Manage The Cost Of Kubernetes Clusters And Cloud Resources With Kubecost

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How much does it cost to run a Kubernetes cluster? How much do we spend on other Cloud resources? Can we break down the price per teams, services, namespaces, and other groups? Is Kubecost the answer to those questions? What is Kubecost?

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00:00 Introduction
03:02 Exploring Kubecost
20:30 Kubecost Pros And Cons
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How do you calculate the price of running Kubernetes and other Cloud resources and how to you split the cost per teams or other entities?

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I have just discovered your channel and I've watched multiple videos already. I've been working as a DevOps engineer for 7 months now and use k8s daily. I will most certainly be watching all your other videos. Keep up the great work!


Fantastic.. I think this would work great to charge back to our internal departments.. Thanks again for the amazing detail


Great demonization. You have convinced me to try this tool for our multi-zone k8 cluster. I will definitely try this out.
Thanks, @Viktor


Thank you for the demo and info - Great product to explore. (FYI - It is my understanding that the "m" for CPU is referring to "millicores")


Thanks for another great video! Sadly Kubecost is only free for a single cluster and this could change at anytime depending on the companies policy. the multi cluster (max 100 nodes) starts at $449 pm. Little disappointed since watching video as I was under the impression it was open source.


They are open core, from their own docs, but they are not being upfront about this, -1 to them.
Next people are complaining about this tool not being free or OSS, I mean it looks like a good tool, so requires effort to develop and maintain. I guess if we are concerned about this, then better to move with VMs and CM tools. :D


Thanks! It wouldd be nice to use admission controllers to limits costs by namespaces or deployment for example. Also it would be nice an option to compare the same current kubernetes infraestructure in AWS with GKE or Azure, since you can extrapolates the costs to other providers somehow


Hello Viktor,
I discovered your channel yesterday out of curiosity to understand how the deprecation of dockershim would affect k8's deployments. Oh my gosh, I have information overload already on so many topics I didn't know I'd be curious to learn about until I started learning from your channel. I have a ton of questions, but I'll ask a few.

By the way, I am not a DevOps Engineer, at least not yet 🙂, but I am open to learning as much as possible.

1. You mentioned nerdctl locally, Kaniko in the k8's cluster, and some other tools can build images from dockerfile. What would be the alternative to dockerfile? Is there anything like containerdfile 🧐 or any other runtime file?
2. What will the ideal development setup be using k8's locally and not docker compose?
3. This is not a question. Thanks for taking the time to share this information.


You put out lots of great content and this is a great review of the features of the commercial product Kubecost. But as others have pointed out, presenting this as an OSS and free project without explaining in the video that you use the limited free tier of their commercial product is very misleading. I think it'd be fair to add some clarifying info in the video. As captions or whatever. If you're going to review an OSS project you should only use the OSS features of it IMO. Again, you're generally doing a great job with this channel and I've learned a lot from you.


Interesting stuff, I'm sure this kind of product will only grow in the near future.


Kubecost is not free (well only if you have a single cluster). It is actually pretty expensive, especially for smaller teams with multiple clusters that require SSO support and the unified view (needs Enterprise license, which is around 20k++ per year)


Great review. CAST AI has covered this on their blog post as well. Basically using both tools Kubecost and CAST AI together will give you an end-to-end solution that will keep your cloud costs in check and generate some pretty impressive savings - CAST AI Kubecost A Perfect Match for End to End Cloud Cost Optimization (can't add URL)


I was wondering whether kubecost is laser focused on monitoring and helping in just kubernetes and associated cloud infra/services or it could even become a single pane of glass to monitor and optimize the cost of resources/services distributed across multiple cloud since you briefly pointed to cloud integration. Just curious, since customers are increasingly getting more interested in cost monitoring and looking for opportunities to optimize resource and its cost utilization across cloud based data centers without playing swivel chair


Do you know if it is possible to see more than 1 cluster if we pay for the full version?


How about opencost? Which one to choose between opencost and kubecost?


I am snuggle how it measure right or not in some case
Let say i have a pod it will have high load in just specify time, kind of like cronjob or ruby sidekiq
let say normal usage it takes only 100m cpu
but when thag request come it takes 1000m for few hour, may be just 1 or 2 times a month
in this case i must give it at least1000m request unless i willing to tune before they exexute, which seems not auto enough
but kubecost will based on normal suggest tell me i only need around 100m cpu...
and when the job running it will never
Whats your suggestion master 😅


You "think" you can scale down your cluster while non-evictable pods (or daemonset) are laughing at you lol
