When just being 'good' and 'right' isn't enough

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I’ve been slowly piecing together a Unified Theory of General Shittiness that… at least makes sense to me. It also gives me hope because I think understanding how we got here and what we could do differently is like maybe 1/7th of the battle.

-- Associated Press “Raw: Calif. Wildfire Burns 10-mile Path to Pacific”

0:00 Intro
3:44 The Good, the Bad, and the Treadmill
7:09 The Bad
9:21 Who experiences oppression?
13:10 What happened to the American Dream?
15:37 Runaway Infernos
21:20 Two Forces of Oppression
23:44 The Curse of Oppressed Privilege
29:35 Tools in the toolkit
39:29 What now?
43:19 Bonus
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I'm glad you included the variation for those without friends


"You have a lot more in common with a person that you disagree with than someone who doesn't believe in anything". I will be thinking about that a lot, thanks. Great video and message.


You are becoming one of my favorite channels recently. The topics you choose to talk about is quite broad and yet I find most of them interesting, it kind of reminds me what youtube used to be back in 2010-2015. The era where people discussed things that they found interesting, and not just making videos for the algorithm.


That little pause in "antici.. pation". Brilliant!


Fun fact about wildfires (this is not a metaphor about the wildfire metaphor, just interesting): when a fire gets large enough, it can create a Flammagenitus cloud, whose rain can put out the fire


Two weeks ago we voted a new paralament in germany and far-right party, the afd managed to get 20% of the votes, and the cdu, our conserverative party also got 30% of the vote, by taking far right talking points and appealing to far right voters.

All pretty horrible, but let me tell you my true point which I always thought was the issue and right now, the circumunstances proof me right. Ehem, The left-party, also got 9% of the vote, which doesnt sound much maybe but its a huge deal because the party has been struggeling for years and now comes the kicker, they did manage to do that, because they got popular on social media.

how did they manage to do so?
They mangaged that by doing something everyone thought, only the far-right are good at. Populism, or not really populism because they still always told the truth, but they used simple langauge, good slogans, a great party-leader and good speaker who is also good at making video content.

They understood now, that the "talking down" and the unreachableness of mainstream politics is the issue. And now they choose to go to them and talk to them in words they understasnd and offer solution that will actually help them. Instead of racism and bigorty.

They also went door to door, specially to people they thought are suspecitble to afd-talking points. They went there and just fucking talked to them. That is so brilliant

So yes its not enough to be right and good. You have to be smart about it and you have to know who you are talking to. You have to know what they will understand and thats not populism but its talking elements of populism and using them for good


The image of the spiral of dread seems like way too much fun.
Especially for what it represents


This video came to me like a lighthouse from a storm. As always, incredibly well researched, thoughtful, and actionable. Thank you for doing what you do. Keep it up.


This was a very powerful video for me.

I think you've convinced me to try your method to end lactose intolerance after I try this here "empathy" thing...


"We also don't live in a hunter gatherer society..."
"...where we have to throw grandpa off a cliff if he isn't contributing very much"
Ehh... I am not an expert. But I can note that compassion didn't evolve in the last 15 millennia. I remember reading about remains of people who were unable to help to hunt (amputees, I think), but apperently still lived long beyond their injuries.

I personally find that quite hardwarming.


Thank you Hendry. You give me hope for the future at a time when I really didn't see much.


Thanks for making this important video.


The tools to fight the oligarchy: Truth, Empathy, and Humility.


I also think a lot about politics and psychology with the goal of ridding the world of this shittiness. In my experience, this doesn't really work on a personal level. I've tried many times to be kind, informative, and objective, but I have always failed to teach these things to people. So activism is probably a much better approach—you’re more likely to reach people who already think critically and are willing to change.

Most people I know refuse to change. Even if they partially agree with you, there will always be certain beliefs in their lives that make their ego resist the bigger picture, preventing them from fully acknowledging how it all works.

So, I really appreciate this video—you did a wonderful job explaining everything.

I also personally thank you for bringing up the struggle of being called privileged just because I am a white man, even when I was depressed, lonely, and broke. That kind of accusation generates a lot of hatred, even if there is some truth to it.


I had this shower thought recently that the "humility" section 39:20 reminded me of:
"People who arent willing to change their minds are essentially affirming that their past self is constantly more correct than they could be now, which in turn, implies they are constantly getting stupider"


i wish you’d released this like 12 hours earlier so i could have had the words to describe what i was trying to tell my family last night over dinner lol, great video!


"Not doubly disadvantaged" - 25:37 That is the vocabulary that I was so desperately deprived.


If I can suggest a book, "Good Inside" by Dr. Becky. Wonderful tool for bridging divides and talking to outgroups. It claims to be a parenting book, but it's more about meeting the psychological needs of yourself and other people within a larger perspective. Up there with NVC so as to not rely solely on a vibes-based, blurry, and intuited version of empathy.


I mean, it's a nice bird and all. But I recently discovered the South American Oilbird and I am quite impressed.
The best part is that they use echolocation... to find fruit. It's great. Top tier bird.


I don't know how to materialize this thought, so bear with me for a moment. This video is excellent. It's researched, carefully worded, builds concepts up exceptionally well, all of that. The feeling I get from this video is akin to a really difficult holiday meal with a qanon uncle sitting next to you. Just mounting dread and anger and anxiety, building up under whatever thin facade you can muster in order to stay sane. I can truly feel the pain and exasperation in your choice of words. Or maybe that's projection who knows.

Somehow I doubt that the people who could stand to grow the most from this content will sit through it, but man I really really hope at least a some do.
