The Best Credit Cards To Use For Velocity Banking! Part 1

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If you want to learn more about velocity banking and want one on one coaching please visit my website to see how you can obtain this service. I am dedicated to helping my clients learn how to pay off their debts at an accelerated rate and gain the financial knowledge to learn velocity banking concepts.

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Don't Forget To Hit The Subscribe Button and make sure you watch the video below before watching this video

How To Pay Off Your Car In Half The Time Using a Credit Card Velocity Banking

How To Pay Your Mortgage With A Credit Card Part 1 (Velocity Banking)

How To Pay Your Mortgage With A Credit Card Part 2 (Velocity Banking)

How To Calculate Simple Interest When Using A Line Of Credit (Velocity Banking)

Check out other videos below

Velocity banking with credit card

How To Pay Your Mortgage Using A Credit Card Scenario 2! (Getting Rid Of PMI~Velocity Banking)

How To Pay Your Mortgage With A Credit Card Then Pay That CC With Another CC (Velocity Banking)

This channel is aimed to connect like minded individuals that are seeking the best wealth building strategies. This channel will educate individuals on velocity baking, infinite baking and real estate buy and hold strategies to create passive income. *All content is for educational purposes only
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Hey Charles, great channel! What strategy would you use to apply money you have in your savings account to help in paying off bills faster using velocity banking? Or should you just leave your savings alone?


Thanks for the list of credit cards. Question. I saw that you have a patreon. Do you by any chance do weekly or bi weekly zoom calls with your patreon group? Or is it just the 1 hour call per month?
