8 Middle Class Habits That Keep You Poor

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Imagine doing everything right and still feeling broke. At 22, that was my reality. In this video i uncover the middle class habits that keep us from wealth and how I transformed my financial future!

00:00:58 - Middle Class Habit #1
00:03:12 - Middle Class Habit #2
00:05:54 - Middle Class Habit #3
00:09:00 - Middle Class Habit #4
00:11:37 - Middle Class Habit #5
00:13:43 - Middle Class Habit #6
00:15:09 - Middle Class Habit #7
00:16:26 - Middle Class Habit #8





I Will Teach You to Be Rich (hilarious how-to book on personal finance for millennials)

The Little Book of Common Sense Investing (Jack Bogle's classic advice on index funds)

InvestED (step-by-step, millennial-friendly advice on how to pick stocks like Warren Buffett)

Unshakeable (this book = courage. blast ALL the fears & misconceptions you have about investing)

Rich Dad Poor Dad (#1 selling personal finance book of all time... need I say more?)

Think and Grow Rich (the ultimate book on money mindset and wealth consciousness)



YNAB (I literally can't live without this budgeting app, so obsessed)

Wise (like Venmo but for international currencies - I use this app a LOT for my life in Mexico)

High-Yield Savings Accounts (don't settle for 0% when you can get 3%+ on your savings)

Ledger Nano S (crypto storage hardware wallet, because "Not Your Keys, Not Your Crypto"!):



This content is for education and entertainment purposes only. Rose does not provide tax or investment advice. The information is being presented without consideration of the investment objectives, risk tolerance, or financial circumstances of any specific investor and might not be suitable for all investors. Past performance is not indicative of future results. All investing involves risk, including the possible loss of principal.


@itsrosehan is my social media handle on all platforms. I will NEVER message or email you about investment schemes, so please be careful and block & report any scammers posing as me.

Рекомендации по теме

Poor people habits
1. Not curating your Inner circle
2. Buying more than you can actually afford
3. Working hard. Not working smart
4. Not earning what you are worth
5. Pay all your taxes
6. Relying on one stream of income
7. Using credit score as an indicator of wealth instead of networth
8. Spending before you save


Took me halfway thru the vid to realize that this video is a complete spark notes of Rich Dad Poor Dad.


"earning what you are worth" is the hardest one for people I think. It took me way too long to quit a job that simply wasn't interested in promoting me or giving me raises because I didn't want to leave my coworkers. Then I left and doubled my salary to do less work at another company, and every minute of every day I wonder to myself "why didn't I do that sooner?" Great video


Once I stopped eating out and streamlining my diet and fasting, I started saving a lot of money.


Loyalty tax is 200% correct!!! Never stick around in the same place for more than 3 years!!!! Learnt it the hard way. Thanks.


Here it is: PAY YOURSELF FIRST. That is the most important habit.


The inherent problem with these videos is the point is supposed to be "you too can be rich" but it's logically impossible for everyone to be rich. Rich is a relative term.


I am convinced that the taboo around speaking about money was created by the uppers to keep the lowers poor and in the working class. Financial visability is key, ive started talking about money to all my friends and family, some feel uncomfortable but thats ok they dont have to share their income or anything, Its still nice to be transparent about mine.


Hi Rose! I'm glad to stumble on your video. Would love to see partitions in the actual video so I can move around freely on my own time.
To fellow viewers, to save time, here is the list :)
1. Not Curating Your Inner Circle
2. Buying More than you can afford
3. Loyalty Tax
4. Not Earning what you are worth
5. Pay all your taxes
6. Relying on One Income Stream
7. Credit Score
8. Spending Before you save


For some reason we think it's taboo to talk about money and sex. Never ask what's happening in someone's bedroom, but there's nothing wrong with talking about sex in general. The same with money. Never ask "how much", but it's OK to ask someone what percentage of their income they save towards retirement. People freak out when you ask these questions. They say it's private. And that's the reason why they are still poor.


Expecting to succeed and have everything at 22? High ambitions for a young age!
Wish I'd have figured out half these things when I was as young. Well done you!


Rose is the entire reason I was brave enough to learn about financial freedom and implement investment strategies. I came from a very low class family (albeit a loving one!) However, I swore that my kids wouldn't live like that. I started late and they are teenagers now but I am working hard to teach them about savings and investing in their future so they don't have to grow up a prisoner of their paychecks. THANK YOU ROSE, for not gate keeping all the juicy info! ❤


I like when Rose talks. It's like she's the sister who keeps you in check.

I like when she raises her voice in a "What the hell are you doing!?!?!! Stop that! Change that!" (you've done that in your other videos)

Thanks for this video!


I have a wealthy aunt and uncle in Southern Ca who are getting a museum being named after them. How did they become Billionaires? They worked smart. They rented stuff out which exponentially duplicated their time. Company/income grew and diversified their real estate portfolio. They never complained and WORKED AS A TEAM. I am proud of them.


Can I just say THANK YOU! Being a first generation student and the oldest sister in my family, Ive always had the pressure of paving the way for my younger siblings and it hasn't been easy. I've been watching all of your videos and I'm so thankful for all the information you've shared. I feel confident of being the generation in my family to break bad habits and create generational wealth 🤞 Im on my last chapter on Rich Dad Poor Dad book and plan on starting The Intelligent Investor next because I have a 401k that I'm still trying to figure out what to do with. But thanks again for the inspiration! 🙂


i had no idea how to make money as i had always worked in operations, we just get orders done. At the age of 43 i don't see money in my bank as every months pay day was also paying debt day . I quit the job at 43 bcoz i was unhappy, went into a small business and at 50 years of age I'm financial free . My investment dividends pay 2 times more then my job as operations manager . Thank you Universe for steering my path


Great Video! "Trading is the hardest way to make easy money! But once you learn the skill you can and will change your life!"


1. Being around rich people - Unfortunately, no unless watching YouTuber’s counts. 👎
2. Credit cards - The only reason I use credit cards is to get cash back rewards. I always pay them off, not every month, more like every week. I have no significant debt. 👍
3. Work hard - Not really, my working hours went down last year while my income went up. 👍
4. Being quiet at work - I am the quite type so yeah, fail on this one.👎
5. Taxes - Yeah, I ended up with a significant tax bill this year.👎
6. Single income stream - I have three, my job, dividends, and bank interest 👍
7. Credit score – yes, I have a fantastic credit score. I track net worth about once a year and yes, it is definitely going in the right direction.👍
8. Spending before you save – Nope, I save 5 percent automatically in a high interest savings account, then 10 percent to investing. At the end of every month, I invest what wasn’t spent. No joke, investing ends up being my top expense category most months. 👍

Great video, thanks.


The Millionaire Next Door is one of the best books I’ve read on money management


i was taught to spend, spend, spend until nothing left except a huge steaming pile of debt, then my mom went broke and had to get a second mortgage on our house just to have lower interest on her credit card debt. After I saw her struggles I have always done my best to save as much as I can and NOT max out my credit cards. I actually dont have one anymore. If I will be paying someone 18-30% interest I would much rather be earning that some way. Love the brag file as well. Thanks for this video Rose.
