Pastor, I want you to know there are people who appreciate you and what you are doing. Thank you so much for this. I definitely understood this when you explained it bit by bit than me reading it. GOD bless you
Thank you so much Pastor for sharing.. Glory to God in the highest...
Praise the Lord..this is very essential thanks for letting me learning smt new
Thank you for this helpful series on Ephesians. I'm sure many of of will carry on now in the rest of the letter.
Thank you for such detailed insight into God's wonderful word.
❤ God bless you Pastor John.
Thank you ❤
Loved this.
I am on a campaign to point out that the undeserved forgiveness that God grants us, the power to please him, the gifts God gives us, which together might be called grace - aren’t things. They are God himself. His in dwelling presence.
Taking each one in turn - forgiveness isn’t our knowing that God wherever he is is not angry with us - a God who sees us as perfect is united with us! One with us. And God doesn’t give us power to please him - the power is his in dwelling presence. (There is no sense in which Christians receive power from God which is distinct from his giving us himself). And finally gifts - the gifts we have are God’s capacity in us. God is apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher etc.
So I think a better cover all definition of grace is undeserved relationship with God.
There are unhelpful consequences for thinking of grace as our being given stuff as distinct from being given God himself. It leads to people thinking that we are free to sin in any way and be “under grace”. This is not correct. There are two ways to sin - knowingly in respect of God and unknowingly. Knowing sin - sin which we know is a statement of the value that relationship with God has for us - is a decision not to be in an undeserved relationship with God (under his terms). It’s not to be under grace (remembering that my definition of grace is being in an undeserved relationship with God) - it’s ignorance of grace. We can still repent of such sin but those who sin in this way find it increasingly difficult to take their own repentance seriously.
Others may take my best attempts further - great. My main concern is that we not talk about Christianity as if God’s blessings can be separated from his presence. This is the spirit of the age we live in - one in which many who profess a faith seek only to mine God of his usefulness.
PS If would be unhelpful to allow the way of thinking I am describing to cause us to think of ourselves as having no image bearing goodness until God enters us. I’m only saying that we can’t please God without his capacity combining with ours.
And there is still a sense in which grace is capable of being distinguished from God’s presence. For example God gives us food to eat. That isn’t him! But this is still not a true blessing to us until we receive it as one in right relationship with the giver.
Thanks Dr. Piper! I have started breaking down verses for kids because of your John Madden style.
A slight error at 5:40 - John Piper says Vertical when he means Horizontal, to describe the reconciliation between Jew and Gentile. (He correctly uses Vertical shortly after to describe the reconciliation between us and God.)
Just thought I’d mention that in case it throws anyone slightly.
Great video, and helpful to hear the two kinds of reconciliation spelled out.
So many in less than 12 minutes. So sad this kind of videos has fewer viewer than many many empty videos out there. Once again, salute to our Lord, and thank you Pastor John for your passion for the Word.
I seek at the beginning to get my heart into such a state that it has no will of its own in regard to a given matter. Nine-tenths of the trouble with people generally is just here. Nine-tenths of the difficulties are overcome when our hearts are ready to do the Lord's will, whatever it may be. When one is truly in this state, it is usually but a little way to the knowledge of what His will is.
2.—Having done this, I do not leave the result to feeling or simple impression. If so, I make myself liable to great delusions.
3.—I seek the Will of the Spirit of God through, or in connection with, the Word of God. The Spirit and the Word must be combined. If I look to the Spirit alone without the Word, I lay myself open to great delusions also. If the Holy Ghost guides us at all, He will do it according to the Scriptures and never contrary to them.
4.—Next I take into account providential circumstances. These often plainly indicate God's Will in connection with His Word and Spirit.
5.—I ask God in prayer to reveal His Will to me aright.
6.—Thus, through prayer to God, the study of the Word, and reflection, I come to a deliberate judgment according to the best of my ability and knowledge, and if my mind is thus at peace, and continues so after two or three more petitions, I proceed accordingly. In trivial matters, and in transactions involving most important issues, I have found this method always effective.
Error at 9:20. It shows 1 Corinthians 12 although Piper mentioned 1 Thessalonians 12.
Do i need baptism for following Yahushua Ha'Massiach?