The Question That Will Stump Jehovah's Witnesses at Your Door! What to Say to Jehovah's Witnesses

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How to stump Jehovah's Witnesses! Next time Jehovah's Witnesses knock at your door ask what did Jesus teach in John 5:18-23?

This question will stump the Jehovah's Witnesses, and could plant seeds that will lead them out of the false Watchtower Bible and Tract Society organization and to know Jesus Christ personally. Learn what to say and how to effectively witness to Jehovah's Witnesses when they knock at your door.

The New World Translation in John 5:18-23 proves Jesus equality with God the Father, that Jesus claimed to be equal to God the Father. The context of John 5:18 teaches that Jesus is God, distinct person from the Father, and that Bible proves Jesus is God. There are many Scriptures in the Bible that proves Jesus is God such as John 1:1, John 1:3, John 5:18, John 5:23, John 8:58, John 10:30, John 14:9, John 20:28, and many others.

Links below Exposing the False Teachings and False Doctrines of Jehovah's Witnesses and the Watchtower Bible Tract Society, and that the Bible proves Jesus is God. These links will help equip you to know how to effectively witness to Jehovah's Witnesses when they come knock at your door or wherever.

Check out more videos on exposing false teachings of the Jehovah’s Witnesses

I will do my best to provide answers to your questions about what do Jehovah’s Witnesses believe about Jesus, God, Jehovah in reference to this video or in general.

Berean Perspective Christian Apologetics

Kelly Powers
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Thomas knelt before him and said, "My Lord and My God!" If Jesus were not God, he would have lifted Thomas off the floor and said, "Stop worshiping me, Thomas! I'm Michael the Archangel, not God."
When the Sanhedrin asked about Jesus, his response was"Before Abraham was....I AM." That was a phrase reserved for God.


Can't argue with that!


John 14:28 Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I.


If Jesus is God and Equal with God, They are NOT FATHER AND SON, THEY ARE BROTHERS


John 10 :30 "I and My Father are one." pretty effective too. not only that but ...its plain, short and to the point.


I like this guy, yet these questions are too easy (John 5:27) "And he has given him authority to do someone gives you authority to judge, then the one giving the authority is in a higher position than you, not equal. Notice (John 5:30)"but the will of him who sent me" If you do the will of the one who sent you, then the person who sent you is in a higher position than you, not equal. (John 5:36) " for the very works that my Father assigned me to accomplish, these works that I am doing, " If someone assigned you to work, then they are in a higher position than you, and not equal.


Berean Perspective: You certainly read a lot into that passage. I do not know of many J. Ws that would be stumped by this questioned, I know I wouldn't.


John 14:14 If you ask anything in my name I will do it. ( Here we CLEARLY see Jesus say If you ask anything in my name I will do it. ), and that is correct when we approach Jehovah we use Jehovah's name who is the Father, but upon CLOSING the prayer we say something like : " We say this prayer through your " SON " Christ Jesus Amen. " Again there is a BIG difference between being prayed TOO and being prayed Through . 1: Timothy 2:5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, a man Christ Jesus. ( Again here we see Jesus ROLE as a Mediator or a Go between, Middle Man, between Jehovah and Men.


I chased them away.
But now that I have been listening to Kelly Powers. It will be a different story.


I Will to get this book, but I live in Brazil, Bahia.


The Watchtower beliefs about who Jesus was, is CORRECT ... Jesus is the Son of God.
If people say Jesus is equal with his Father, then you people should call Jesus as Father.
Bear in mind Satan is a very highly intellect being capable of manipulating false things to be the truth, he wants all the truth from God to be false and that is his MISSIONs.


Them ol mean Jws
They do so many bad things
They huh huh huh
Well they do bad things
I can't say one good thing They do
Well they get up extra early on days they could sleep
In, get dressed and go knocking on strangers doors,
Wow you know that's easy, and then talk about God!!!
Are they asking for it
That's just crazy only person I ever heard do that was
Ah ah ah
He walked everyday, long distances and done what?
Teacher and preached His Father's Will???
Never had a home, or horses or fine clothes
What was most important?
The people.
It's all about the people.
God says once My Word is told through out the
Earth, then the end will come.
JWs in 6 continents, 400 languages
Almost 9 million JWs alive today
(Not counting one's that have passed away
since beginning)
Jesus never celebrated His or Apostles
Birthdays, or Christmas etc....
JWs follow Jesus example...
Not the world's.
God said be no part of the world.
The whole world lies in the power
Of the wicked one, Satan.
So you do you.
Don't be steeple
Think for yourself
Be careful who you listen to on here.
Find your truth
Pray ask God to show you, guide you.
Satan has people too.
And HE HATES JWs just like these ppl.


The answer is simple 1 Corinthians 11 verse 3 the head of Jesus. The text he uses at John 5 proves that they are not equal. If I said you must love my son just as you love, that does not make my son equal to me


Newcomer here. Just subscribed Saturday 14rh January at 07:45 am Irish time. What is the one line that Watch Tower removed from their edition of the Bible that is crucial to Christian beliefs. That's how I came across your channel. Struggling to find my ear back to The Father.


Since my grandson started studying with the JW's, I began extensive research into that Organization. I had studied with them a couple of times in the past, but I couldn't quite put my finger on what was 'wrong' with what they were teaching. Now I know how to answer that question. I have a NWT 'bible' and their Greek Interlinear 'bible'. I compare them with every other Bible I can get my hands on or download. I even learned a bit of Hebrew. Having on to such lengths, I had my eyes 'opened' and see that they very cleverly omit verses; change the context of verses by adding or altering words and twist meanings in their 'commentaries'.

I've listened to the 'debate' (James Whites vs Greg an exJW); listened to a very useful lecture "How Badly Was the New Testament Corrupted?/Veritas at SDSU (2018) who revealed that there are over 5000 papyri of the Bible discovered, which shows me that when they leave out a Bible verse and say that such and such Papyri omits it, that it could be because it may have only been a fraction of the papyri.

Their so-called 'bible' is not to be trusted. In fact, it is a 'counterfeit' bible due to the fact that it claims to BE THE REAL DEAL. By association, they are counterfeit CHRISTIANS, who are probably more closely related to the Pharisees than to actual Christians. They are taught to 'lie' to 'fool others' in order to save themselves or to get others into their organization. They justify this using 1Kings 22:22 so, to try to 'reason' with them is nearly impossible. Besides all of that, they are carefully controlled and policed by the Elders and each other. That is one of the reasons why you can't study with them alone, one on one. They are a religion of works. They are ruled by a Book Publishing Corporation that keeps records of everything they do like they are slave labor employees. Their hours are clocked and tracked but only the men get 'promotions'. They can get 'disfellowshipped' even if they DARE to doubt what they are being fed by the 'discreet slave', which will cut them off from all family members. (The family members are threatened 'disfellowshipping' if they speak to the disfellowshipped member) Their religion DEMANDS that they all 'speak the same thing' even if it is WRONG. The Watch Tower (appropriately named) is their POPE.

Good for you, if you feel the calling to 'plant seeds'. As for me, though, I use the power of prayer and have decided not to seek them out but if they come across my path, I will uphold the Name of Jesus and witness as to how he has changed my life for the better. They are TERRIBLY deceived people and it makes me wonder WHY anyone would want to be a WatchTower SLAVE instead of being FREE in Christ.


Very Simple ...


John 10: 31 thru 36 Once again the Jews picked up stones to stone him. Jesus replied to them : " I displayed to you many fine works from the father. For which of those works are you stoning me ?" The Jews answered him: " We are stoning you, not for a fine work, but for blasphemy: for you, although being a man, make yourself a god." Jesus answered them: " Is it not writing in your Law, " I said: " You are gods" ? those against whom the word of God came -and yet the scripture cannot be nullified- - - do you say to me whom the Father sanctified and sent into the world, " You blaspheme, " because I said, " I am God's Son? " ( Again we see here it was God's enemies that was saying Jesus was making himself God, not Jesus. Again here Jesus mentions : " I am God's SON "


the question equal to God....would mean two gods. Meaning of honour - That which is valued and esteemed is “honoured.” The biblical use sometimes also means to seek to enhance the reputation of someone. Therefore, reasoning here it does not mean 'worship'. The Greek word translated “honour” in the Bible is ti·meʹ, and it too conveys the sense of esteem, value, preciousness. LivEng Phil2v6 shows the mind of Christ 'Have in you, each of you, this same mind as in Christ Jesus, 6 who, when he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God as a prize' Therefore Jesus himself never considered himself equal. Again, reasoning of Pslm36v5, 9 LivEng Jehovah, your friendliness is in the skies, your faithfulness up to the heavens, v9 For with you is the source of life by your shining we see light' Jehovah is the source, therefore nothing existed unless He breathed life into it...hence He is the Almighty God and Jesus is called Mighty God. With respect.🤔💜


Well, no, it won't stump them. Note that it was Jesus' ENEMIES the Jews who said he 'made himself equal to God.' Jesus NEVER said that, and refuted the thought in the very next verse, 19, when he said, 'the Son canNOT do a single thing of his own initiative, but ONLY what he sees the Father doing, ' showing his INequality with God.


On this video you wanted the verse that said Jesus is the arc angel. Let me know if you still want this verse. I have it. I also have the Bible verse that provides the formula for determining whether the immortal soul, hell fire and the trinity teaching originate with God or with Satan. Let me know if you are interested in this verse also. I am here to help.
