Why NEOM is WAY scarier than you think

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Between Saudi cities in the desert and Peter Thiel’s attempts to homestead the high seas, it’s clear that for some, money isn’t enough. That can be a danger in liberal democracies.

Saudi Arabia’s crown prince Mohammed bin Salman wants to build cities of the future in the middle of the desert — NEOM — with a ski resort called Trojena, a floating city called Oxagon, and a city built in a straight line called The Line. But the supposed motivations don’t add up. Rather than practical concerns, it seems MBS is animated by a desire to be a great founding figure: a motive shared by American billionaire Peter Thiel. Thiel, who first dreamed of libertarian utopias on the ocean — seasteading — has since redirected his interest and energy toward supporting National Conservatism: a far-right, anti-democratic political movement embraced by Josh Hawley and Thiel’s client-candidates J.D. Vance and Blake Masters. This dual-story reveals just how dangerous unlimited ambition can be when up against the limits placed by liberal democracy.

Spectacles is a love letter to democracy, its values, its caretakers, and its ideas. Around the world, individual rights and representative government are facing unprecedented attacks from the forces of reaction and revisionism. But despite liberal democracy’s real shortcomings and today’s all-too-fashionable cynicism, we remain committed to its preservation and improvement. Join us as we explore just what liberal democracy is, how it comes about, and how it can best be maintained in a changing world.
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At every point in the NEOM story I go "it can't possibly get any stupider" only to be proven wrong yet again.


I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desart. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed:
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.


Because of the lagoon, Epcot doesn't have many underground tunnels (a few in the future world section) But mostly Epcot uses the lagoon for the transport of goods, and the currently unused pavillions as backstage facilities. The massive tunnel network you're thinking of, the Utilidor system, is found in the Magic Kingdom.


Nothing worse than a Billionaire with a new idea.


Just shows that billionaires and democracy cant exist together.


This is the most well-produced video I've ever seen with under 100 likes!! :0 subbed!!!


Up until when I was about 12, my dream for when "I grow up" was to build a big floating city in the middle of the Pacific ocean with me being it's ruler. I believed an autocracy by me would be the obviously best system since I was so clever and would know what was right and everyone would flock to live in such a wonderful place. I named the island a nonsensical cool sounding word that I made up and drew maps and flags and everything that I thought a new microstate needed...
I wonder why that vivid childhood memory suddenly came into my head...


Very few people have seen/can see through Peter Thiel's & Elon Musk's marketing, advertising, PR & spin to see/reveal their true agenda - which is pretty evil!
Kudos for doing this!


NEOM being a vanity project and having such massive mirrors seems too on the nose. Come on MBS, be a little more subtle.


Man, it's truly amazing to see how Bioshock has become even more real than ever now a day


Your videos are by far the greatest. I’m in complete disbelief that you aren’t at 500k. Anyways..I’m here at at 992 subscribers! Let’s get to 500k


How does this channel not have more subscribers?


Just a quibble - the palantir were not evil. They were created by the good elves of Middle-Earth in the Second Age, but then were later corrupted by Sauron, like the rings.

Now, Thiel's corporation Palantir, on the other hand....definitely evil.


Another excellent and very informative video. Keep up the good work.


an entire video on how Seastead cities without government oversight sounds like something that would work well


"Lets do Bioshock in real life. That would be sick!"


You are doing amazing and please PLEASE keep making these wonderful videos, I'm more than sire you'll find great success


Great videos, have now watched everything you have uploaded and have subscribed to see what you have planned for the future. I discovered your channel thanks to Kamome, hopefully other channels give you shoutouts!


NEO = new and M is short for mostaqbal meaning future
NEOM = new/future


5:05 "Beheadings are on Wednesdays." Worf ST Picard
