Cheap V.s Expensive OIL PAINT - Is it REALLY worth it?...

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One of the biggest differences is how the paintings age. Expensive oils guarrantee that your artwork will stay perfect overtime and won't lose value, while cheap oils may oxidize and lose it's texture and color.


As an oil painter myself I do notice a difference between dollar shop paints & art store paints, but not much difference between high end & low end art shop paints. That said I believe the difference is often in the longevity of the paints. Cheaper paints can crack or become affected by uv. But these days very few people paint with the intention of said painting lasting for generations. I think the important thing is just to paint as much as you like and to buy the paints that you can afford.


If I bought paint that expensive, I’d probably just frame the paint tubes themselves.


One of the key differences between the two is that expensive, high quality oils will last and stay colour accurate for a lifetime. Cheap oils fade and discolour which isn't what you want when you've spent months painting your masterpiece.


Ok, so a lot to unpack, not sure if anyone is interested, but here it is.

Oil paint has (or at least should have) two components only - pigment and oil. Viscosity comes from the pigment to oil ratio, but also from the type of oil that is used. Pigments are not born equally; some are more expensive than gold - compared gram per gram and others are dirt cheap because that is literally what they are - dirt. If you are, or would like to be a long time oil painter, then the best financial option for you is to mix your own paints since good pigment is usually cheaper than expensive paint; which brings me to my next point - paint.

There is no reason for some paints to be so ridiculously expensive and other paints are very justified to be so expensive and that is down to the pigments used. The idea is that if pigment is cheap, then even cheap paint will not contain a lot of filler compounds to extend the quantity of the paint, but if the pigment is rare, cheap paints will contain more and more filler as the pigment gets more expensive, or worse, will contain a different pigment that imitates the original pigment. That is why a sound general advice would be to buy cheap earth colors and spend a lot of that hard earned money on the more exotic type of pigments like the cobalt family for instance.

Regarding oil, cheap paint contains simple refined linseed oil, while expensive paint is usually made from stand oils which are harder to produce. Difference between the two binders is mostly the fat content; linseed oil has good viscosity with a lot of fat content and stand oil has the same viscosity but less fat content which makes it more desirable to use than normal linseed oil or other oils.
In the real world knowing all these intricacies and how to navigate this weird maze gets tricky for a lot of people and the deeper the rabbit hole goes, the more nuanced and problematic this whole subject becomes. That is why generally is better to buy powder pigments and just mix your own paints. That way you can control all the aspects and properties of the paint and mix it just the way you like it and avoid all the drama and also maybe save a buck or two in the end.



4 years ago i made a painting with too much linseed oil. It is still drying today..


I kinda wish he also had a moderate price set to compare


As an oil painting artist for 41 years, my advice is cheap oil parts are great for beginners, you don't want to spend tons of money in learning to paint because it's not like training to do a job, with art, someone can show you how to but it takes practice. Most people forget all about what they initially learn and adopt thier own methods or techniques over the years. I feel that it is easy to get discouraged when looking at the prices of the supplies in the beginning so start cheap and then move up in time as you get better. Learn the process then buy the tools.



-The cheap paint is too wet
-The expensive paint is too dry
-Get average-cost paint and it'll be perfect.


The most expensive paint is actually...
Shipping: 1, 211$
The actual paint: 1$


“and see if an uneducated artist, like myself can tell the difference”

Has an art channel with millions of subscribers and views.
Has a book on how to draw characters.
Is sponsored by Huion almost every video.
Has a professional studio.
And he just taught you how to make liquid white.


To see if the expensive paints are worth it you need to leave the paintings for about 10 years and come back and then see which ones have faced the test of time.
The expensive paints are usually used by professional artists who are selling their work through galleries. They use the expensive paint cause it has to not fade over time.


One thing to keep in mind, is over a short period of time the cheaper paints will fade and sometimes even chip or peel.
The expensive paints will hold their color much better over time and will overall last much longer.
You get what you pay for when it comes to art supplies (most of the time).


The reasons they're so expensive is because they're being made out of rare stuff or expensive pigments and are made to look good thousands of years from now. The first time business insider was useful lol


Me: wow the Mountain is turning out great
Jazza: *erases it and starts over*


As my art teacher once said:

“You can create art using anything that has ever been made, art tool or not…but good expensive materials sure can help”

She didn’t get the funding she was after :(.


Now that you have painted these, put them in a window and expose them to the sunlight for a couple of months in order to compare lightfastness.


jazza: "should i work with poop?"
also jazza: almost throws up just by putting oil on a piece of paper


Those paints better wash the dishes feed the cats and cook me dinner for that much


Me: *Sees Jazza has made a beautiful painting* Jazza: "So I just got done destroying the mountains."
