I Found Possibly The Worst Church EVER!

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I am a new believer. My husband encouraged me to attend this church before I was saved. I went to CBTG for about a year and never felt the presence of God there. Five months ago, I attended a friend’s church (a biblical church) and fell to my knees in tears. I accepted Jesus as my Lord and savior that day. I don’t think I would have if I had continued to go to CBTG. Needless to say, we have switched churches now and I thank God for it every day.


This is what the Prince of preachers referred to as ! “A time will come when instead of shepherds feeding the sheep, the church will have clowns entertaining the goats.”
— Charles H. Spurgeon


This is so hard to watch I came from persecuting country my dads uncle went to prison in Siberia for having Bible study at his house this makes me sick to my stomach that some churches exist like that I'm praying for people that go to that church the ones that get deceived but pastors like them
God bless you all


When I previously attended Hillsong London, they had a visiting Australia 'Pastor' who had a 'movie night' for the Sunday Service. One of the movie's he chose to contrast to the Bible was 'Moulin Rouge' (about a high class prostitute), and then he complained that 'some folks got all religious, and walked out', when it was actually the one's who had godly discernment.


That was my church for 11 years 🙈🙈 I’m so thankful that I left and actually go to a church that teaches the Bible now 🙏🏻


This really looks like a high school pep assembly.


This is the only way for the “pastor” and other members of the church to live out their celebrity fantasies and feel super important.


The first time I saw this Church on another channel that does False Teacher expositions, I couldn't stop shaking my head. Between the secular music(Led Zeppelin, etc.) and the fact that the Pastor admitted that you need to "keep congregants entertained and not bored." Insane.


They call it a church for tax purposes . America is shameful when it comes to standing up & saying no.


Voddie Baucham is right, we need a new reformation. Sheesh


Colin, I lived in Lancaster, Pa. and saw several churches that definitely emphasized in entertainment. Either movie nights, smoke machines, lights dimmed during worship, secular music as an intro to a Men's Group and other things. I also found smaller Godly churches that taught the Word. I'm back in Florida and I've heard of this church. Where I go now, the pastor teaches from the Bible verse by verse and I see the leadership's effort in obedience. Like other churches, we're not perfect, but I believe sincerely that we want to obey our Lord Jesus. Thanks again for this video.


This circus performance is awfully sensual. The spiritual person discern spiritual things but the carnal person looks for things that can stimulate their five bodily senses. Sensuality versus spirituality.


I’m convinced the CbtG is an extension attraction of Universal Studios


Colin, unfortunately, there is a “church” in almost any town that has some of the elements just like this church. As soon as a church begins to have any service with the purpose of entertaining the congregation, this is the evolution you should expect.


Sadly, I've attended this church for 3 years and when I looked at American Gospel my eyes were open. Every weekend at church by the glades was like a rock concert and the youth ministry is the worst which is led by the pastor's son, Charlie Hughes ( a mini Furtick). They are super "creative" around Halloween time 😒. Definitely praying for them 🙏🏽


Good job Colin again for addressing the false pastor's of this world. What has happened to praising God like I thought church was made to be servants of our lord God and Jesus Christ our savior. God help this world with the shame that pastor's and preacher's that I have seen shown on tv today. May God forgive them and I will keep them in my prayers all of all these false and fake pastor's and leader's. God bless you colin brother in our lord and savior Jesus Christ amen


I've been waiting for Collin to do a video on them!
Finally 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


Hello, I was saddened by your interpretation of what church by the glades represents and does. I started going myself and now have most of my family coming with me every Sunday which is a miracle cause they were really against going to church but they love it now and they love Christ. This church through the word of Christ has brought me and my family together closer through Christ of all things which has really created a stronger bond in the family unit and our faith which I believe our world and society need more than ever. We need a strong family unit and fear of god and adherence to his word to fight through the chaos and confusion the enemy continually attacks with to break in the very things I just stated. My experience with the church, the pastor personally, and the sermons he preaches directly from the word of god overshadow the unconventionality of a high production worship and performance from highly creative, musical and artistic members of the congregation. At least thousands of people are in church every Sunday versus being sucked into other things the enemy uses to subvert and slowly eat away at the spirit of those. Your judgment of this church and the constituency who attend as in denial is a reflection of spiritual self- righteousness and matter a fact attitude towards thousands you don’t know and a perversion of truth about the head pastor David Hughes who truly wants others to hear and experience the word of god in their own life through the written word itself. Its saved my life, and many of my friends and friends of there’s in terms of being exposed to what Jesus represents and ultimately surrendering their life to him. Any church that is accomplishing this with word of god and the use of creative worship and high production value doesn’t make it pagan in nature. Your ignorance and judgement goes against every precept of Christianity and alienates those who are actually trying to find Christ and live a better life. The last thing people need in vulnerable times is your smug self righteous contempt that’s sways them from possibly finding Christ and accepting him or not coming to church period. Pride cometh before the fall, and it’s hard to witness and listen to this without feeling defending Al. The hard work the individuals at this church put in, into getting people excited about Jesus and his word. David Hughes is truly great man, never ask for money ever or puts out a collection basket, and when it comes to fellowship, god forbid man that a church wants to facilitate events that brings together there congregation in a social forum that creates a sense of belonging especially in a world where being a Christian man and woman can feel like a lonely endeavor only to find solace in the fact that there is a community of those who believe in Christ as well that can come together outside service to connect and even he’ll each other go through this life. Our church is blessed with amazing talent in the arts and who want to express it. I hope your message in your video doesn’t prevent someone In need from going to this church who is on the fence already.


It's like nobody can sit for an hour in complete reverence to God anymore. We have to be entertained at all times. Even before I was saved, I had enough respect and dignity to know that I was in a house of worship and things should be taken seriously. This is just a free for all.


When I saw the title of this video. I was like this should be about the CBTG. Glad it is, their practices are horrifying.
