Middle Class Money Habits Keeping You In The Rat Race! (Avoid To Build Wealth)

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The middle class tend to have subconscious money habits resulting in the never-ending cycle of the rat race, crippling their ability to build wealth and achieve financial freedom early. In this video we will cover those habits and how to avoid them.


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The stock market's dividends motivated me to start investing. What counts, in my opinion, is that you will be able to live off of dividends without selling if you invest and make more money in addition to payouts. It suggests that you can give your children that advantage, giving them a head start in life. I've invested more than $600k throughout the years in dividend stocks; I'm still buying more today and will keep doing so until the price drops even further.


i watch these to keep me from buying new equipment, im in tree care and the industry is so debt heavy its crazy, i just climb and have real old trucks but the urge to finanace the crane and boom truck is always there expessally when all the competion seems to have them, rat race is strong is arborculture, i have good saving and hearing these videos keeps the urge to buy new things at a minimum. thanks


I am lucky to save and invest 60% of my salary. while my friends are out partying, buying latest phones and cars and getting in huge home loan debts. i am happy with 6 year old phone, uber /public transport and living way below my means.


No car payments, no credit card balance. Follow those two, everything else will fall into place.


Tip 1: make a youtube channel about finance and get it monetized


When my friends ask my how I'm good at saving i just say laziness. Most of my stuff I've had for some years but im just to lazy to go try to upgrade it or get anew bill


I use public restroom and use the free toilet paper. I also take a bath in the Walmart restroom. I wash my clothes in the Walmart restroom. I sleep in my car. And I don't have a wife. I sleep with random women with protection of course. I panhandle and by my food with this money. I use my panhandle money to buy Bitcoin. 😎


Over and over-a "car" is used as an example of a "bad investment".
But people keep buying them.


this is exactly the thing I wish I new at 20 years old :)


I do love that you mention, being in the rat race isn't wrong, it's just a way of living, however if you want to live another way, these are some of the things you need to do.


Today's generation has so much information and so many tools available to them to learn how to earn and grow money. I wish there was a "youtube" when I was in my 20's. I would've done much better.


I like how he mentions that there is nothing wrong with being “in the rat race”. I have a college education, a career that I love, I own a small house, and raise two beautiful children. We can afford to splurge on one vacation per year. It is a traditional and simple middle-class American life, but I feel very blessed to have it.


Everything that you have said is true, but when you decide to live 'within your means, ' you are more likely to be made fun of. I broke free, but only after a life time of working. I 'live' comfortable now, with 2 sources of income; and one in reserve. But to accomplish that, I had to work in the rat race until 65, but I saved privately, as well.

I was viewed as being weird, even by family members. I often tried to talk finance with my former co-workers, but at one mtg, I was made fun of, and frankly it hurt.

Of note, I have been retired for 3 yrs now & and my co-workers & family members who are older than I am are still working. I guess who laugh first, don't always laugh last. Great video.

Ms. B. Churchill


200 dollars invested for 40 years will become 1.168.816 dollars. How did you calculate that, invested in what? thank you.


In my country, Australia, it is compulsory and mandated by law that our employer put 12.5 percent of our income into a retirement fund, so that people have money to live on after 65.


I can relate to this, trying investing, broke now 😒


Middle Class Money Habits Keeping You In The Rat Race
1. relying on one job
2. Increase in expenses with increase in income +Debt trap
3. Ignoring the importance of saving for old age
4. we spend too much on things that lose money instead of tings that go up in value
5.Being comfortable


Just live with someone without the marriage contract. Or just stay single.


You forgot these 2 elephants in the room keeping us in the rat race.
6. Marriage/Divorce
7. Children


Who/ what is Wealth Shack? Content is good, but lacks personal connection.
