Why Am I Burping So Much? | GutDr Q&A

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Burping (also known as belching, or eructation) is a normal process of the human body. But when can it become a problem that needs treatment? What causes burps, and how can we minimise them?

00:00 Question & introduction
0:33 What is burping?
1:33 What causes burping?
1:52 Aerophagia
2:06 What is supragastric burping?
2:57 Therapies & exercises
3:18 Ways to reduce burping

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The GutDr (Dr. Vincent Ho) is passionate about providing credible, accurate information about the gut, and educating people to maintain a healthy and happy gut. This YouTube channel will provide informational videos about the gut, and also answer your questions!

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Who else is burbing non stop while watching this video to find the cause. 😒

Edit:after some few adjustments on my diet my condition has improved but I advise you should also see the doctor.
Avoiding too much spicy foods
Less sugar and gluten

Reducing pepper intake


Including bananas, apples and youghurt in my diet

Losing weight if you are overweight


Myself aslo suffering from this excessive burping and can't stop it...it's been almost 3 years now...when I get this excessive burping I try to divert my mind like playing online games or keeping myself busy....but at night it's rrally hard


Nice video man! I just went to see a doctor in Miami Florida and he wasn't even near this educated that just told me to get random tests and nothing else! Not even a 3 min conversation of which pills might be good for me or something... Wish there were more people like you!


I 100% understand what you’re going through. I am there myself. So glad you had nothing nefarious and I hope you get all the answers you seek. We may be in debt afterwards but it’s worth the peace of mind if you ask me. Reach out anytime if you need to talk.


My mom thinks I'm forcing my burps to be loud, but I'm not.
I blame it on the soda ginger ale


I too had/have this problem and i usually feel better if I am more active.


Thank you very much... Never knew this was coming from my anxiety...


Over a decade ago, I got sick, IDK, I think I ate something bad and/or got food poisoning, I don't really remember the specifics, but about a week later, I started experiencing this. I can pretty much burp on command and It's something I struggled a lot with Initially, but now It's pretty much a part of my daily life. It's good to know that It doesn't seem to be anything too serious though.


I have been experiencing excessive belching over 8 months now. I have tried different methods still no relief and I doesn’t come like normal burping. The sound is heavy and difficult to come out

What should I do?


I’m really great full to come across this.... I have been suffering excessive burping to the point where I can’t even breathe. I’m also bloated, like I’m 8 month pregnant and can’t even dress up.. I went number of doctors and took hundreds of tablets and nothing worked. Finally I did endoscopy and was told I have stomach ulcers but again the medication is not working. It only somehow reduced the belching. But I’m still bloated and it’s also painful. So now after listening to you I might have aerophagia


I have this. It is horrible and this abdominal cramp that doesn't go away.


Hi doctor I think you forgot to mention SIBO which I think is probably the more important cause of excessive burping and maybe the most unbearable one.


It has literally burdened my life.... I violently hiccup burp all day long and its extremely loud and i sound like a crazyy person going about a 100-200 times a day.. all day long... no matter what im doing... its exhausting... and i feel like people think im doing it on purpose... its crazy scary and cant figure out whats going on.. after 3-4 years I finally figured out what it is... supragastric burping.. i literally just did it right now as i was trying to type this.... it wakes people up.. sounds like im going to throw up and im dry heaving violently but its just a hiccup biurp thing... its so violent and oppressive...


I’ve been to multiple drs for advice on why I’m breaking winds or burping so much… none of them mentioned anything that you mentioned… thank you


Informative. Looking forward to your future animation.


I have had this problem for almost 3 years no one can tell me why I burp non stop all day even if I dont eat or drink I still belch like a drunk person. I have no social life as I am too embarrassed to go anywhere


Please help doctor 🙏 I'm suffering gastric burps continuously since from 5 months I lost the weight 12kgs & eating any food coming gas & stomach comes tight plz help sir 🙏😭 due to I used antibiotics & swelling tablets then on words I got side effect gastric problem plz help doctor how to solve it 🥺


I have been struggling with burping since 2018 it is 2023 and i still don’t know what this is. So i cannot burp involuntarily i feel the gas in my throat and always have to push it out. It makes a very loud sound most of the time if i don’t push the air out it moves back to stomach or stays on the throat causing discomfort till i pass it out what could this be?


I have thyroid disease and I think it's part of that. I have been burping and frog in throat feeling for months since Oct. I have never had this before. I do take Thyroid daily. I can't seem to stop this and sometimes it burps nausea taste. I have tried everything to stop it.HELP.


Thank you for this very informative presentation. Have this Supragastric burping more intensely this past year but it has become harder to release the trapped gas after 8 months on PPI’s. Now on DGL Licorice instead of PPI to deal with acid reflux but the terrible feeling of fullness from trapped gas gives me anxiety as I’m unable to get a full breath until the gas is released. Then feel much better. Now to find out what’s causing it in addition to swallowing air…ie SIBO, lack of Bile/Enzymes etc.
