What Are The Odds Of Being Born A Human? | Odds Of Being Alive

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What did it take for you to be born? What had to happen in order for everything to come together so you could exist? It's mind-blowing to think about all of the things that had to be in place for you to be born. Just from the beginning of the Earth an immeasurable amount of events have taken place to bring you into existence.

Would you believe us if we tell you that you are a miracle no matter how small and insignificant you feel about yourself? The thoughts of insignificance might eat you out from the inside and haunt you forever. But we are here to remind you that you matter, and do not let anyone make you think otherwise.

You were not born by accident because your parents decided to have sex one day. The odds of you being born were at least 1 in 400 trillion. So, believe us when we tell you that there is no one like you, if there was, they would have been born and not you. Please learn to be grateful for your life is a blessing, and never take it for granted. Take a moment and think about your precious life and put a smile on the frowned face of yours because you are a freaking Miracle.

You might think that your life sucks, but the best thing is you have a choice to change your miserable life into a better one. You can choose to be happy, you can choose to be a positive person, and you can be a more grateful person. All you need to do is start appreciating the little things in your life, and you will naturally become happier.

Did you get a driving license? Be Happy. Did you get to see your parents alive today? Be more grateful. Ultimately, all the little things in your life matter. So, it is better to start appreciating the little things, in your life, from today.

Life is beautiful, even when you think it is not, it is freaking amazing. No matter how miserable you feel, always look for the silver lining.

Plus, we do not care whether you are a religious person or an atheist. Treating people good, with little decency, can make you feel better about yourself. So, set an example and start treating people with respect and kindness because you do not have an idea that the person you took for granted, may turn out to be the person you need.

We have given many explanations and reasons in our today’s video regarding your precious life. So, it would not be wrong if we call you an ungrateful person if you are still complaining about your blessed life.

Whatever the odds of you being born...you...remember that your existence is an amazing accomplishment against uncountable odds. Do something cool with it.

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What Are The Odds Of Being Born A Human?
Odds Of Being Alive
Odds Of You Being Born
Odds Being Born
Odds Of Being Alive
Odds Being Alive
Odds Of Existence
What Are The Odds Of Being Born
Odds You Exist
Chances Of You Being Born
Chances Of Being Born
What Are The Chances Of You Being Born
The Probability That You Exist
Probability Of Life
Odds Of Life
Being Grateful For Life
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Leonardo - I've replied to you elsewhere, but with no response....
Anyway, it seems to me that if you think you could have been born another organism then there would indeed have to be a 'you' that existed _before_: you were born as a human, in order to be born as something different....
In other words, a prototype 'you' waiting in the wings to be born as either a human or other organism...
Yet you say that there are no protypes (which I agree with)

I gave you quite a detailed response to this post elsewhere - I'd like to engage with you on this - you said to someone else that you were open to criticism..
I'm still trying to get my head around 'you could have identified with me, and vice versa'....what does that mean?
If it's what I think it is, how do you know that that's not what happened?

So, your opinions?🤔


This is a nonsense statement. The odds of being born a human being, or another organism (that is equally possible, mind you) are 100%. There is no such thing as 'proto-being' or being in some sort of 'state' before being born. Only human beings or other organisms that are (or were) actually alive count. Sperm cells and egg cells do not constitute anything on their own and are meaningless in this discussion. What remains are all the organisms that are or were alive, and those odds are 1 to 1! It puzzles me why many educated people - even evolutionary biologists like Richard Dawkins - don't see this. The real interesting question should be what the odds are of being born a human being instead of another organism!
