never before. There are shifts within him, I can feel. I was no contact for a few months and I believe he went through a Soul Shock... But I feel he is still in his matrix and doesn't look he'll find the courage to step out of it soon...

I am in a state of no return to the old paradigms of pleasing and being available just to keep the connection and feed my ego feeding his ego and spinning in the same old merry-go-round. New state of awareness of my own value and light came this april, like I've transcended to a new level of consciousness.

Your guidance @Raghida is precious ❤


It's not testing me. It's Lack of his confidence 😕. I am too good to be true. I am The One in Trillions holding the highest position without being in any high position. Very attractive physically. Very beautiful internally and externally 😍❤. All of it made him so insecured. Therefore, he's been jumping. On and off and spinning in the wheel. He created a negative Word inside his head that he cannot get out of there. These are all his own problems. Running from himself only. He is trapped by his own games. That's all it is.


I’ve recently experienced the testing twice. It triggered me a little, but I changed how I responded to it compared to the past. Held my boundaries and communicated that it was not acceptable. He listened and changed his behavior on those two issues. It took me a long time to understand how much I had to change within me before this could happen. I had to set boundaries in all areas of my life and let go of everything and everyone who was dragging my energy down and not respecting my boundaries. Thank you for sharing your insights and wisdom. 💕✨


The masculine being the electricity while the feminine being the magnet makes so much sense. Because a while ago before I knew about the twin flame journey, I had an energy healing session, and was in a state of positivity and joy regarding my divine masculine before going to sleep. And then when sleeping I had a dream we were lying together, and he was placing his hands on me and the thought that came to mind at that moment or into my awareness was that he was charging me, that's what it felt like. Charging me with his electricity and I was receiving it. And this is the first time something has explained why or validated that experience


Correct ..this is exactky whats happening.Triggers are gone.Boundaries are strong.But love is there.


It's called, 'playing games, '...who needs it?


I love failing dudes test. Liking and loving myself is so much fun


JUST did this. Boundaries brightly marked. Queen energy in place. Carry on 😂


I been single for 8 years, dating is exhausting. I keep getting Virgos, which were are narcs.


Wow ! I can so relate. And I recently messaged him i am tired of fighting with him, I won't anymore (ie get triggered). I give up. Let's just be there for each other. Ofcourse he dint respond. My only focus is on myself, my health, my responsibilities, my life, staying centered, in a state of surrender. No more chasing.


This is exactly where we are at as he kept coming in and I wasn't holding strong healthy boundaries so divine stepped in and is helping the process for me to be able to do so such a beautiful process ❤❤❤


This is very true. I have had to hold strong self love boundaries while staying balanced. Regardless of what I wanted the outcome to be which is true surrender to self, self love which is Gods love. One and the same. ❤


This is such a wonderful confirmation. 🎊 Thank you for your no BS approach. Hold the line DFs ❤❤❤


I am being tested. God told me that re: boundaries. We are ready


He pushed me away and I've been working on me. I'm good without him unless he's right too🙏


As a man, with dm aspects, it only after leaving my job for 14 yeara is that i realize that yes, ai never respected, loved myself and never cared about my boundaries now, am starting to realize what I was missing and this is so important. So this was the missing key. My self love, respect and to value my boundaries.


I literally came across you in a moment when my DM said something publicly that was uncharacteristicly offensive to me. It wasn’t actually aimed at me but it made no sense he would say it when it’s the opposite of what he usually says. And my response was an immediate energetic hell no. Once upon a time I would have made excuses for him but this time I was more like “ grow up and stop being so petty”. It made no sense. Until I saw this. Especially when his energy was so positive lately.
