Importing Libraries | Raspberry Pi Pico Workshop: Chapter 2.8
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In this video, we take a look at *libraries* and how to use them. We take a look at *standard libraries* in *MicroPython*, how to import *external libraries* in *Thonny*, and we go through an example of finding and using an external *servo library* to drive a servo.
🔧🔨🧰 Hardware featured in this guide:
*LED Pack:*
*Jumper Wires:*
*Button Pack:*
0:00 What are Libraries?
0:45 Standard Libraries in MicroPython
1:27 External Libraries
2:50 Installing an External Library in Thonny
4:00 Looking for Documentation
5:20 Plugging in the Servo
6:05 Adapting the Documentation Code
7:04 Importing a Library from a Python File
7:51 Import and From Keywords
9:27 3 Key Takeaways
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Importing Libraries | Raspberry Pi Pico Workshop: Chapter 2.8
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