Introduction to OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect • Philippe De Ryck • GOTO 2018

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This presentation was recorded at GOTO Berlin 2018. #gotocon #gotober
Philippe De Ryck - Founder of Pragmatic Web Security, Google Developer Expert @philippederyck2572
OAuth is a delegation framework that appears on the radar of security professionals and developers more and more every day. OAuth intersects with authentication and access control, yet you would not likely use OAuth in and of itself for authentication, session management or an access control in your applications. Even more confusing, OAuth is not a standard and various service providers will likely have different implementations. Let's say it again, OAuth is not a standard - its a framework for delegation. So this leaves us with questions! What really is delegation? Where does OAuth fit [...]
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#OAuth2 #OAuth #OpenIDConnect #security #openID #PhilippeDeRyck
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Philippe De Ryck - Founder of Pragmatic Web Security, Google Developer Expert @philippederyck2572
OAuth is a delegation framework that appears on the radar of security professionals and developers more and more every day. OAuth intersects with authentication and access control, yet you would not likely use OAuth in and of itself for authentication, session management or an access control in your applications. Even more confusing, OAuth is not a standard and various service providers will likely have different implementations. Let's say it again, OAuth is not a standard - its a framework for delegation. So this leaves us with questions! What really is delegation? Where does OAuth fit [...]
Download slides and read the full abstract here:
#OAuth2 #OAuth #OpenIDConnect #security #openID #PhilippeDeRyck
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