Walmart's $20 ONN Streaming Box is.. Great? ONN Google TV 4K Streaming Box Review

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I've been using one for months and if the remote wasn't different, no one would be able to tell the difference. It's an absolute steal at $20 bucks


I got this streaming unit as a choice between it and a roku. What I like about it is the fact that you don't have to register on a computer to get it up and running. Its sleek, compact and very easy to set up. I love it!


I have 2 of the Onn 4K streamers. I think they are okay for the price. 😊 mine work great. 😊


Thanks for the video! Good timing, I just bought a YOWHICK Outdoor Movie Projector with Screen and 300" Display from Amazon and this would be great for that. I ordered one and we'll see how it all works. 👍👍


Thank you, awesome video. Walmart should sponsor you because I just decided to buy one because of you.


These boxes are great I just figured how to make the own box into a gaming box with lots of 80s games to play enjoyn it now, with a gaming controller I'm really having fun playn my old games like pacman, tetris, Mario Brothers, donkey Kong n lots more.


Great reviews, thanks! I'm on a super low budget with a small non-smart TV. Only thing I have going is basic internet lol so this will be great for me hopefully 😊


I wish Walmart in Canada would sell these !


For all you plug and players who have subs to Netflix etc etc .... its just perfect. I think it has less RAM/ROM than a Firestick so it won't house many apps before it tops out. But for kids who just want to watch movies or cartoons knock yourself out !


The TV button is for live TV, including the 120 plus Google provided channels


I have 2 of these and for $20.00 dollars I think they are decent enough. If you want better of course you have to pay more money for the device. It is a good enough device for the average consumer. 😊


Works much better than my crappy Fire TV devices. My only complaint is all the garbage on the home screen. So much crap that it lags the device and the screen is so cluttered that it's hard to find what you're looking for. Much prefer the clean interface on my Roku Ultra.


Funny how some YT reviewers say don't get the ONN, but there is no reason not to when compared to the other similar specs streamers.


Cool, thanx for video.. how did you move around your apps? I tried on my Philips Google TV and couldn't figure out how.


Hi bud good video could you let us know how to delete apps from this box no video on this anywhere any help appreciate cheers..


I've had mine for going on 3 days, the first 2 days it was doing fine. My roommates have the Roku Express. The Roku that they usually keep in the living room usually drops it's connection from the Internet and after that won't work till hrs later(when it feels like it) They say that they don't know why that always happens, and that it's always and only that specific one that does that. I've been meaning to get a Roku for my bedroom, but when I saw the Onn streaming device at Walmart, I went ahead and got it. The setup was quite quick and easy. Now on the 3rd day of having it, it dropped its connection from our home's WiFi, then I hear this weird annoying ringing static noise. I turn it off and turn it back on, that seemed to have fixed it temporarily, but then about 15 minutes later it does it again, but now it doesn't even want to connect to the wifi. I went into settings to switch the Internet back to on, since it was off, but it won't stay on, it keeps switching back off. Automatically


It is top notch! 1/2 the price of a Google 4k chrome cast. Easy set up & sync. The remote has compatibility with my TV, which has always been an issue for my old TV.


I've been hesitant due to the remote not having traditional navigation buttons. It sounds like you were comfortable with it.


The tv button is for Google live tv. It appears when you use a VPN because I live in Puerto Rico.


Great review! Liked, subbed, and getting this device when my fiber Internet gets installed next week. I live in the boondocks so it's taken YEARS to get high speed unlimited data Internet with NO DATA CAPS. Finally getting it next week. Can't wait to use this device with my antenna and Tablo 4th gen. Thanks for the honest review.
