Ghost of Tsushima PS5 - Ruthless Samurai - 4K HDR 60FPS

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Ghost of tsushima directors cut , Replaying missions in 4k 60fps .
high action combat , and free roam in lethal plus gameplay.

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Still one of the best games I've played in a VERY Long time. The only complaint I have is its way too repetitive


I wish I never played this game, so I can play it again and appreciate again how marvellous it is.


The most skillful gameplay I've seen around. Not the usual erratic and repeated attacks that you commonly see on videos. Thank you, I've enjoyed it.


This is everything assassins creed couldve been if they kept evolving the engine of syndicate and unity, but still love the fact that ghost of tsushima being a samurai game has better stealth than assassins creed valhalla lol


I've been gaming since I was 5 and I'm 42 now and owned everything pretty from spectrum zx 128k upto playstation 5 /series X ( even a jaguar and a neo geo My favourite two games ever are metal gear solid and legend of zelda tears of the kingdom.... And then this.... This game is without a doubt one of the best games I've EVER EVER OWNED AND PLAYED. I'm 18 hours in and totally blown away by it!!! They say no game on any system is perfect but honestly 100% I'd give this the seal of the perfection from me. I cannot fault it for any single reason. Tears of the kingdom for me took somthing so revolutionary as breath of the wild and didn't equal it.... It surpassed it in every way so for me that's still my favourite game, metal gear solid took an action movie and an amazing story and made it happen, ghost of tsushima took the stale feeling of assassin's creed and smashed it into a freaking love letter to Japanese colture and made assassin's creed look like a indie Ghost of tsushima will be the benchmark of these types of games Cannot see anyone who loves the original assassin's creed type or the spend hours lost in mundane side quests type ever wanting to play anything else now. The story, the design, the mechanics, the backdrop, the general feeling of wonder and amazing things that "just happen" is absolutely nothing short of magic! Everything feels right! The parrying feels right and just as you struggle at first with the Then you literally become awoken like Neo!!!! I can't stop playing And NEVER WANT TO FINISH IT 😭😭😭😭😭 I bought my ps5 four weeks ago today, I got this, final fantasy 7 remake intergrade, this, hell divers 2, this, spiderman 2, this, this, and


I remember booting up this game for the first time and wanting to play it nonstop even when I was laying in bed all I thought about was ghost of Tsushima and I can't believe that was 2 years ago I remember the E3 trailer back in 2017


Looks like an absolutely beautiful and deadly game.


Literally just started playing this game about 2 hours ago… WOW. I’ve been gaming for years and never have I felt so amazed by a game. Don’t wanna sound like a lifeless numbnut but you get my point. The effort and details that has been put into this game is unreal. Never played this game or anything similar to this before but I can guarantee this will be in my top 3. Cannot wait to keep playing this game and seeing what else it has to offer


This is the best game I’ve played in several years. I don’t even usually like PlayStation exclusives that much, but this surprised me. Just so much fun.


With its gorgeous visuals and excellent open world, Ghost of Tsushima immediately seemed like a next-generation title when it was released on the

PlayStation 4. It was obvious Sucker Punch had learnt a lot about making an interesting open world since its work on the Infamous series. But Ghost of

Tsushima's Director's Cut is the ultimate version, and playing it on the PS5 makes it even better. This complete package makes excellent use of the DualSense

in both exploration and combat, even as a polished PS4 game. Add new Japanese voiceover lip sync, as well as other graphic and performance enhancements,

and you currently possess the PlayStation game's must-play version.


I hope one day I'll have enough spare time to play this. I haven't even finished RDR2, nor Elden Ring. Stupid adult life.


Im in love with This game absolutly One of the greatest games ever made, , , , cannot wait untill the second game release....


shogun bought me here to remember the memories of this game


That little setup at 0:48 was a thing of beauty


My ancestor is a Samurai
Ghost of Tsusima❤️from Japan


I wish I could erase all the memory I had with this game so I can replay it like new!


I love this game so much. It will always be one of my favorite games


60fps in this game was breathtaking. Especially the opening credits.


Yes, please make more Ghost of Tsushima video's 🤩


Been away from single player games for a long time . Currently playing AC Origins for the first time but seeing this…
This is next level action shit man . I am definitely gonna buy this after finishing AC odyssey series too. One at a time my man
