WWE 2K22: 5 Simple Improvements (Episode 1)

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In this new WWE 2K22 video we're taking a look at 5 Simple Improvements that would be easy to implement and could help make the game much quicker and easier to use.

Let me know what you think about these changes in the comments and if these are something you would like to see added in WWE 2K22!

Enjoy :)

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The camera angle one is honestly extremely smart and would give people limitedless options.




I want create a story back and the create a finisher back. Also an OP mode like defeat the streak or tame the beast(I made this one) can also keep people engaged.


I remember hiding props used to be an option in older games so I see no reason for it to not return. Also I would love the old camera angle back for royal rumble matches. It made them easier to target opponents and you could also see people running down the ramp


The ability to modify the hair, the beard or the tattoos of a in game superstar


Personally, I am not a fan of smashing buttons. I like the pin system as it is as it can make the match more exciting if you somehow unexpectedly kick out of a finisher. Battlegrounds’s pin system is not fun. Not only it damages my controller, but if you’re health is low there’s absolutely no chance of kicking out. So I hope it doesn’t return.


The dives like the swanton bomb, frog Splash, etc are very easy to reversal, wwe2k should make that every dive have a different time of reversal


I still want Custom Music back that way we aren't limited to just the Superstars/Diva themes and regular music like Cubes 1 or Stars 1


Something I've been thinking would be cool is having the ability to give someone a face/heel entrance like how there's face/heel victory scenes


Fighting stances and also create a comeback would make it awesome
Also add more omg moments
And like more apron diving moves and other stuff


These are very minor additions..
For me I would look to the following points:

• Improve the overall gameplay.. this is a huge point but the most important one.
Focus on having matches flow better with improved AI, better hit detection, better damage your body takes during a match which effects your ability to move, climb up ropes, pin quickly etc, make finishing moves and chair/weapon shots give more damage (should be a major factor in a match, hate how wrestlers just get up after a chair shot in recent games even on full damage), more weapons with different damage values, better table & ladder usage, more impact shown with moves (ring shaking and if I powerbomb someone onto the entry ramp it should sound & look epic), improve counter system, targeting limbs with submissions and strikes, blood and injuries in a match.. and lastly more interactive areas around an area (in a normal match).
You should be able to play a normal match 10 times and have different playability results you can achieve.

Also to make a MASSIVE improvement - look at what the UFC franchise has done with their games with players having the option to keep their roster up-to-date with regular network updates.. this includes theme songs, attire, facial and hair styles, new/updated moves etc.. this would make the game last longer (not just have people buy the same game every year). Release an amazing game and you can have updates plus a huge create a wrestler mode which can make the game last.

Lastly match types - have match types have a large amount of editable variables so players can really get creative and customise matches. Thos will also help with the playability and longevity of the game.

I’ve been playing wrestling games for 30 years.
Love them.. I’d love for these game developers to take the same passion into creating a game for the fans who have been loyal throughout so many game titles of various qualities.


We need at least two alternate entrances that change every time you play as that one superstar. At least one retro attire of superstars in one slot like Edge for example with his 2020 attire and 2002 attire.




It would be funny if they have some pandemics arenas for the game 🤣


One simple detail they should add is having the hell in a cell above the ring at the hell in a cell or elimination chamber area if not having nun of them matches. like explain if pick a normal one on one at the elimination chamber area I should see the elimination chamber above the ring like in real life. Its the small details that matters 🙂


I think something they should also add is the addition to adding patterns to attire pieces. They did have a limited amount of patterns from older games but adding things like custom logos and tiling them would be nice as well and add a different texture to the custom attires you make.


1. Reactive Position Feeding - I think the game should be smarter in predicting what the player wants to do by their position in the ring and use Position Feeding accordingly. We already see this happen when you climb the top rope and the CPU automatically rolls into position stays in the face-up position. If I go to the corner, then my opponent should go set up in the opposite corner. It would be even more impressive if the game was able to do this on a case by case basis depending on the wrestler. For example, if KO goes to the corner then the opponent would sit in the corner setting up for the Cannonball Senton, If Balor goes to the corner, then the AI would stand in front of the corner turnbuckle so he could set up the Shotgun Dropkick, If it's Sami Zayn then the opponent would lean against the turnbuckle. etc.

2. Contextual Strikes and Grapples - One of the main things I hate about WWE 2K20 is how horrible the attack tracking is in the game. A lot of the times you'd be swinging wildly into thin air trying to aim attacks at your opponent. ESPECIALLY with weapons. A good way to fix that would be to make attacks contextual to your position. If my opponent is behind me, and I press the strike button instead of just swinging in the direction I'm facing, why not make the attack cater to my opponent's position and throw a back elbow or a Pele Kick. Same for grapples, let me hit them with a snap mare or cutter etc. This would be a lot better than what we currently have.
3. INCLUDE A FREAKING 5 COUNT for submissions and illegal holds - Not sure why this isn't in a game that is supposed to be SIMULATION. How do they just blatantly EXCLUDE a very BASIC rule of wrestling?

4. Different Chain-wrestling style mini-games that vary depending on their fighting style - I like the chain-wrestling feature, but I do think it's very bare. Not every wrestler has a technical skill-set which is the only fighting style the current chain-wrestling feature takes into consideration. I'd like to see 2 Brawlers have a slugfest, Two Big Men take turns bouncing off the ropes trying to knock the other guy down, 2 strong guys have a test of strength, and 2 Luchas have a crazy exchange etc. MIX IT UP 2K.

5. MAKE LIMB DAMAGE A MORE IN-DEPTH FEATURE - This is an extremely under-utilized feature IMO. Why does 2K refuse to make wrestlers sell limb damage? Why does a guy with a severely damaged leg just run around as if nothing wrong? Where is the LIMPING? Where is the SLOW CLIMBING? Why don't wrestlers collapse when trying to lift opponents? How is he still able to RUN? ALL these things happen in pro wrestling but yet again a SIMULATION game can't seem to get it right.


One simple change they can add is bring back create a logo. Because it a good way to make the CAW you want when the online serves are shutdown.


You're the man smacktalks
Personally i would love to see weapons finishers back


They should add a skill to the game to mostly veterans and heels, where if they have bad health and the opponent does a finisher/signature near the ropes, the individual would roll out of the ring to avoid being pinned, which will force the player to make sure to do the finisher at the centre of the ring. Maybe have this feature be used once per match manually.

Think about how cool the animation would look to roll out of the ring due to a Sweet Chin Music?
