What Are The Odds of DY1NG In A Plane Crash?😪

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the most dangerous part of a flight is the car journey you take to get to the airport


People when they’re eating: I’ll be fine 100%

People when they’re flying: I mean you never know…


The reason why some people are scared becouse if it really happens, they have no control over it


Plane are so sophisticated today, basically "computer with wings and engines", that's why flying are far safer, compared to 1950's


"As someone who takes 100 flights a year"
Taylor Swift: Rookie numbers, try harder


As a 20+ year seniority flight attendant, I am asked that question a lot. My best answer is most who die in a plane crash usually parish instantly. And, science shows that due to decompression, you're usually dead or unconscious before you hit the ground. On a more religious side (I apologize, I'm not very religious, but I respect those who are) they say God decides when it is our time to go. With that being said, there is nothing to fear except fear itself. Want to go skydiving?? DO IT!! Tomorrow is never promised!! Go see the world!!


Dan, I need to save this vid to take on my next flight 😅 I am literally TERIFFIED every time I fly. I have an Oura ring so I can prove it lol with my stress levels at maximum and my heart rate at about 160 😢 I still fly - even flew to Australia from Europe, but these flights take a huge tall on me! This video brings me some comfort... thanks


What scares people is the conditional probability that if a real accident happens to a plane mid air, the odds of surviving is very low. Can’t say the same about driving, especially with those that only need to drive short distance locally for work everyday. Unconditionally, flying is undoubtedly the safest way to travel.


People are scared of flying because if anything happens it’s much more fatal. Also people like to be in control of things so eating or choking is something they’re in control of so you’re not giving putting your life in someone else’s hands.


Everyone: Planes aren’t scary
Me: Nice food


Thank you brother I always have fear of flying… I try to sleep all the way to keep me calm… ur words have given me huge relief and comfort… I can’t thank you enough..


If you’re flying private, those odds are much worse.


I’m terrified when I step into a car or bus. I was in a fatal bus crash just a couple months back.. it’s more common than you think. The amount of dangerous driving and near misses on a normal day of driving is just scary. Flying brings me peace and that’s why becoming a pilot is one of my biggest ambitions.


As someone who is in the car on the way to the airport for Bali as of now I love planes but I'm terrified of getting on them because I feel I'm too young to die, this video helped alot thank you.


I once told someone I was flying with, someone who was, um, apprehensive that "Hey if we hit the ground at 500 miles an hour it won't even hurt." I don't think that helped much, but it was too late we were in the air already.
Seriously though that's my attitude. I was even involved in a minor helicopter crash when I was in the army. It was a nice gentle autorotation into some German farmer's field.


Love all the Airlink features in your videos. One of our best local airlines in South Africa.


I think the difference is with hi people are scared of flying and not driving, eating, etc is that you can control those things. You can’t control your plane because you aren’t flying it.

Edit: i see some of you saying that you don’t really control whether you get hurt or not on the road either, and that’s true. However, it’s like a placebo effect. You think you’re more in control on the road because you’re the one driving. Even though another driver could crash into you, you don’t really think about it given how much we drive. The difference with planes is that we go on them rarely, and thus undermine the true safety of them.


Even tho there had been around 3-4 crashes in 2024 that’s still like 1 in a 23, 000, 000 chance of dying in a plane crash, the chances of a bird strike at 30, 000 Feet is lower than you finding your dad. the chances of a mid-air collision is lower than you having any friends, save travels!


Since I did a 0 G parabolic flight, my fear of crashes vanished.
0G flight use regular, non modified commercial planes, they just remove the seats.
To do the 0G experience, they fly very high (at a steep angle, gluing you to the ground) then shut down the engines and let the plane freefall for about 30 seconds before turning them back on.
The first parabole is absolutely scary because of all the alarms beeping like crazy.
Those things are engineering marvels, a trucklot of things have to go wrong at the same time to start posing a security risk.


Thank you for this I have been so filled with anxiety for my 24 hour flight to Australia I feel much better now 🤗
