Lexus RX450H - Honest Review

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Nice review. I own one from 2010. Fell in love with the smooth ride. It had one owner and high miles - perhaps not my smartest purchase, but on long drives it's such a cream puff! You gotta own it to understand


Don't care if its girly, my #1 priority in owning a Lexus is reliability. Why own a money pit


I have 2010 fully loaded. Drive like new. Make sure clean the fan filter hybrid air fan under the back seats where it locates at the front. It helps to cool the hybrid battery 🔋 system. It is very important. ❤❤❤❤❤❤ love the Lexus.


Remember old school Buick? Old man driving a slow looking gun but packing a .44 magnum. RX-450h is just a very balanced ride, it does its job well


Great video! Especially when speaking about actually owning a vehicle and being able to review it accurately.


I have an 08 400h and a 13 450h... and I can tell you, with the right tires these are actually really good in the snow. I am in the Midwest so we have had plenty of opportunities to test. If you run the factory tires... then you might have issues in the snow, but that goes for most cars. I run the cross climate 2's on the 450h and I have a dedicated set for the 400h. Never been stuck... I have passed cars spinning up a hill... It works, you just have to know how to use it. Hybrid snow mode in the 450 works wonders as well.
As far as off road, I don't think this car was designed for that use...


Cannot agree more on: owning one to offer the honest review.


I have the 2015 RX350 w/ 85K miles and was going to trade it in for a 450H but after the test drive it felt sluggish and not as fun to drive but it does great for what its designed to be a great hybrid suv


I have the previous Model, drive it for 3 years now, it´s a 2008 and still runs perfectly, already has over 190.000 miles on it, but no problem. I ´d like to buy a GX 450/460 of their 2nd Generation in the near future. But unfortunately here in Europe, there´s hard to get one of those. Was in Florida last year and spotted a lot.


This is peak RX. It went down hill from here, to Subaru Lookalike to mdx idk, but I'm glad i found this gen In Pristine


I'm going for comfort. I drive 250 miles a day and my 97 Civic finally gave out at 266K and lots of parts thrown at it. It was VERY uncomfortable and buzzy and loud. I am borrowing a KIA Sportage 2006 EX v6 and it's so heavy and safe feeling. The MPG avg is 20mpg. It's also a POS and falling apart at 140K LOL! This RX would fit the bill!


Nothing is wrong for a soccer dad to drive this Lexus RX450H.... your manhood is not determined by your "manly " vehicle... "8 inches" is more than enough to get the job done... the average is only 6.5 inches.... so 8 inches is way more than the average you need to achieve the highest climax ....


We have an 2010 Toyota Avalon that we got in September but has been giving us issues and definitely is a pain also and seen an 2015 Lexus RX450H at our local Lexus dealership


I got a 2010 rx450h for my wife to drive and its perfect local driving still getting 28 mpg only bad thing is the front tires wear out faster lol


I just trade-in my 15-yr old Ford Hybrid SUV, the classical boxy one for 2011 Lexus RX 450h w/ 75k mileage on it accumulated by a single owner, thought I should not worry that this is already 13-old vehicle, especially w/ this low mileage driven per year(less than 7, 000) and with this reliable proven VVTi engine and hybrid tech.

Compared to not-hybrid RX (21/25 mpg) this one can make on average 30mpg city/hwy in combined driving, which is not bad at all for its weight, right. Also important for my decision it was the fact that the single owner operated the hybrid in my area of drier climate CA and serviced the crossover at my local Lexus dealer, so no rust underneath and other disasters. Like they say: Lexus is the rehab for BMW, Audi, Mercedes recovering owners 😂

The question is do I have still as a 2nd owner in state of CA the up to 150k/100, 000 mi which ever comes first on the hybrid battery? How long they last and can be replaced with refurbished one for $2-3K as the replacement prices goes today (of course not at Toyota/Lexus dealership)?


Nice review! We also have a 2013 RX450h, one previous owner. bought in FL 5 yrs ago. We also own a 2011 RX350 and really like both. My only complaints are (1) Toyota stopped offering navigation updates for this generation system in 2019, and (2) both require premium gas. I think the 2013 RX350 can take regular but not the hybrid.


Glad you called out 4Runner for its lack of tech


Get the "Luxury Line" or "President Line" model, and you'll have all the extras there are :-)


The most, most SUVs do is go over potholes and speed bumps.


How owners drive their most-capable and ruggedness $70, 000 to $125, 000 to do serious offroading???? The most serious offroading experience most capable SUV'S with the most rugged look will ever do is running over street bumps and parking stop bumps at
